Karachi, August 11, 2016 (PPI-OT):Mr. S. M. Muneer, CE, TDAP along-with the officers of TDAP met with Consul of Republic of Italy in Karachi Dr. Gianluca Rubagotti at TDAP Headquarter. Mr. S. M. Muneer, CE TDAP, welcomed the honourable guests and shed the light on Pakistan – Italy trade potential and also shared that Pakistan is one of the major suppliers of leather, ready-made garments, cotton cloths, terry products, etc to Italy.
Mr. S. M. Muneer point out that Italy’s world import is about US$ 448 billion whereas Pakistan has meagre share in it despite having a great potential. Therefore, a pragmatic approach with focused effort may needs to be undertaken in order to enhance bilateral trade relation between both countries.
The honourable guest briefed the purpose of his visit and shared that a high profile Italian delegation would visit Pakistan in December, 2016. He further shared that new Ambassador of Italy in Pakistan is also keen to boost the bilateral trade between both countries and in pursuance of this vision a seminar was arranged the Embassy of Italy during the month of March at Islamabad with the caption of “Doing Business with Italy” which was well attended by business community of Pakistan.
For more information, contact:
Mr. Farooque Memon
Information and Communication Division
Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP)
3rd Floor, Block A, Finance and Trade Centre,
P. O. Box No. 1293, Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Karachi 75200, Pakistan
UAN: +92-21-111-444-111
Tel: +92-21-99206487-90, +92-21-99201526
Fax: +92-21-99206461, +92-21-99201526
Email: tdap@tdap.gov.pk, farooque.memon@tdap.gov.pk
Website: www.tdap.gov.pk