Summary of Punjab Budget 2013-14 having a total outlay of Rs871billion

Lahore, June 20, 2013 (PPI-OT):

                                                                                                       (Rs. in million)       
Head of Account                                             Accounts           Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                            2011-2012         Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                              2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
Total Provincial Consolidated Fund (Revenue + Capital)     690,850.597     1,021,204.453     989,598.278     1,180,214.210
Total General Revenue Receipts                             606,234.406       780,674.805     719,778.024       871,953.317
Federal Transfers and Straight Transfers                   483,898.427       650,735.911     568,769.226       702,120.646
Provincial Tax Revenue                                      68,921.052        95,014.294      90,475.493       126,702.799
Provincial Non-Tax Revenue                                  53,414.927        34,924.600      60,533.305        43,129.872
Total General Capital Receipts A/c -I                       11,357.648        27,046.134      28,189.814        47,361.259
General Capital Receipts                                       579.011        15,558.620      10,558.797        17,661.259
Foreign Projects Assistance                                 10,778.637        11,487.514      17,631.017        29,700.000
Total General Capital Receipts A/c -II                      73,258.543       213,483.514     241,630.440       260,899.634

ESTIMATES OF TAX RECEIPTS                                                            (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                            Accounts         Budget            Revised          Budget
                                           2011-2012       Estimates         Estimates        Estimates
FEDERAL TRANSFERS                         483,898.427      650,735.911      568,769.226      702,120.646
B     TAX REVENUE                         483,898.427      650,735.911      568,769.226      702,120.646
B01   DIRECT TAXES                        185,610.078      258,043.580      219,683.410      273,832.152
B011  Tax on Income                       185,574.069      258,043.580      219,683.410      273,832.152
B012  Wealth Tax                                3.154                -                -                -
B015  Workers Welfare Fund                      2.522                -                -                -
B018  Capital Value Tax on Moveable Property   30.333                -                -                -
B02   INDIRECT TAXES                      298,288.349      392,692.331      349,085.816      428,288.494
B021  Land Custom                          58,280.351       69,542.939       67,705.956       78,436.271
B022  Customs Surcharge                         0.022                -                -                -
B023  Sales Tax on Import-Share of Net    209,944.704      290,238.987      248,924.067      303,875.819
B024  Federal Excise                       29,543.068       32,233.225       31,921.142       45,528.610
B025  Federal Excise on Natural Gas           520.204          677.180          534.651          447.794

ESTIMATES OF TAX RECEIPTS                                                               (Rs. in million) 
Head of Account                               Accounts          Budget        Revised           Budget
                                              2011-2012        Estimates      Estimates        Estimates
PROVINCIAL RECEIPTS                          122,335.979     129,938.894     151,008.798      169,832.671
B     TAX REVENUE                             68,921.052      95,014.294      90,475.493      126,702.799
B01   DIRECT TAXES                            18,732.465      25,311.940      24,374.783       31,076.815
B011  Tax on Income (Agriculture)                762.443         720.522         863.506        2,018.938
B013  Property Tax                             5,193.187       9,859.580       8,890.473       11,952.120
B014  Land Revenue                             9,259.410      10,621.004      10,316.646       11,583.643
B016  Tax on Profession, Trades and Callings     449.491         886.500         494.372          583.359
B017  Capital Value Tax on Immoveable Property 3,067.934       3,224.334       3,809.786        4,938.755
B02   INDIRECT TAXES                          45,821.807      63,705.077      60,488.177       89,475.194
B023  Sales Tax (GST Provincial)              26,813.238      40,496.470      37,000.000       62,350.000
B026  Provincial Excise                        1,307.070       2,058.867       1,510.685        1,782.608
B027  Stamps Duty                             11,007.029      12,168.163      12,455.218       14,697.157
B028  Motor Vehicles                           6,687.912       8,970.767       9,515.716       10,638.543
B029  Sale of Opium                                6.558          10.810           6.558            6.886
B03   OTHERS INDIRECT TAXES                    4,366.780       5,997.277       5,612.533        6,150.790
B030  Others Indirect Taxes                    4,366.780       5,997.277       5,612.533        6,150.790

ESTIMATES OF TAX RECEIPTS                                                                                  (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts     Budget         Revised        Budget
                                                                          2011-2012   Estimates       Estimates      Estimates
                                                                                      2012-2013       2012-2013      2013-2014
     FEDERAL TRANSFERS                                                   483,898.427  650,735.911    568,769.226    702,120.646
B    TAX REVENUE                                                         483,898.427  650,735.911    568,769.226    702,120.646
B01  DIRECT TAXES                                                        185,610.078  258,043.580    219,683.410    273,832.152
     B011  Tax on Income                                                 185,574.069  258,043.580    219,683.410    273,832.152
           B01101 IncomeTax                                                     0137
           B01105 Deduction at Source Under Section 50                         0.003
           B01108 Share of Net proceeds assigned to Provinces            185,573.506   258,043580    219,683.410    273,832.152
           B01120 Others                                                       0.001            -              -              -
           B01121 SuperTax                                                     0.009            -              -              -
           B01122 Surcharge                                                    0.014            -              -              -
           B01124 Deduction at Source Under Section 50 of the l.Tax Ord        0.038            -              -              -

           B01131 IncomeTax                                                    0.001            -              -              -
           B01132 Surcharge                                                    0.017            -              -              -
           B01134 Deduction at source under section 50                         0.002            -              -              -
           B01141 IncomeTax-OrdinaryCollection                                 0.008            -              -              -
           B01142 Deduction at Source Under Section 50                         0.002            -              -              -
           B01151 Income Tax-Ordinary Collection                               0.012            -              -              -
           B01152 Deduction at Source Under Section 50                         0.078            -              -              -
           B01161 IncomeTax-OrdinaryCollection                                 0.001            -              -              -
           B01163 Deduction at source under Section 50                         0.039            -              -              -
           B01177 Taxes from Agriculture Share of Net                          0.003            -              -              -
           B01187 Income Tax from Salaries of Federal Government               0.198            -              -              -
     B012  Wealth Tax:                                                         3.154            -              -              -
           B01206 Share of Net proceeds assigned to Provinces                  3.154            -              -              -
     B015  Workers Welfare Fund                                                2.522            -              -              -
           B01502 Contribution Under Companies Profits (Workers                2.522            -              -              -
           Participation Act 1968
     B018  Capital Value Tax on Moveable Property                             30.333            -              -              -
           B01802 Capital Value Tax Motor Vehicles                             0.084            -              -              -
           B01802 Capital Value Tax on Motor Vehicles - Commercial             0.005            -              -              -
           B01809 Capital Value Tax on Motor Vehicles                         30.244            -              -              -
     B02   INDIRECT TAXES                                                298,288.349  392,692.331    349,085.816    428,288.494
     B021  Land Custom                                                    58,280.351   69,542.939     67,705.956     78,436.271
           B02101 Imports                                                      0.031            -              -              -
           B02170 Share of Net Proceeds Assigned to Provinces             58,280.320   69,542.939     67,705.956     78,436.271
     B022  Custom Surcharge                                                    0.022
           B02201 Surcharge - Iqra                                             0.002            -              -              -
           B02202 Flood Relief Surcharge                                       0.020
     B023  Sales Tax                                                     209,944.704  290,238.987    248,924.067    303,875.819
           B02301 Ordinary Collection                                          0.009
           B02303 Share of Net Proceeds Assigned to Provinces            209,944.244  290,238.987    248,924.067    303,875.819
           B02341 Ordinary Collection                                          0.188            -              -              -
           B02351 Ordinary Collection                                          0.221            -              -              -
           B02352 Other Collections                                            0.001            -              -              -
           B02366 Sales Tax on Services collected on behalf of Province        0.041            -              -              -
     B024  Federal Excise                                                 29,543.068   32,233.225     31,921.142     45,528.610
           B02408 Share of Net Proceeds Assigned to Provinces             29,543.067   32,233.225     31,921.142     45,528.610
           B02413 Soda Ash                                                     0.001            -              -              -
     B025  Federal Excise Duty on Natural Gas                                520.204      677.180        534.651        447.794
           B02501 Receipts on Account of Federal Excise  and  Excise Duty      0.010            -              -              -
           B02503 Net Proceeds on Excise Duty on Natural Gas                 520.194      677.180        534.651        447.794
           Assigned to Provinces

