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Finance minister meets Chairman Export-Import Bank of United States

Islamabad, October 12, 2014 (PPI-OT): Federal Minister for Finance Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar met Mr. Fred Hochberg, Chairman Export-Import Bank (EXIM Bank) of the United States, in Washington DC on the sidelines of IMF / World Bank meetings. Senator Dar apprised the Chairman of successful holding of Diamer Bhasha Dam Opportunities Conference in Washington DC earlier this week.

He added that due to the unwavering commitment of the current government towards economic revival of the economy and concrete steps taken to the effect, all economic indicators are showing a steady growth.

Referring to the recently concluded Energy Dialogue, the Finance Minister said that there is a keen air for investment in Pakistan’s Oil and Gas sector. He invited top management of EXIM Bank to visit Pakistan to get firsthand information of investment opportunities and investor friendly incentives by the government.

Finance Minister requested Chairman Exim Bank to provide a level playing field to US investors who want to make investment in Pakistan, especially in energy sector. Finance Minister drew the attention of US investors’ interest in Diamir Basha dam and said that EXIM Bank can play an important role for the possibility of financing supply of equipment and machinery by the US companies.

Chairman Exim Bank stated that the investment decisions of Exim Bank are based on the risk assessment conducted by the Bank each year. He said that this assessment is based on the country evaluation by IMF, Country Sovereign Ratings by Rating Agencies and their own analysis. He expressed hope that in view of the improved macro economic indicators of Pakistan there will be greater US investment in Pakistan.

Lastly he said that the Bank was keenly looking at investors’ interest and was examining the possibility of providing financing to the US companies for this project.

For more information, contact:
Haji Ahmed Malik
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Press Information Department (PID)
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