Breaking News

President Condemns Attack On Polio Vaccination Team In Swabi

Karachi, June 16, 2013 (PPI-OT): President Asif Ali Zardari has strongly condemned the attack on a polio vaccination team in Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa today in which two volunteers involved in polio eradication campaign lost their lives.

While condemning the death of the two polio volunteers, the President said that such cowardly and inhuman acts of the militants and extremists cannot deter the strong resolve of the government to eradicate Polio, the crippling disease from the country.

The President while expressing his profound grief and sorrow over the unfortunate incident expressed sympathies with the bereaved families of the workers and prayed to Almighty for the eternal peace of the departed souls.

The President paid rich tribute to the volunteers who sacrificed their lives for the noble cause and urged all concerned to provide foolproof security to the anti- polio vaccination teams.

For more information, contact:
Haji Ahmed Malik
Principal Information Officer
Press Information Department (PID)
Tel: +9251 925 2323 and +9251 925 2324
Fax: +9251 925 2325 and +9251 925 2326

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