ESTIMATES OF TAX RECEIPTS                                                                                       (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts        Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                          2011-2012      Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                         2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
PROVINCIAL RECEIPTS                                                     122,335.979     129,938.894      151,008.798      169,832.671
B       TAX REVENUE                                                      68,921.052      95,014.294       90,475.493      126,702.799
B01     DIRECT TAXES                                                     18,732.465      25,311.940       24,374.783       31,076.815
B011    Tax on Income                                                       762.443         720.522          863.506        2,018.938
B01173  Tax on Agriculture Income                                           762.443         720.522          863.506        2,018.938
B013    Property Tax                                                      5,193.187       9,859.580        8,890.473       11,952.120
        Urban Immovable Property Tax - Net                                5,193.187       9,859.580        8,890.473       11,952.120
B01301  Ordinary Collection                                               4,162.283       5,905.000        4,919.206        7,254.663
B01302  Share of Net Proceeds assigned to TMAs etc                       (2,485.765)              -                -                -
B01303  Tax on Luxury Houses                                                  0.004               -                -                -
B01304  Farm House Tax                                                            -         100.000            4.778           17.000
B01310  Other Collections                                                     0.103               -                -                -
B01311  Fees for Registering Documents                                    3,486.119       3,802.997        3,958.718        4,671.287
B01312  Copying Registered Documents                                         23.155          37.332            3.374            3.982
B01320  Others                                                                7.288          14.251            4.397            5.188
B014    Land Revenue                                                      9,259.410      10,621.004       10,316.646       11,583.643
B01401  Ordinary Collection                                                       -               -                -                -
B01402  Development Cess                                                      0.010               -                -                -
B01403  Malkana                                                               4.195           4.083            5.641            6.657
B01404  Sale of Government Estates                                            3.346               -                -                -
B01405  Sale of Waste Land                                                    0.849               -                -                -
B01406  Fines and Forfeitures                                                22.458          36.433           11.880           14.018
B01407  Rent of Agricultural Land for a Single Year                         502.342         606.000          528.887          624.087
B01408  Rent from Shops/Other Sites,Nazul Buildings and Land                 17.284          21.734           15.892           18.752
B01409  Others not elsewhere Classified                                       0.022           0.002            0.175            0.207
B01411  Recovery on account of Survey and Settlement                          0.051           0.059            0.004            0.005
B01412  Recovery of Maintenance of Boundaries and Pillars                     0.001               -                -                -
B01413  Fees for Consolidation of Holdings                                    0.186           0.180            0.078            0.092
B01414  Tirni Grazing Dues                                                    0.062           0.061            0.435            0.514
B01415  Collection Fee on the Dues Recovered as Arrears of                    0.067           0.233            0.078            0.092
        Land Revenue                        
B01416  Revenue Talbana                                                       7.935          11.337            0.465            0.549
B01417  Mutation Fee                                                      8,607.709       9,829.862        9,648.272       10,794.961
B01418  Copying and Inspection Fee of Patwaries Record                       61.714          71.561           69.949           82.540
B01419  Copying Fee for the Preparation of Produce Statement                  0.051           0.052            0.031            0.036
B01420  Examination Fee from Naib Tehsildars and Patwaries                    0.003               -                -                -
B01421  Recoveries of Overpayments                                            0.898           1.129            0.611            0.721
B01422  Collection of Payments for Services Rendered                          0.117           0.123                -                -
B01423  Portion of Land Revenue Transferred to Irrigation                     0.042               -                -                -
B01424  Local Rates on Lands Interests Assessable to Land
        Revenue-Others                                                       20.562           26.572          16.672           19.673
B01425  Land Revenue-Others                                                   9.506           11.583          17.576           20.739

ESTIMATES OF TAX RECEIPTS                                                                                      (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                              Accounts        Budget         Revised       Budget
                                                                            2011-2012       Estimates      Estimates     Estimates
                                                                                            2012-2013      2012-2013     2013-2014
    B016  Tax on Profession, Trade and Callings-                              449.491        886.500        494.372       583.359
          B01601  Ordinary Collection                                         431.653        886.500        494.372       583.359
          B01602  Foreign Air Travel                                            0.001              -              -             -
          B01603  Deduction at Source                                          17.829              -              -             -
          B01604  Health Tax                                                    0.003              -              -             -

          B01605  Education Tax                                                 0.005              -              -             -
          B01670  Other Collection                                                  -              -              -             -
    B017  Capital Value Tax on Immoveable Property                          3,067.934      3,224.334      3,809.786     4,938.755
          B01701  Urban                                                     1,958.629              -              -             -
          B01702  Rural                                                        22.431              -              -             -
          B01703  Capital Value Tax on Immovable Assets - Urban (Res          300.495              -              -             -
          B01704  Capital Value Tax on Immovable Assets - Urban (Com          616.551              -              -             -
          B01705  Capital Value Tax on Immovable Assets - Urban (0th           72.359              -              -             -
          B01706  Capital Value Tax on Immovable Assets - Rural (Res           11.663              -              -             -
          B01707  Capital Value Tax on Immovable Assets - Rural (Agr            1.843              -              -             -
          B01708  Capital Value Tax on Immovable Assets - Rural (0th            0.057              -              -             -
          B01709  Capital Valube Tax on Immovable Property                     23.694              -              -             -
          B01770  Others                                                       60.212      3,224.334      3,809.786     4,938.755
    B02           INDIRECT TAXES                                           45,821.807     63,705.077     60,488.177    89,475.194
    B023          Sales Tax                                                26,813.238     40,496.470     37,000.000    62,350.000
          B02382  Transfer of Sales Tax on Services (GST Provincial) to    26,813.238     40,496.470        466.657             -
          B02385  Sales Tax on Services (Punjab)                                    -              -     36,533.343    62,350.000
    B026  Provincial Excise                                                 1,307.070      2,058.867      1,510.685     1,782.608
          B02601   Malt Liquors-Duty on Bear Manufactured in Pakistan          93.789        108.497        234.044       276.172
          B02602   Duty on Foreign Liquors                                    285.590        352.830        334.571       394.794
          B02603   Licence Fee for Generally Sale of Foreign Liquor           746.968        815.600        684.447       807.647
          B02610   Other - Spirit and Fermented Products                        0.294            -                -             -
          B02611   Licence Fee for Commercial Spirits                           2.690          3.086          0.852         1.005
          B02612   Licence Fee for Denatured Spirits                           11.150         11.859          2.282         2.693
          B02613   Permit Fee for Denatured Spirits                            60.265         67.140         57.096        67.373
          B02620   Medical and Toilet Preparation Containing Alcohol                -              -              -             -
          B02621   Duty on Spirits use in Manufactured of Medicine             82.806         22.688        132.498       156.348
          B02622   Receipts from Distilleries                                   0.381        651.528         40.884        48.244
          B02623   Collection of Payments for Services Rendered                16.260         21.001         17.848        21.061
          B02624   Sale Proceeds of Opium Tablets                               5.396          4.512          6.076         7.169
          B02625   Fines, Confiscation and Miscellaneous                        0.022          0.025          0.027         0.032
          B02626   Tax on Bank Cheques                                              -              -              -             -
          B02628   Others                                                       1.459          0.101          0.060         0.070
    B027  Stamp Duty                                                       11,007.029     12,168.163     12,455.218    14,697.157
                   Non-Judicial                                            10,400.801     11,368.048     11,865.267    14,001.014
          B02701   Sale of Stamps                                           6,317.664      9,040.971      7,489.982     8,838.179
          B02702   Stamps Duties on Bill of Exchange, Cheques etc              12.386          3.450         12.999        15.339
          B02703   Stamps Duties Levied under Supplementary Tax                81.089        104.190         87.577       103.340
                   Ordinance, 1957
          B02704   Other Non Judicial Sale and General Stamps               1,178.241        652.050      1,195.373     1,410.539
          B02705   Duty Recovered under Rule 10 and 11 of Pakistan            650.541        615.480        553.213       652.790
                   Stamp Rules,1925
          B02706   Duty on Documents Voluntarily Brought for                    0.011          0.402          0.246         0.291
                   Adjudication under Section 31 of Act. 111899

