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Stable Pakistan integral to China’s growth: Yao Jing

Islamabad, March 17, 2018 (PPI-OT): Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that China has given China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to Pakistan as a gift of friendship, which has proved to be a game changer for Pakistan. He said this during the meeting with Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing in Lahore today (Saturday).

Both sides discussed matters of mutual interest, progress on China Pakistan Economic Corridor Project and increasing ties between the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and Communist Party of China. Speaking on the occasion, the Chinese ambassador congratulated Shahbaz Sharif on becoming the president of Pakistan Muslim League-N.

The Chinese Ambassador also invited Shahbaz Sharif to attend International Political Parties Conference in China. Speaking at an interactive policy dialogue on “Pakistan-China Relations in the 21st century” in Lahore, the Chinese Ambassador said Pakistan’s importance to China would continue to increase because of centrality of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor route in the Belt and Road Initiative.

He said stable Pakistan is integral to China’s growth and development. The Ambassador said China envisages CPEC to be a lead project for connectivity and peace to the whole world. Earlier, former foreign secretary and Chairman Lahore Center for Peace Research Ambassador Shamshad Ahmed Khan, said that China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a huge regional agenda with mutual interests rooted in China’s and Pakistan’s common vision for a better future and prosperity of the region.

For more information, contact:
Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage
Government of Pakistan
4th Floor, Cabinet Block, Pak. Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-9103557

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