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Bank Alfalah announces winner of Rising Talent Award at the Aibak Polo Cup

Karachi, February 24, 2014 (PPI-OT): As part of its ‘Rising Talent – Discovering the Potential of Pakistan’ platform, Bank Alfalah announced Saqib Khan Khaqwani as the winner of its ‘Rising Talent Award’ at the Aibak Polo Cup. Bank Alfalah awarded Saqib Khan Khaqwani a cash prize worth Rs200,000 at the closing ceremony of the event.

The ceremony was attended by Chief Guest, Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rahman, Minister Finance, Excise and Taxation – Punjab, Khurram Hussain, Group Head of Retail (Central and North) and Consumer Finance, Bank Alfalah and President Lahore Polo Club amongst others.

Speaking at the event, Khurram Hussain said, “Bank Alfalah enjoys a longstanding association with sports and youth development. On behalf of the Bank, I would like to congratulate Saqib Khan Khaqwani for exhibiting such promising skills. We are optimistic that this unique ‘Rising Talent Award’ introduced by the Bank to recognize emerging Polo players, will play a vital role in motivating and nurturing deserving young players”.

For more information, Contact:
Saba Karim Khan
Head of Corporate Communications
Bank Alfalah Limited
Tel: (+9221) 32423952, 021-111-777-786 (x) 2101

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