ESTIMATES OF TAX RECEIPTS                                                                                     (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                             Accounts        Budget         Revised       Budget
                                                                            2011-2012      Estimates       Estimates    Estimates
                                                                                           2012-2013       2012-2013    2013-2014
          B02707   Duty on other Immersing Documents                         24.807         30.475          28.174        33.245
          B02708   Fines and Penalties                                        0.099          0.020           0.019         0.022
          B02710   On Transfer of Property Rights                             0.015          0.201           0.157         0.185
          B02711   On Declaration of Newspaper/Periodical/Printing            0.928          2.829           0.807         0.953
          B02712   Sale of Property Transactions                            504.807         23.259         550.728       649.859
          B02713   Duty Levied on Unstamped or Insufficient Stamped          91.680         86.250         100.273       118.322
                   Documents under Section 35, 40 and 48 of Act 1899
          B02714   Non-Judicial Recoveries from Government                        -          0.012           0.027         0.032
          B02716   Non-Judicial Duty on Bills issued by Luxury Hotels             -          0.009           0.031         0.037
          B02717   Duty on Bills of Entry                                     0.017              -               -             -
          B02718   Duty on Letter of Credit                                   0.019              -               -             -
          B02719   Stamps Duty on Receipt Issued by Couriers                  0.072              -               -             -
          B02720   12% Stamp Duty on Transfer of Right                    1,361.176        690.000       1,646.665     1,943.065
          B02730   Others                                                   177.249        118.450         198.996       234.816
                   Judicial                                                 606.228        800.115         589.951       696.143
          B02731   Sale of Stamps                                             0.176          0.460           0.035         0.042
          B02732   Court Fees                                                 4.713         10.997           3.875         4.573
          B02733   Record Room Receipts                                       0.015              -               -             -
          B02734   Court Fees Realized in Stamps                            601.039        788.514         585.917       691.382
          B02735   Fines and Penalties                                        0.175          0.144           0.124         0.146
          B02736   Judicial Recoveries from Govt. Deptt                       0.047              -               -             -
          B02770   Others                                                     0.063              -               -             -
    B028  Motor Vehicles:                                                 6,687.912      8,970.767       9,515.716    10,638.543
          B02801   Fee for Registrations                                  1,517.229      1,581.225       2,288.889     2,110.889
          B02802   Fee for Miscellaneous Receipts                           499.656        650.123         538.040       634.887
          B02803   Receipts under Provincial M.V. Act                     4,325.736      4,425.917       6,212.428     7,330.664
          B02804   Receipts from Bus and Truck Services                       0.074        600.826               -             -
          B02805 Tax on Luxury Vehicles Levied under Finance Act              8.540        101.996          20.065        23.677
          B02806   Taxes on Vehicles Other under Motor Vehicles Act           0.003        267.823               -             -
          B02807   Taxes on Vehicles Other under Motor Vehicles Act           0.084        882.857               -             -
          B02811   Motor Vehicles Fitness Certificate                       145.872        175.696         169.841       200.412
          B02812   Motor Vehicles Route Permit                              190.718        284.304         286.453       338.014
    B029  Sale of Opium                                                       6.558         10.810           6.558         6.886
          B02901   Sale Proceeds of Excise Opium                              0.040          7.820               -             -
          B02902   Sale Proceed of Medicinal Opium                            6.518          2.990           6.558         6.886
    B03   INDIRECT TAXES                                                  4,366.780      5,997.277       5,612.533     6,150.790
    B030  Other Indirect Taxes                                            4,366.780      5,997.277       5,612.533     6,150.790
                   Entertainment Tax                                         69.415         97.107         107.705       127.092
          B03001   Duty Recovered by Sale of Stamps                          27.742         35.392          57.804        68.209
          B03002   Duty Recovered Otherwise than by Sale of Stamps           40.154         61.715          49.901        58.883
          B03003   Fines and Penalties                                        0.017              -               -             -
          B03004   Tax on Cinemas                                             1.501              -               -             -
          B03020   Others                                                     0.001              -               -             -
                   Cess All Types                                           142.897        530.051          15.325        18.084
          B03021   Education Cess                                             0.017        100.000          15.325        18.084
          B03023   Betterment Cess                                            0.003              -               -             -
          B03024   Development Cess on Hotels                               142.872        430.051               -             -
          B03029   Cess on Educational Institutions                           0.002              -               -             -
          B03030   Tobacco Development Cess                                   0.003              -               -             -

ESTIMATES OF TAX RECEIPTS                                                                           (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                 Accounts        Budget        Revised       Budget
                                                                2011-2012      Estimates     Estimates     Estimates
                                                                               2012-2013     2012-2013     2013-2014
        Energy                                                 3,436.015      4,633.099      4,593.659     4,948.518
B03031  Fee Payable under Electricity Rules                       21.313         23.000         21.958        25.910
B03032  Fee Payable under Cinematograph Act and Rules              0.097          0.080          0.086         0.101
B03033  Fee Payable for the Grant of Certificate of                0.331          0.460          0.476         0.562
        Competency to Supervisor and Licenses to Electrical
B03034  Electricity Duty                                       3,405.941      4,600.359      4,563.000     4,912.340
B03035  Miscellaneous Receipts and Fees                            8.333          9.200          8.139         9.605
        Others, all types                                          0.002             -               -             -
B03044  Other Surcharges                                           0.002             -               -             -
        Others, all types                                        718.451       737.020         895.844     1,057.096
B03053  Fees for Registration of Real Estates Agencies             0.540             -               -             -
B03054  Fines and Penalties                                        0.117             -               -             -
B03055  Cotton Fees                                              539.552       737.020         520.000       613.600
B03056  Tax on Hotels Levied under Finance Act 1965              177.992             -         375.844       443.496
B03058  Coal Development Cess                                      0.002             -               -             -
B03062  Tax on Services Provided in Hotels                         0.007             -               -             -
B03067  Trade Tax on Business Services                             0.187             -               -             -
B03079  Other Fees all Types                                       0.054             -               -             -
TOTAL TAX REVENUE                                            552,819.479   745,750.205     659,244.719   828,823.445
FEDERAL TRANSFERS                                            483,898.427   650,735.911     568,769.226   702,120.646
PROVINCIAL TAX REVENUE                                       68,921 .052    95,014.294      90,475.493   126,702.799

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                                  (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts       Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                         2011-2012      Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                        2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
C    NON-TAX REVENUE                                                     53,414.927     34,924.600      60,533.305       43,129.872
C01  INCOME FROM PROPERTY AND ENTERPRISE                                  6,443.792      5,797.890       5,696.079        5,483.844
     C010  Profits                                                        5,166.155      5,117.000       5,117.000        5,117.000
     C011  State Trading Schemes                                              0.888              -               -                -
     C012  Interest on Loans and Advances to Provinces                        0.041              -               -                -
     C013  Interest on Loans and Advance to District Govts. I TMAs           47.596        157.120         157.120          157.120
     C014  Interest on Loans and Advancesto Financial Institutions        1,221.760        455.000         219.769          147.000
     C015  Interest on Loans and Advanceto Non-Financial Institutions         0.158         65.234         198.470           59.056
     C016  Interest on Loans and Advances to Govt. Servants                   0.590          0.536           0.668            0.668
     C017  Interest on Loan and Advances - Others                             0.172              -               -                -
     C018  Interest on Loans - Others                                         6.431          3.000           3.000            3.000
     C019  Dividends                                                          0.001              -           0.052                -  
C02  RECEIPT FROM CIVIL ADMINISTRATION                                    6,002.080      7,336.522       7,333.474        8,091.496
     C021  General Admin. Receipts- Organizations of State                  176.687        281.839          150944          166.038
     C022  General Admin.Receipts- Fiscal Administration                     86.126         72.128          93.529          102.881
     C023  General Admin. Receipts - Economic Regulation                    110.499        296.852         135.328          148.753
     C024  General Administration Receipts - Statistics                       0.012              -               -                -
     C025  Defence Services Receipts                                          0.041              -               -                -
     C026  Law and Order Receipt                                          2,665.424      2,928.277       3,018.727        3,458.757
     C027  Community Services Receipt                                     1,306.391      1,973.748       2,020.269        2,156.334
     C028  Social Services                                                1,281.172      1,361.322       1,430.023        1,525.611
     C029  Social Services Miscellaneous                                    375.728        422.356         484.654          533.122
C03  Miscellaneous Receipts                                              40,969.055     21,790.188      47,503.752       29,554.532
     C031  Economic Services Receipts-Food and Agriculture                  588.913        670.138         687.188          755.909
     C032  Economic Services Receipts-Fisheries and Animal                1,037.668        949.164         899.771        1,028.033
     C033  EconomicServices Receipts Forest                               1,139.534      1,414.139         995.483        1,091.392
     C034  Economic Services Receipts, Cooperation, Irrigation and        2,601.306      2,952.955       2,512.241        2,764.101
           Embankment - Drainaqe Works
     C035  Economic Services Receipts-Others                                109.399        134.801          94.280         101 .547
     C036  Other Grants from Federal Govt. Non-Dev.                        14,069.096      2,147.000      19,150.851        7,816.244
     C037  Extraordinary Receipt                                            727.840      3,723.372       1,048.676        4,153.544
     C038  Others                                                        13,067.907      3,213.527      14,366.623        5,237.520
     C039  Development Surcharges and Royalties (Fed-Transfers)           7,627.392      6,585.092       7,748.639        6,606.242
C    NON-TAX REVENUE - DETAIL                                            53,414.927     34,924.600      60,533.305       43,129.872
C01 INCOME FROM PROPERTY AND ENTERPRISE                                   6,443.792      5,797.890       5,696.079        5,483.844
     C010  Profit                                                         5,166.155      5,117.000       5,117.000        5,117.000
           C01006  Electricity                                            5,166.000      5,117.000       5,117.000        5,117.000
           C01070 Others                                                      0.155              -               -                -
     C011  State Trading Schemes                                              0.888              -               -                -
           C01125  Medical Stores Other Receipts                              0.865              -               -                -
           C01142 Federal Subsidy on Coal                                     0.001              -               -                -
           C011143 Provincial Subsidy on Coal                                 0.004              -               -                -
           C01172 Sale Proceeds of Others-Tractors                            0.018              -               -                -

