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Islamabad Stock Exchange Closing Rate of Food and Personal Care Products dated 31-10-2013

Islamabad, October 31, 2013 (PPI-OT):

Company Name                    SymbolCode  Opening  Closing Volume Change
Mitchell's Fruit Farms            MFFL      456.67    468.29    0   11.62
Murree Brewery XD                 MUREB     307.44    317.07    0    9.63
National Foods XDXB               NATF      316.00    327.85    0   11.85
Quice Food                        QUICE       5.58      5.60    0    0.02
Shield Corporation XD             SCL       149.55    149.55    0    0.00
Treet Corporation XD              TREET      90.83     86.29    0   -4.54
Treet Corporation (R )            TREETR     23.50     21.29    0   -2.21
Treet Corp. (PTCs) XD             TCLTC      35.50     34.40    0   -1.10

For more information, contact:
Islamabad Stock Exchange
ISE Towers
55-B, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92(51)111-473-473
Fax: +92(51)111-473-329

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