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India asked to honour promises with Kashmiris

Srinagar, June 29, 2019 (PPI-OT): In occupied Kashmir, the Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Gilani, has asked the Indian rulers to honour and respect the promises of their leaders with the people of Kashmir to avert a nuclear catastrophe over the long-pending dispute.

Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said denial of historical facts by India can in no way affect the internationally-recognized disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir, while the people of Jammu and Kashmir have a unanimous stand that the issue should be resolved peacefully, once and for all. He deplored that three generations of occupied Kashmir had lived a suffocated and fear-filled life and now fourth generation was forced to take the same path.

The Chairman of Hurriyat forum, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, speaking at a function in Srinagar said that the draconian laws like Armed Forces Special Powers Act and Public Safety Act had been imposed to suppress the genuine voices of the people of occupied Kashmir.

The Democratic Freedom Party in a statement appealed to the international human rights organizations to take practical steps for the release of hundreds of Kashmiri political prisoners languishing in jails in and outside the occupied territory. A person who was critically injured in a mysterious blast in Khudwani area of Kulgam district on Thursday succumbed at Soura hospital in Srinagar today.

Indian forces launched an intense search operation across the Kishtwar town in the Jammu region. All public and private vehicles were stopped at all checkpoints in the town in the name of security. APHC leader Mir Shahid Saleem along with a delegation visited the residences of the students died in a road accident in Surankot and expressed solidarity with their families. Around a dozen students were killed in the tragic accident on Thursday.

Massive protests were held at Srinagar-Gulmarg highway in Magam town against the anti-people policies of the Indian authorities. Meanwhile, Ummat-e-Islami organized a blood donation camp in Islamabad town, today, in memory of noted Islamic scholar Dr. Qazi Nisar and other Kashmiri martyrs.

For more information, contact:
Kashmir Media Service
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