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                                  (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts        Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                          2011-2012      Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                         2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
    C012  Interest on Loans and Advances to Provinces                        0.041            -               -                -
          C01201   Punjab                                                    0.004            -               -                -
          C01204   Balochistan                                               0.023            -               -                -
          C01213   Punjab                                                    0.014            -               -                -
    C013  Interest on Loans to District Govts I TMAs                        47.596      157.120         157.120          157.120
          C01301   Karachi Shipping and Engineering Works Limited            0.070            -               -                -
          C01307   Municipal Councils Committees! Corporation! District     47.474      157.120         157.120          157.120
          C01311   Karachi Port Trust                                        0.014            -               -                -
          C01320   Indus Gas                                                 0.008            -               -                -
          C01321   Hyderabad Shipping Corporation                            0.043            -               -                -
          C01322   Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Ltd                             0.003            -               -                -
          C01323   Pakistan Television Corporation                          (0.016)           -               -                -
    C014  Interest on Loans and Advances to Financial Institutions       1,221.760      455.000         219.769          147.000
          C01410   Others                                                1,221.760      455.000         219.769          147.000
    C015  Interest on Loans to Non-Financial Institutions                    0.158       65.234         198.470           59.056
          Interest Domestic Loans
          C01503   National Fertilizer Corporation of Pak                    0.007            -               -                -
          C01529   Others                                                    0.151       65.234         198.470           59.056
    C016  Interest on Loans and Advances to                                  0.590        0.536           0.668            0.668
          Government Servants
          C01601   House Building Advance                                    0.424        0.366           0.577            0.577
          C01602   MotorCarAdvance                                           0.106        0.119           0.048            0.048
          C01603   Motor Cycle or Scooter Advance                            0.052        0.051           0.043            0.043
          C01604   Cycle Advance                                            (0.001)           -               -                -
          C01606   Interest on HBA                                           0.009            -               -                -
    C017  Interest on Loan and Advances - Others                               0.172          -               -                -
          C01703   Interest Regimental Loans                                 0.115            -               -                -
          C01704   Interest Accrued on Retained Funds on                     0.029            -               -                -
          C01705   Taccvi Loan to Cultivator                                 0.020            -               -                -
          C01706   Land Improvement Act 1883                                 0.005            -               -                -
          C01707   Loan to Agricultural Loan Act 1958                        0.003            -               -                -
    C018  Interest on Loans - Others                                         6.431        3.000           3.000            3.000
          C01801   Interest Pakistan Post Office Department                  0.016            -               -                -
          C01802   Interest on Arrears of Revenue                            6.381        3.000           3.000            3.000
          C01803   Interest Realized on Investment of Cash Balance           0.020            -               -                -
          C01814   Interest on undistributed pension paid by NBP             0.014            -               -                -
    C019  Dividends                                                          0.001            -           0.052                -
          C01902   Dividends from Government Investments (Non-                   -            -           0.052                -
                   Financial Institutions)
          C01903   Others                                                    0.001             -               -                -

C02 RECEIPT FROM CIVIL ADMINISTRATION                                    6,002.080    7,336.522       7,333.474       8,091 .496
    C021           General Administration Receipts- Organs of State        176.687     281 .839         150.944          166.038
          C02101   Examination Fee Realised by PPSC                        174.565     281 .839         150.944          166.038
          C02103   Recoveries of Overpayments                                1.561            -               -                -
          C02104   Collection of Payments for                                0.002            -               -                -

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                                  (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts       Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                         2011-2012      Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                        2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
        C02117  Health                                                     0.009            -               -                -
        C02118 Agriculture                                                 0.023            -               -                -
        C02120  Cooperation                                                0.056            -               -                -
        C02123  Public Works Department                                    0.384            -               -                -
        C02124  Recoveries of Overpayments                                 0.025            -               -                -
        C02136  Land Revenue                                               0.008            -               -                -
        C02138  Stamps                                                     0.007            -               -                -
        C02150  Veterinary                                                 0.009            -               -                -
        C02155  Recoveries of Overpayments                                 0.038            -               -                -
C022            General Administration Receipts- Fiscal Administration    86.126       72.128          93.529          102.881
        C02201  Private Organization                                       0.133            -               -                -
        C02202  Public Sector Organization                                 0.016            -               -                -
        C02204  Recoveries of Overpayments                                 5.138            -               -                -
        C02205  Collection of Payment for Service Rendered                 0.002            -               -                -
        C02206 Auditor Other                                               0.075            -               -                -
        C02211 Share of Surplus profits of the SBP                         0.031            -               -                -
        C02224  Value of unclaimed Currency Notes                          0.019            -               -                -
        C02226  Currency Notes                                             0.004            -               -                -
        C02234  Others                                                     0.021            -               -                -
        C02241  Contribution of Pensions and Gratuities                   73.385       62.580          88.128           96.941
        C02242  Profit from circulation of Small Coins                     0.039            -               -                -
        C02243  Others                                                     7.120        9.548           5.401            5.940
        C02244 Share of Pension Liability Recovered from Local             0.138            -               -                -
                 Governments for Provincialized Colleges I Schools
        C02245  Fiscal Administration - Receipts in Aid                    0.005            -               -                -
C023           General Administration Receipts-Economic Regulations      110.499      296.852         135.328          148.753
       C02301  Fee for deposits and Registration of Trade Marks            0.010            -               -                -
       C02302  Fee realized under the Insurance Act 1938                   0.009            -               -                -
       C02303  Patent Fees                                                 0.036        0.040           0.023            0.025
       C02304  Receipts under the Companies Ordinance 1984                 1.310        1.312           1.507            1.550
       C02306  Receipts under the Weights and Measures and Trade         109.047      295.500         133.798          147.178
               Employees Act
       C02307  Receipts under the Securities and Exchange                  0.038            -               -                -
       C02308  Receipts under Anti-Dumping Duties Ordinance                0.009            -               -                -
       C02370  Others                                                      0.040            -               -                -
C024           General Administration Receipts - Statistics                0.012            -               -                -
       C02470  Others                                                      0.012            -               -                -
C025           Defence Services Receipts                                   0.041            -               -                -
       C02501  Fighting Forces                                             0.040            -               -                -
       C02513  Procurement research and Product Development                0.001            -               -                -
C026           Law and Order Receipts:                                 2,665.424    2,928.277       3,018.727        3,458.757
               Justice                                                   240.754      266.912         256.427          282.069
       C02601  Sale proceeds of unclaimed and Escheated Property           1.903        8.984          11.380           12.518
       C02602  Court Fees Realized in Cash                                 1.719        2.018           1.486            1.634
       C02603  General Fees Realized in Cash                               1.057        0.076           1.253            1.379
       C02604  General Fees, Fines and Forfeitures                         196.382    212.907         199.068          218.975
       C02605  Leadership and Mukhtarship Examination Fees                 0.017            -               -                -
       C02606  Receipts of the Supreme Court                               0.009            -               -                -

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                                (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts     Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                         2011-2012    Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                      2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
      C02608 Receipts of Official Receiver                                 0.030            -                -                -
      C02609 Receipts of the Official Record Room                          0.005        0.002            0.300            0.330
      C02610 Recoveries of Overpayments                                   17.500       18.014           16.173           17.790
      C02611 Collection of the Payments                                    0.076            -                -                -
      C02612 Collection of the Payments for Service Rendered               0.177        0.077            0.251            0.276
      C02613 Others                                                       21.879       24.834           26.516           29.167
             Police Departments Receipts                               2,345.335    2,598.510        2,671.173        3,075.001
      C02621 Frontier Constabulary and Militia Receipts                    0.006            -                -                -
      C02624 Recoveries of overpayments                                    0.041            -                -                -
      C02625 Others                                                        0.005            -                -                -
      C02631 Police supplied to Railway                                    0.764        2.110            2.118            2.330
      C02632 Police supplied to Federal Govt                              34.513       45.735           40.913           45.005
      C02633 Police supplied to Municipalities Cantonments                 0.232            -                -               -
      C02634 Police supplied to Public Dept. Private Companies           153.777      165.000          187.469         206.215
             and Persons
      C02635 Receipts Realized under the Arms Act                         54.954            -                -               -
      C02636 Fees, Fines and Forfeitures                                  11.122       18.598           10.377          11.415
      C02637 Motor Driving Licence Fees                                  373.063      411.461          358.068         393.875
      C02638 Police Traffic Fines                                      1,498.622    1,557.215        1,708.859       2,016.454
      C02639 Police Land Receipts                                          2.026        2.129            1.344           1.479
      C02640 Recoveries of Overpayments                                  177.932      192.500          194.692         214.162
      C02641 Collection of Payments for Services Rendered                  4.518        5.619           42.122          46.334
      C02642 Others                                                       33.332      198.143          125.211         137.732
      C02643 Provincial Public Safety Commission                           0.010            -                -               -
      C02646 Cash Receipts Under Arms Act                                  0.166            -                -               -
      C02648 Recoveries of overpayments                                    0.252            -                -               -
             Jails                                                        78.892        60.500          88.829          97.712
      C02656 Sale proceeds of Articles manufactured in Jail               31.170        25.500          28.763          31.639
      C02657 Value of supplies made by Factory Department to              21.604        10.000          28.911          31.802
             Maintenance Deptt in Jail
      C02658 Income from hired convicts                                    0.003           -                 -               -
      C02659 Recoveries of Overpayment                                    10.217        12.000          12.147          13.362
      C02660 Collection of Payments for Service Rendered                   0.710         3.000           0.105           0.116
      C02661 Others                                                       15.188        10.000          18.903          20.793
             Civil Defence                                                 0.443         2.355           2.298           3.975
      C02666 Civil Defence - Ordinary Receipts                             0.003             -               -               -
      C02668 Fines Realization                                             0.192         2.190           2.015           3.690
      C02669 Others                                                        0.184         0.165           0.283           0.285
      C02677 Others Receipts                                               0.064              -               -               -

