Breaking News

Sindh governor’s message on the occasion of world anti-tobacco day

Karachi, May 31, 2023 (PPI-OT): Sindh Governor Kamran Khan T. Tesori has said in his message on the occasion of World Anti-Tobacco Day that we are all aware of the effects of smoking on health, the increasing use of smoking and drugs among the youth. It is worrisome, it is very important to make the young generation aware of the harmful effects of smoking, smoking is not only harmful to health but its import also costs serious foreign exchange, it is our responsibility to keep the young generation away from harmful substances. There is a responsibility, the media should also play its positive role in this regard.

For more information, contact:

Advisor to Governor (Higher Education and Media)

Sindh Governor House

Tel: +92-21-99201216-7, +92-21-99201201-3



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