Breaking News

Prime Minister greets President of Turkmenistan on national flag day

Islamabad, February 18, 2014 (PPI-OT): Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has felicitated the President of Turkmenistan Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov on the occasion of their National Flag Day being celebrated on 19 February, 2014.

In his message of greetings to the President, Prime Minister has expressed that “On behalf of the Government and people of Pakistan and on my own behalf, I extend our heartiest felicitations and best wishes to Your Excellency, the Government and people of Turkmenistan on the occasion of Turkmenistan’s National Flag Day.

Pakistan greatly values its relations with Turkmenistan. We are keenly interested in expanding our bilateral cooperation especially in the economic domain. I am confident that through our collective endeavours, the existing friendly relations between our two countries will continue to develop in the days ahead.

I avail myself of this opportunity to express my best wishes for Your Excellency’s health, happiness and long life and for the continued progress and prosperity of the people of Turkmenistan under your dynamic leadership”.

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