C027         Community Services Receipts:                              1,306.391     1,973.748       2,020.269       2,156.334
             Works - Buildings                                           322.878       341.592         376.160        41 3.777
      C02701 Building Rent                                               236.209       254.653         253.128         278.441
      C02702 Receipts from Workshops                                       0.020         0.234           1.009           1.110

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                                (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts     Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                         2011-2012    Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                      2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
      C02703 Recoveries of Expenditure                                     7.313        8.806           41.504           45.654
      C02704 Recoveries of Over Payment                                    7.204        9.644            5.160            5.676
      C02705 Collection of Payments for Services Rendered                  5.617            -            2.383            2.622
      C02706 Others                                                       66.515       68.255           72.976           80.274
             Works - Communications                                      935.696    1,579.223        1,598.084        1,691.929
      C02711 Buildings Rent                                                0.476        0.582            0.415            0.456
      C02712 Tolls on Roads and Bridges                                  688.216    1,239.150        1,320.127        1,383.119
      C02713 Recoveries of Expenditure                                     0.357        1.650           48.427           53.270
      C02714 Recoveries of Over Payment                                    7.646        6.035            2.924            3.216
      C02715 Collection of Payments for Services Rendered                  1.385        1.494            1.137            1.250
      C02716 Other                                                       236.143      330.000          216.558          238.214
      C02717 Fee for use of Right of Way for Laying Cables I               0.405        0.312            7.920           11.770
             Pipelines of all Provincial Roads
      C02718 Taxes on Roads and Bridge                                     0.005            -            0.005            0.006
      C02719 Receipts from Workshops                                       1.063            -            0.571            0.628
             Public Health                                                47.327       52.933           46.025           50.628
      C02722 Contribution                                                  0.051            -                -                -
      C02724 Recoveries of Overpayments                                    3.688        1.881            4.757            5.233
      C02725 Collection of Payments for Services Rendered                  1.993        2.448            0.732            0.805
      C02726 Others                                                       41.595       48.604           40.536           44.590
             Scientific Research and Survey                                0.490            -                -                -
      C02734 Others                                                        0.446            -                -                -
      C02743 Others                                                        0.044            -                -                -
C028  Social Services                                                  1,281.172    1,361.322        1,430.023        1,525.611
             Education                                                   839.892      915.676          948.278          995.692
      C02801 Fees Government University Art Colleges                     256.141      291.656          290.458          304.981
      C02802 Fees Govt University, Professional Art Colleges               6.278        7.757            5.319            5.585
      C02803 Fees Government Secondary (including Intermediate            29.922       32.341           43.295           45.460
             Classes), School
      C02804 Fees Government Primary School                                3.591        2.656            4.004            4.205
      C02805 Fines under Sindh Primary Education Act 1947                  0.088        0.091            0.113            0.119
      C02806 Recoveries from Local Bodies for Primary Education            0.024        0.035            0.164            0.172
      C02807 Fees and Other Receipts Govt. Special Schools                 5.986        6.577            6.426            6.747
      C02808 Receipts of Technical and Commercial Institutes               0.635        0.003            1.823            1.913
      C02810 General Income from Endowments                                0.472        0.477            0.178            0.187
      C02811 General Cess Fund                                             1.049        1.442            0.196            0.206
      C02812 Education General Hostel Fees                                 1.507        2.498            5.083            5.337
      C02813 Education General-Admission Fees                             33.739       38.605           38.405           40.325
      C02814 Education General-Recoveries of Overpayments                289.068      304.263          340.143          357.150
      C02815 Collection of Payments for Services Rendered                  1.005        1.097            0.832            0.874
      C02816 Others                                                        0.002        0.274            0.012            0.012
      C02817 Receipts from Museums                                         0.141            -                -                -
      C02818 Education-Others                                            209.321      224.899          210.993          221.543
      C02819 Receipts from Boys Secondary School                           0.505        0.562            0.160            0.168
      C02820 Receipts from Girls Secondary School                          0.418        0.443            0.674            0.708

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                        (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                  Accounts      Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                 2011-2012    Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                              2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
       Health                                                     441.280      445.646         481.745          529.919
C02821 Health-Medical Colleges                                      1.146            -               -                -
C02822 Health-Dental Colleges                                       0.477            -               -                -
C02824 Health-Medical Schools                                       1.416            -               -                -
C02825 Health-Sale of outdoor Tickets                               4.075            -               -                -
C02826 Health-Recoveries of diet charges                            0.829            -               -                -
C02827 Health-Room Rent                                             1.099            -               -                -
C02828 Health-Government Share of Fees Realized                     5.999            -               -                -
C02829 Health-Mental Hospital Receipts                              0.090            -               -                -
C02830 Sale of medicines and vaccines                                   -            -               -                -
C02831 Health Contributions Local Bodies on NC of salaries          0.101            -               -                -
C02833 H Contributions of Government FJM College                    0.018            -               -                -
C02834 H Contribution F. Govt. reservation                          0.007            -               -                -
C02835 Health Other Contributions                                   0.062            -               -                -
C02836 Health recoveries of overpayments                            9.685            -               -                -
C02837 Health-Collection of payments for Services Rendered          0.118            -               -                -
C02838 Health fee for chemical examination                          0.025            -               -                -
C02839 Health fee for medical examination                           0.633            -               -                -
C02840 Health Fees realized on account of Registration of           0.535            -               -                -
       Private Clinics, Laboratories, X-Ray Clinics
C02841 Health Other Receipts                                       50.667            -               -                -
C02842 Fees realised on account of Birth and Death                  0.151            -               -                -
C02844 Income from Endowments                                       0.001            -               -                -
C02845 Health - Hospital Receipts                                   2.554            -               -                -
C02846 Emigration Fees                                              0.026            -               -                -
C02851 Health-Medical Colleges                                      4.490         2.176         10.576           11.633
C02852 Health-Dental Colleges                                       0.055         0.019          1.020            1.122
C02853 Health Schools                                                   -         0.026          0.016            0.017
C02854 Health-Medical Schools                                       0.713         0.048          2.399            2.639
C02855 Health Sale of Outdoor Tickets                              92.661       111.971         96.637          106.301
C02856 Health-Recoveries of Diet Charges                            0.365         0.592          2.063            2.269
C02857 Health Room Rent                                             1.141         1.352          2.927            3.220
C02858 Health-Government Share of Fees Realized by Doctor          48.651        43.670         56.375           62.012
       from Patient
C02859 Health-Mental Hospital Receipts                              1.183         0.480          2.574            2.832
C02860 Sale of Medicines and Vaccines                               0.717         0.868          0.001            0.001
C02861 Health contributions from Local Bodies on account of         0.104             -              -                -
       Salaries of District Medical Officers
C02862 Health contributions from Local Bodies for the               0.005             -              -                -
       maintenance of Health Centers
C02863 Health Contribution by Federal Government for Fatima         0.024             -              -                -
       Jinnah Medical College for Women maintenance of
       Health Centers
C02864 Health contributions Federal Govt. Reservation               0.197         0.026          0.013            0.014
C02865 Health Other Contributions                                   0.010         2.497          0.214            0.235
C02866 Health Recoveries of Overpayment                            44.430        36.154         76.282           83.910
C02867 Health-Collection of Payments for Services Rendered          1.751         2.018          2.676            2.944
C02868 Health fee for Chemical Examination                          1.515         2.974          1.390            1.529
C02869 Health fees for Medical Examination                          2.489         1.476          2.953            3.249
C02870 Health Fee realized on NC of Registration of Private         3.196         2.118          4.510            4.961
       Clinic, Laboratories and X-Rays Clinic
C02871 Health other Receipts                                      143.031       226.540        193.077          212.384

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                                    (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                               Accounts      Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                              2011-2012    Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                           2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
          C02872   Fees Realised on Account of Birth and Death                  0.863         1.592          0.958            1.054
          C02873   Fees Realized on Account of Anti Rabic Treatment             0.504         0.023          2.413            2.655
          C02874   Income from Endowment                                        0.105             -              -                -
          C02875   Health - Other Receipts                                     13.366         9.026         22.671           24.938
    C029           Social Services Miscellaneous                              375.728       422.356        484.654          533.122
                   Manpower Management                                          3.937              -              -                -

