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Pakistan and World Bank Discuss Enhanced Support for Flood Recovery Efforts

Washington DC, In a crucial meeting with Mr. Axel Van Trotsenburg, Senior Managing Director of the World Bank, Pakistan’s Finance Minister, Mr. Muhammad Aurangzeb, explored strategies for maximizing support for flood-affected regions in Pakistan. The discussion focused on effectively utilizing International Development Association (IDA) resources and leveraging the World Bank’s expertise to aid recovery and development efforts.

According to Press Information Department, the meeting centered on the potential for offsetting the front loading of IDA allocations specifically targeted at areas impacted by recent severe flooding. Both parties acknowledged the need to narrate Pakistan’s successful use of IDA resources more effectively, which could enhance the visibility and impact of the efforts.

Furthermore, Minister Aurangzeb and Mr. Van Trotsenburg discussed the benefits of accessing the World Bank’s Knowledge Centre as a valuable resource for planning and implementing development projects in Pakistan. This engagement highlights a shared commitment to deepening cooperation between Pakistan and the World Bank, aiming to bolster Pakistan’s resilience against natural disasters and to support sustainable economic recovery.

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