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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Local Government, Elections and Rural Development to inaugurate sanitation campaign from September 11

Peshawar, September 09, 2013 (PPI-OT): The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Local Government, Elections and Rural Development Inayatullah Khan will inaugurate a province wise sanitation campaign from September 11, 2013 and will motivate the municipal workers to carry out sanitation throughout the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The campaign will continue till October 10, 2013.

In this connection a meeting was held under the chairmanship of Secretary Local Government and Rural Development Hifzur Rahman in which it was decided that every effort would be made to make the sanitation drive successful.

The representatives of Oxfam, NRC, IRC, SRSP, Unicef, ACTED, Swiss Development Agency and officers of the local government department attended the meeting. In the meeting it was decided that workers of the Municipal Corporation Peshawar and all the district municipal committees will take part in the drive.

The secretaries local government and local council board will supervise the sanitation campaign who will also undertake visits of different areas to check the sanitation activities of the workers.

The meeting also decided that all the deputy commissioners concerned will assist in this connection to ensure disposal of all the refuse lying in the open during the whole year. The meeting was told that the secretaries local bodies and local council board will also listen to the complaints of the general masses on their mobile telephones and would look into the same complaints regarding disposal of refuse.

It was also decided that the places where garbage dumps were lying would be identified and would be disposed of on permanent basis. At least 1600 workers of the Municipal Corporation Peshawar will be made at work during the sanitation campaign while in awareness drives all the citizens would be asked to play their role in the sanitation campaign.

The Secretary Local Government Hifzur Rahman while addressing the meeting stated that the sanitation drive and disposal of refuse would not be taken as an emotional decision but it should be developed as a permanent practice and would be kept continued. He said dwellers of all the areas should be enabled to develop sanitation culture in their day to day life.

For more information, contact:
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Tel: 091 921 1789

The post Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Local Government, Elections and Rural Development to inaugurate sanitation campaign from September 11 appeared first on AsiaNet-Pakistan.

The post Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Local Government, Elections and Rural Development to inaugurate sanitation campaign from September 11 appeared first on AsiaNet-Pakistan.

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