          C02901   Emigration Fees                                              0.003             -              -                -
          C02905   Receipts under the West Pakistan Ordinance, 1969             3.925             -              -                -
          C02906   Registration and other Fees from Pakistanis working          0.009             -              -                -
                   Housing and Physical Planning                              366.887       422.356        484.654          533.122
          C02931   Sale of Plots                                              296.769       330.000        378.804          416.684
          C02933   Income from Satellite Town Schemes                          36.288        55.000         50.272           55.299
          C02934   Recoveries of Overpayments                                   1.675         0.914          2.450            2.695
          C02935   Collection of Payments for Service Rendered                      -         0.001              -            0.001
          C02936   Commercialization                                                -         0.001              -            0.001
          C02950   Others                                                      32.155        36.440         53.128           58.442
                   Social Security and Social Welfare Measures                  4.893             -              -                -
          C02951   Receipts under the Wild Birds and Wild Animals Protectic     0.837             -              -                -
          C02955   Penalties under Punjab Consumer Protection Act,              4.039             -              -                -
          C02970   Others                                                       0.017             -              -                -
                   Refugees Relief Measures                                     0.011             -              -                -
          C02971   Receipts under the Wild Birds and Wild Animals Protectic     0.011             -              -                -
C03                MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS                                  40,969.055    21,790.188     47,503.752       29,554.532
          C031     Economic Services Receipts-Food and Agriculture            588.913       670.138        687.188          755.909
                   Food                                                         0.743             -              -                -
          C03101   Receipts of the Federal Food Departments                     0.001             -              -                -
          C03102   Recoveries of overpayments                                   0.742             -              -                -
          C03104   Others
                   Agriculture                                                588.170       670.138        687.188          755.909
          C03116   Agriculture Receipts                                         4.549         5.000          3.651            4.016
          C03117   Receipts from Experimental Farms                            42.988        47.506         44.260           48.686
          C03118   Receipts from Agriculture/Seed Farms                       129.020       154.050        117.624          129.387
          C03119   Receipts from District Farms                                 4.198         3.724          4.121            4.533
          C03120   Receipts from Agriculture / Engineering / Machinery        113.815       143.000        135.386          148.925
                   Maintenance Farms
          C03121   Receipts from Boring Operation                              13.756        16.580         14.733           16.207
          C03122   Receipts from Research Operation                           102.700       109.420        110.728          121.800
          C03123   Receipts from Plant Protection Operations                   25.884        30.000         23.031           25.334
          C03124   Receipts from Soil Conservation and Operation               15.268        40.000         12.515           13.767

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                               (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                       Accounts       Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                     2011-2012      Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                    2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
      C03125 Receipt of Zoo                                             0.006            -              -                -
      C03126 Operation Fees other than Cotton Fee under Cotton          7.724        7.439           8207            9.028
             Control Ordinance
      C03127 Agriculture College and School Fee                         0.070            -              -                -
      C03128 Grants by the Agriculture Research Council                 0.011        0.017                               -
      C031 29 Receipts from Karkhana Alat-e-Zarae                       1.008        0.766          1.109            1.220
      C03130 Receipts from Govt. Gardens                                0.010        0.011          0.137            0.151
      C03131 Agriculture Receipts form Station Gardens                  0.072        0.149          0.073            0.080
      C03132 Agriculture - Receipts of Arrears for Ex-Commission        0.043        0.061                               -
             Agents on account of Sale of Cotton Seeds and
      C03133 Receipts from Farm Managements Project                     2.841        2.988          3.089            3.398
      C03134 Recoveries of Overpayments                                21.368       22.555         16.727           18.400
      C03135 Collection of payments for Service Rendered                0.003        0.002          0.251            0.276
      C03136 Agriculture - Others                                      95.000       77.000        185.496          204.046
      C03137 Hire Charges of Tractors or Lower Land Leveling            6.172        7.989          5.597            6.157
      C03199 Others                                                     1.664        1.881          0.453            0.498
C032  Economic Services Receipts-Fisheries and Animal               1,037.668      949.164        899.771        1,028.033
              Husbandry and Fisheries                                 224.449      230.000        170.000          225.285
      C03201 Ordinary Receipts                                        219.764      223.428        168.740          220.770
      C03202 Grants made by Agriculture Research Council                0.170        0.106                               -
      C03203 Recoveries of Overpayments                                 0.820        1.279          0.360            0.820
      C03204 Collection of Payments for Service Rendered                    -        0.013                               -
      C03205 Others                                                     3.695        5.174          0.900            3.695
             Animal Husbandry                                         813.219      719.164        729.771          802.748
      C03221 Veterinary College and School Fees                         3.179        6.280          1.300            1.430
      C03223 Receipts from Livestock Farms                            262.129      288.200        303.906          334.296
      C03224 Receipts from Broiler Farms                               45.614       48.286         48.083           52.891
      C03225 Receipts from Research Institute                          79.815      110.834         73.872           81.259
      C03226 Receipts from transferred Agri. Farms                     23.635       27.248         28.553           31.408
      C03227 Insemination Fees                                         92.357       93.858        107.216          117.938
      C03228 Receipts from Biological Section                          85.110       92.432        116.562          128.218
      C03229 Recovery of Overpayments                                   4.340        4.400          6.001            6.601
      C03230 Collection of Payments for Services Rendered               0.346        0.326          0.164            0.181
      C03231 Others                                                   216.694       47.300         44.114           48.526
C033         Economic Services Receipts Forest                      1,139.534    1,414.139        995.483        1,091.392
             Forest                                                 1,139.534    1,414.139        995.483        1,091.392
      C03301 Timber and Other Produce Removed from the Forest         186.210      278.656        203.665          224.031
             by Govt. Agencies
      C03302 Timber and Other Produce Removed from the Forest               -       43.435         36.650           40.315
             by Government Agencies - Firewood and Charcoal
      C03303 Timber and Other Produce removed Brush Wood,                   -        1.410          0.493            0.542
             Chips and Stumps
      C03304 Timber remove Rosin                                        0.002            -              -                -
      C03305 Timber and Other Produce Removed the Forest by             1.570        8.869         12.091           13.301
             Government - Brush wood, Chips and Stumps

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                              (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                        Accounts      Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                       2011-2012    Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                    2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
      C03306 Timber and Other Produce removed from the Forest            0.332         0.600          0.580            0.639
             by Government - Sericulture Receipts
      C03307 Timber and Other Produce Removed from the Forest by       758.937       825.000        546.476          601.124
             Consumer or Purchaser - Transfer
      C03308 Timber and Other Produce Removed from the Forest by             -        13.147          0.836            0.919
             Consumer or Purchaser - Firewood and Charcoal
      C03309 Timber and Other Produce Removed from the Forest by             -         1.708          1.239            1.363
             Consumer or Purchaser - Brush wood, Chips and
      C03310 Timber and Other Produce Removed from the Forest by             -         2.975          1.613            1.775
             Consumer or Purchaser - Gazing and Fodder Grass
      C03311 Timber and Other Produce Removed from the Forest by         0.009         1.314          1.431            1.574
             Consumer or Purchaser - Honey, Herbs and Medicinal
      C03312 Timber and Other Produce Removed from the Forest by         0.070         4.215          5.164            5.680
             Consumer or Purchaser - for Plants, Stumps, Seeds
             Mazri, Mazri, Palm, Grass other than fodder etc
      C03315 Revenue from Forests not Managed by Govt.                   0.003             -              -                -
      C03321 Fines and Forfeitures (Except Fines by Court)               0.099         1.980          1.762            1.938
      C03322 Compensation under Forest Act including Fines by            3.365        37.767         51.662           56.828
      C03323 Lease Rent from Temporary Cultivation                       0.090         5.940          2.401            2.641
      C03324 Hire Charges of Bulldozers and Other Machinery              0.051         0.220          1.056            1.162
      C03325 Recovery of Water Rates                                     0.044         0.085          0.143            0.157
      C03326 Rent of buildings, Shops, Lands and Water Mills             2.564         9.654          9.142           10.056
      C03327 Receipts under Wild Birds and Wild Animals                 32.458        37.400         37.400           37.500
      C03328 Recoveries of Overpayment                                   2.842         2.364          3.480            3.828
      C03329 Collection of Payments for Services Rendered                0.004             -              -                -
      C03330 Receipts on account of Tree Cess                            0.040         2.400          3.687            4.055
      C03370 Other Receipts                                            150.844       135.000         74.512          81 .964
C034         Economic Services Receipts, Cooperation,                2,601.306     2,952.955      2,512.241        2,764.101
             Irrigation and Embankment - Drainage Works
             Cooperation                                                 4.070         4.216          1.739            2.549
      C03401 Audit Fee                                                   0.646         0.544          0.026            0.028
      C03403 Recovery from other Provincial Govts on account of          0.191         0.154          0.157            0.450
             training in Cooperative Training Institutions
      C03404 Recovery of Overpayments                                    1.507         1.586          1.123            1.586
      C03405 Collection of Payments for Services Rendered                0.022         0.025          0.033            0.035
      C03406 Others                                                      1.704         1.907          0.400            0.450
             IRRIGATION                                              2,597.236     2,948.739      2,510.502        2,761.552
             Irrigation Works                                        2,583.442     2,935.122      2,452.460        2,697.706
      C03431 Direct Receipts on account of Water Rate                2,032.762     2,510.000      2,044.760        2,249.236
      C03432 Direct Receipts on account of sale of water                15.834        22.360         22.360           24.596
      C03433 Recoveries of Expenditure                                   9.507        10.249          5.265            5.792
      C03434 Irrigation Works-Others                                   348.151       160.104        147.075          161.782
      C03435 Toll on Barrages                                          177.188       232.409        233.000          256.300
             Embankments and Drainage                                   13.794        13.617         58.042           63.846
      C03462 Direct Receipts on account of sale Hill Torrents            0.022             -          0.002            0.002
      C03463 Recoveries of Expenditure                                   0.578         0.479          1.900            2.090
      C03465 Works-Others                                                9.780         8.314         56.110           61.721
      C03481 Other Miscellaneous Revenue                                 3.414         4.824          0.030            0.033

