Islamabad: President FPCCI Haji Fazal Kadir Khan Sherani has appointed Mr. Gulzar Firoz as Chairman of FPCCI Standing Committee on Environment for the year 2012. His nomination is reflective of the confidence reposed in him by the President FPCCI, in view of his contribution in the same committee during past years, as Chairman.
Mr. Gulzar Firoz is Chief Executive of Firoz and Company, Karachi, former Chairman of Korangi Association of Trade and Industry and former Chairman of Pakistan Tanners Association. Mr. Gulzar Firoz is actively involved in various trade and social welfare activities.
For more information, contact:
Malik Sohail Hussain
Chairman FPCCI Standing
Committee on Media and PR
Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI)
Tel: +9251 2251 891-3
Fax: +9251 2251 894
Cell: +92333 5155300; +92321 5155500