Karachi, July 03, 2013 (PPI-OT): This is to inform you that the Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Muhammad Aurangzeb Amin as Company Secretary and Head of Legal of the Bank. He has taken the charge of the Company Secretariat Function w.e.f. June 26, 2013 from Mr. Nasir Islam who was performing his duties as acting Company Secretary, Faysal Bank Limited (FABL).
The contact details of Mr. Amin are given as under:-
Mr. Muhammad Aurangzeb Amin
Company Secretary and Head of Legal
Faysal House, ST-02, Commercial Lane
Main Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Phone No: 0092-21-32795260
Fax No: 0092-21-32795225
Email: aurangzebamin@faysalbank.com
This is for you information and record.
For more information, contact:
Mazhar Hussain
Manager Shares and Corporate Affairs
Faysal Bank Limited
Faysal House, ST.02, Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Karachi, Pakistan.
UAN: 021 111 747 747
Tel: 021 3279 5200
Fax: 021 3279 5228
Email: www.faysalbank.com