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                     (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                  Accounts      Budget         Revised      Budget
                                                                 2011-2012    Estimates       Estimates    Estimates
                                                                              2012-2013       2012-2013    2013-2014
C035  Economic Services Receipts-Others                           109.399      134.801         94.280       101.547
             Fuel and Power                                         0.033        0.096          0.035         0.039
      C03501 Fees for Petroleum products                            0.025        0.089          0.024         0.027
      C03503 Others                                                 0.008        0.007          0.011         0.012
             Industrial and Mineral Resources                       8.488        4.656          4.544         4.998
      C03506 Industrial Safety - Explosives Department              3.888        4.117          3.985         4.384
      C03507 Receipts under Excise Duty on Minerals (Labour         4.042            -              -             -
             Welfare) Act 1967
      C03508 Others - Industrial and Mineral Resources              0.558        0.539          0.559         0.614
             Printing                                              76.361      101.607         65.978        72.576
      C03511 Sale of Gazette                                        0.472        0.543          0.082         0.090
      C03512 Sale of other Govt. Publications                       4.100        5.627          3.749         4.124
      C03514 Civil Listed Other Publication                         0.004            -              -             -
      C03515 Sale of Forms and Registers                            0.765        1.362          3.221         3.543
      C03516 Sale of Service Books                                  0.514        0.091          0.184         0.202
      C03517 Sale of Forms and Registers to Union Councils         12.314       13.366          2.286         2.515
      C03518 SaleofOtherForms                                      10.864       15.146         13.815        15.197
      C03519 Press Receipts                                         0.001            -              -             -
      C03520 Printing Charges for work done for Provincial Govt.   47.246       65.188         42.541        46.795
      C03523 Others                                                 0.081        0.284          0.100         0.110
             Stationery                                             0.001        0.100          0.010         0.011
      C03529 Sale of Plain Paper used with Stamps                   0.001        0.100          0.010         0.011
             Investment Promotion and Supplies                      0.088        0.062          0.003         0.003
      C03534 Receipts of textile Commissioner                       0.033            -              -             -
      C03535 Receipts of coal Commissioner                          0.001        0.029              -             -
      C03536 Receipts of Central Testing and Standard               0.001            -              -             -
      C03538 Recoveries of overpayments                             0.002            -              -             -
      C03540 Others                                                 0.051        0.033          0.003         0.003
             Industries                                            23.504       28.280         23.710        23.920
      C03541 Industries Receipts                                    0.625        0.559          0.559         0.625
      C03542 Cottage Industries                                     0.021            -              -             -
      C03544 FeesforlnspectionofBoilers                            13.138       14.027         14.027        14.027
      C03545 Fees under Partnership Act,1932                        4.810        5.651          5.651         5.651
      C03546 Recoveries of Overpayments                             1.544        2.030          2.030         2.030
      C03549 Others                                                 0.005        0.009              -             -
      C03550 Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority  3.356        6.004          1.443         1.587
      C03551 Aviation Receipts                                      0.004            -              -             -
      C03554 Fork Lifter Fee                                        0.001            -              -             -
             Ports and Pilot age                                    0.892            -              -             -
      C03564 Freight, Passage and Tonnage                           0.011            -              -             -
      C03573 Recoveries of Overpayments                             0.881            -              -             -
             Pakistan Post Office Department                        0.032            -              -             -
      C03581 Post Office Receipts                                   0.032            -              -             -

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                            (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                       Accounts       Budget        Revised         Budget
                                                                      2011-2012      Estimates     Estimates       Estimates
                                                                                     2012-2013     2012-2013       2013-2014
C036  Grants                                                          14,069.096     2,147.000     19,150.851      7,816.244
      Grants                                                          14,068.918     2,147.000     19,150.851      7,816.244
      C03601  Foreign Grants - Development Grants                      2,367.909     2,147.000      7,835.689      4,585.099
      C03603  Others Grants from Federal Govt. (0ev)                  11,583.669             -     11,251.246      3,231.145
      C03604  Other Grants from Federal Govt (Non-Dev.)                  117.335             -         63.916              -
      C03605  European Union Grant                                         0.005             -              -              -
      Grants  from Provinces in District Government Accounl                0.178             -              -              -
      C03612  Special Grants from Provinces                                0.002             -              -              -
      C03614  Grants for Populating Welfare                                0.039             -              -              -
      C03631  DERA Programme                                               0.029             -              -              -
      C03634  Foreign Aided Project                                        0.028             -              -              -
      C03640  Other - Foreign Aided Grants and Project                     0.080             -              -              -
C037  Extraordinary Receipts                                             727.840     3,723.372      1,048.676      4,153.544
              Extraordinary Receipts                                     712.255     3,695.321      1,038.432      4,142.275
      C03701  Sale of Land                                                32.206        11.000        135.384        148.923
      C03702  Sale of Land - Sale of Town Sites in Colonies              143.721       220.000        357.305        393.035
      C03703  Sale of Land-Sale of Under Developed Agri. Land             15.477        16.500         52.066         57.272
      C03704  Sale of Land - Sale of under-developed Agriculture           8.561         5.390          5.488          6.036
              Land by Auction or Private Treaty in Colonies
      C03705  Sale of Land-Property Rights to Tenants in Colonies        228.618       440.000        329.299        362.229
      C03706  Sale of Other Government Assets                              1.463         0.011          0.832          0.915
      C03707  Other Receipts - Fees, Fines and Forfeitures                 8.095         2.200          9.460         10.406
      C03708  Sale of State owned Assets                                   0.045         0.220          0.205          0.226
      C03709  Sale of Land by PPB or RPC                                 227.771     1,700.000        147.766      1,862.543
      C03710  Sale of Government Assets by PPB or PRC                     46.298     1,300.000          0.627      1,300.690
              Sale of Agriculture Machinery                                0.061             -              -              -
      C03713  Sale of Machinery and Equipment                              0.061             -              -              -
              Others - Receipts                                           15.524        28.051         10.244         11.269
      C03721  Sale Proceed and Rent of Agri. Land                          0.006         0.001          0.164          0.180
      C03722  Interest on deferred payments of Land sold in colonies      12.304        14.300          7.377          8.115
      C03724  Receipts of Bonus Share from Lever Brothers                  0.028             -              -              -
      C03725  Others - Receipts                                            3.186        13.750          2.703          2.974
C038          Others                                                  13,067.907     3,213.527     14,366.623      5,237.520
      C03801  Unclaimed Deposits                                       2,102.590             -              -              -
      C03802  Sale of Stores and Materials                                12.010        11.079          8.904          9.795
      C03803  Sale of Land and Houses, etc.                              162.496        45.900        166.084        182.692
      C03804  Contributions                                                1.392             -              -              -
      C03805  Rent, Rates and Taxes                                       42.035        43.467         44.024         48.427
      C03806  Citizenship (Domicile) Fees                                  0.087         0.152
      C03807  Realization under Monopolies and Restrictive Trade           0.036             -              -              -
              Practices Ordinance
      C03808  Receipts under the Mines and Oil4ields and Mineral       1,914.875     2,200.000      2,004.604      4,205.064
              Development (Federal Control) Act, 1948
      C03809  Receipts from Levy of Excise Duty imposed under              0.001             -              -             -
              Section 30-A of the Mines Act

