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Karachi Stock Exchange Stock Market Position on 07-05-2014

Karachi, May 07, 2015 (PPI-OT):

                                                    DAILY STOCK MARKET REPORT

                                             Market Position Printed On MAY-07-2015

COMPANIES              KSE                 KSE-30       KSE-100      KSE-ALLSHARES      KMI-30          BATi             OGTi
POSITION               INDICES              INDEX        INDEX         INDEX             INDEX         INDEX            INDEX
Plus         121       Current            21736.11      33742.88      23705.30        55508.64       17032.44         17915.64
Minus        218       Previous           21786.69      33839.28      23699.44        55703.66       17119.04         17748.97
Unchanged     20       High               21822.51      33885.02      23764.59        55815.93       17144.30         17995.69
Total        359       Low                21635.70      33619.98      23575.12        55244.29       16991.19         17587.02
                       Net Change           -50.58        305.64          5.86         -195.02         -86.60           166.67
                       Percentage            -0.23         -0.28          0.02           -0.35          -0.51             0.94

                    TURNOVER                         TRADING VALUE                         MARKET CAPITAL
Current           159,840,670                        8,505,599,036                       7,353,583,401,425
Previous          214,624,380                       11,909,203,351                       7,354,233,502,707

                                                COMPANIES REFLECTING SIGNIFICANT TURNOVER

Company Name               Prv. Rate     Opening Rate    Closing Rate    Highest Rate    Low Rate             Turnover

Byco Petroleum              12.42            12.74           13.16           13.40        12.74              23,902,500
K-Electric Ltd.              7.76             7.79            7.66            7.79         7.60               9,108,000
TRG Pak Ltd                 18.89            19.08           19.16           19.64        18.62               8,888,000
Pak Elektron                63.13            63.15           61.90           63.25        61.54               8,777,500
P.T.C.L.XD                  22.06            22.50           22.31           22.84        22.23               7,613,500
Engro Fert.XD               85.95            85.85           85.74           86.30        85.40               6,883,500
Lotte Chemical               6.12             6.34            6.32            6.40         6.10               6,864,000
Jah.Sidd. Co.               20.01            20.10           19.61           20.20        19.51               4,765,500
Fauji Cement XD             33.16            33.03           32.91           33.29        32.71               4,423,000
Pak Int.Bulk                33.98            34.60           33.96           34.60        33.69               4,374,000


Company Name                Increased By           Closing Rate        Company Name            Decreased By        Closing Rate

Nestle PakXD                  225.00                 10200.00          Allawasaya Tex             17.50               332.50
Shezan Inter                   43.50                   913.50          Abbott Lab.XD              14.21               610.20

                                                           FUTURE CONTRACT

TURNOVER                                Plus                     124
Current            18,774,000           Minus                     27
Previous           31,567,500           Unchanged                  1

Company Name                    Prv. Rate     Opening Rate     Closing Rate     Highest Rate     Low Rate      Turnover

PAEL-MAY                         63.64             63.69            62.44            63.70        62.09       5,434,500
ENGRO-MAY                       302.13            302.49           296.48           302.50       295.55       2,291,000
ENGRO-MAYB                      302.83            301.60           296.64           302.50       296.11       1,784,000
EFERT-MAY                        86.65             86.30            86.33            86.88        85.72       1,776,000
PTC-MAY                          22.30             22.62            22.46            22.90        22.25         978,500

For more information, contact:
S. Munawar Ali
Senir Manager
Public Relations
Karachi Stock Exchange
Tel: (92-21) 111-001122
Fax: (92-21) 3241 0825, (92-21) 3241 5136

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