Breaking News

Indian FM shedding crocodile tears on Kunanposhpora incident

Srinagar, June 30, 2013 (PPI-OT): In occupied Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyet Conference leader and the Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir National Front, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, has said that the Indian Foreign Minster, Salman Khurshid, is shedding crocodile tears on Kunanposhpora mass rape case. Nayeem Ahmad Khan addressing his party meeting in Srinagar said that if New Delhi would have felt ashamed on the tragedy then the Prime Minister, who was recently in Srinagar, would have himself spoken on it.

Meanwhile, noted rights activist and the Chairman of International Forum for Justice and Human Rights Forum Jammu and Kashmir, Mohammad Ahsan Untoo, in his statement, reacting to the recent assertion of the Indian Foreign Minister, said that India had shown its real face to the people of Kashmir. He said, on one hand, the Indian rulers are saying that Kashmir was an integral part of India, while on the other, they are trying to justify the killing of innocent Kashmiris.

The Support Group for Justice for Kunan Poshpora and Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society in a joint statement issued in Srinagar deplored that after 22 years the Indian government partially acknowledged the Kunanposhpora mass rape.

The statement said that it was not enough as justice cannot be substituted by mere acknowledgements. Prosecution of the troops involved in the heinous crime is the only meaningful response, it added.

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