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                        (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                  Accounts      Budget          Revised          Budget
                                                                 2011-2012    Estimates       Estimates        Estimates
                                                                              2012-2013       2012-2013        2013-2014
C03811  Sugarcane Development Cess                                 27.538         -               -                -
C03812  Other Receipts By Gain Exchange on Remittance               0.001         -               -                -
C03813  Other receipt - Fees realized under the Import and          0.039         -               -                -
        Export Act 1950
C03814  Other receipts-Sale proceeds of Export Guides               0.360         -               -                -
C03815  Collection charges of Sugarcane Dev.Cess                    0.216     0.231           0.092            0.101
C03816  Sale of Publicity Material and Rent                         0.014         -               -                -
C03817  Receipts of Federal Hajj Organization                       0.001         -               -                -
C03818  Fees for Registration of Societies under the                4.418     4.461           4.461            5.676
        Registration Act
C03819  Sale Proceeds of Refugee Adhesive Stamps                    0.026         -               -                -
C03820  Sale Proceeds of Highway Safety Codes                       0.453         -               -                -
C03821  Receipts of Tourist Department                             35.545         -               -                -
C03822  Receipts from Zoological Gardens                           11.449    13.752          13.752           13.752
C03824  Recoveries of Overpayment                                   9.351         -               -                -
C03825  Collection of Payments for Service Rendered                19.041    31.479          19.140           21.054
C03826  Subsidy Payments by IMF under Supplementary                 0.084         -               -                -
        Financing Facility
C03827  Remuneration paid by I.M.F                                  0.069         -               -                -
C03828  Leather Export Cess                                         0.031         -               -                -
C03829  Fees, Fines and Forfeiture                                134.499         -               -                -
C03830  Fees for the issue of Duplicate Identity Cards              0.003         -               -                -
C03831  Fees, and Subscription by Petitions Writer and             13.242    11.487          11.858           13.044
        Traders in Katchery Compounds
C03832  Licence fee for Storage or Sale of Petroleum                1.595         -               -                -
C03833  Fees under the Poisons Act                                  0.022         -               -                -
C03834  Fees under the West Pakistan Ord 1960                       0.324         -               -                -
C03835  Arms Licence Fees                                         514.258   832.700         651.064          716.171
C03836  Under the Cattle Trespass Act 1939                          0.423         -               -                -
C03837  Fees for all Allotment of Land and Gardens to               0.024         -               -                -
C03838  Fee of for screening of the films in the Punjab             0.251     0.277               -                -
C03839  Settlement Fees                                             0.195         -               -                -
C03840  Fees for Transfer and Issue of Duplicate Saving and         0.046         -               -                -
        Deposits Certificates Pass Books and Withdrawal
C03841  Fee Fines not Specified Elsewhere                           5.841     6.196          10.634           11.697
C03842  Treasure Trove Act 1878                                    (0.156)        -               -                -
C03844  Copying Agency Accounts                                         -         -               -                -
C03845  Ferry Receipts under the Ferries Act of 1978                    -         -               -                -
C03846  Receipts from the deposit account of the Chief              7.427    12.346           9.134           10.047
        Settlement Commissioner
C03848  Receipt from Toll                                           0.002          -               -                -

C03849  Contractor Penalty                                              -         -               -                -
C03850  Miscellaneous recoveries made by NAB from defaulte          0.458         -               -                -
C03852  Royalty Pollution and Trekking Fee
C03855  Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental        40.355         -               -                -
C03857  Registration Fee for Private Security Companies                 -
C03860  Fines colleted by National Highway                          0.003         -               -                -
C03862  District Government - Receipts from Local Fund             18.510         -               -                -
C03863  Recoveries made by Ministry of Environment no. Local        0.059         -               -                -
        Govt and Rural Develoøment from Defaulters NGOs
C03865  Surcharge                                                   0.001         -               -                -

ESTIMATES OF NON - TAX RECEIPTS                                                                          (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                       Accounts      Budget          Revised        Budget
                                                                     2011-2012      Estimates       Estimates      Estimates
                                                                                    2012-2013       2012-2013      2013-2014
       C03866 Fee for Issuance of Licences to Private Security C       0.054             -              -              -
       C03867 Fee for renewal of licences of Private Security Co       0.059             -                             -
       C03870 Others                                               7,979.567             -     11,422.872              -
       C03871 Hajj Arrangement-Recoveries of electic and Similar       0.009             -              -              -
       C03872 Other Receipts- Recoveries of Claims Under the Eht       0.414             -              -              -
       C03879 Recoveries made by Anti Corruption Establishment         4.710             -              -              -
       C03880 TMA Other Non Tax Revenues                               0.001             -              -              -
       C03882 Production Bonus Deposited by Exploration and            1.552             -              -              -
       C03886 Fee for Issuance of Fee and Registration                 0.001             -              -              -
C039          Development Surcharge and Royalities(Fed-Transfers)  7,627.392     6,585.092      7,748.639      6,606.242
       C03904 Surcharge-on Natural Gas Share of Net Proceeds       1,198.103     2,100.801        354.000      2,244.968
              assigned to Provinces
       C03907 Net Proceed of Royalty on Crude Oil assigned to      4,784.320     2,949.935      5,083.189      2,830.426
       C03908 Net Proceed of Royalty on Natural Gas assigned to    1,644.960     1,534.356      2,311.450      1,530.848
       C03915 Windfally Levy against Crude OilfConde                   0.009             -              -              -
TOTAL GENERAL REVENUE RECEIPTS                                   606,234.406   780,674.805    719,778.024    871,953.317

ESTIMATES OF CAPITAL RECEIPTS                                                                         (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                  Accounts       Budget          Revised         Budget
                                                                 2011-2012     Estimates       Estimates       Estimates
                                                                               2012-2013       2012-2013       2013-2014
E   GENERAL CAPITAL RECEIPTS                                    73,837.554    229,042.134    252,189.237      278,560.893
                                      Account No.1                 579.011     15,558.620     10,558.797       17,661.259
                                      Account No.11             73,258.543    213,483.514    241,630.440      260,899.634
E01 RECOVERIES OF INVESTMENT                                         7.606              -              -                -
     E011  Irrigation Receipts                                      (0.259)             -              -                -
           E01101 Water Rates                                       (0.259)             -              -                -
     E013  Investment Receipts                                       7.787              -              -                -
           E01301 Federal or Provincial Investment (Financial)       7.783              -              -                -
           E01303 Federal Government Investment in Railway           0.004              -              -                -
     E016  Commuted Value of Pension Receipts                        0.078              -              -                -
           E01601 Recoveries of Commuted Value of Pension            0.078              -              -                -
E02        RECOVERIES OF LOANS AND ADVANCES                        498.339      6,816.186        467.330          385.325
     E021  From Provinces                                            0.005              -              -                -
           E02103 Balochistan                                        0.005              -              -                -
     E022  From District Govts. TMAS I Local Bodies                115.114        123.571        161.965          105.708
           E02201 Loans to District Govts                          115.114         92.863         92.863           75.000
           E02202 TMAs                                                   -         30.708         30.708           30.708
           E02203 District Governments                                   -              -         38.394                 -
     E023  Loans to Financial Institutions                         196.875      6,430.000              -                -
           E02301 Domestic Loans                                   196.875      6,430.000              -                -
     E024  From Non-Financial Institutions                         141.161        217.349        260.489          234.741
           E02402 Foreign Loans                                          -              -          9.389                -
           E02420 Others                                           141.161        217.349        251.100          234.741
     E025  From Govt Servants                                       45.071         45.165         44.739           44.739
           E02501 House Building Advance                            39.676         40.176         34.999           34.999
           E02502 MotorCarAdvance                                    1.367          1.312          0.981            0.981
           E02503 Motor Cycle Advance                                4.001          3.671          8.754            8.754
           E02504 Cycle Advance                                      0.012          0.006          0.005            0.005
           E02550 Others                                             0.015              -              -                -
     E026  From Private Sector                                       0.111          0.101          0.137            0.137
           E02601 Taccavi Loans to Zamindars                         0.051              -              -                -
           E02602 To Cultivators                                     0.060          0.101          0.137            0.137
     E027  From Others                                               0.002              -              -                -
           E02701 Domestic Loans                                     0.002              -              -                -
E03  DEBT                                                           73.066      8,742.434     10,091.467       17,275.934
     E031  PERMANENT DEBT - DOMESTIC (Account-I)                    28.886          0.434        103.275            0.434
           E03101 Permanent Debt - Direct                                -          0.434          0.035            0.434
           E03102 Permanent Debt Received from Federal Government   28.886              -        103.240                -

ESTIMATES OF CAPITAL RECEIPTS                                                                                     (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts            Budget       Revised        Budget
                                                                          2011-2012         Estimates      Estimates      Estimates
                                                                                            2012-2013      2012-2013      2013-2014
     E032  FLOATING DEBT                                                       -                    -              -               -
           E03203 Ways and Means Advances                                      -                    -              -               -
     E033  PERMANENT DEBT - FOREIGN                                      44.1 80            8,742.000      9,988.192      17,275.500
           E03302 Foreign Debt-received from Federal Government                -            8,742.000      9,988.192      17,275.500
           E03302 Punjab MDG Attainment Programme (ADB)
           E03302 Programme Assistance for Education, Irrigation and           -                    -              -               -
                  Urban Sector (World Bank)
           E03303 Foreign Debt (Permanent)-Drought Emergency Relief            -                    -              -               -
           E03304 PIFRA                                                   44.180                    -              -               -
     PUBLIC DEBT [Loans from Commercial Banks (Nc-Il)]                73,258.543         21 3,483.514    241,630.440     260,899.634
E01  Recoveries of Investment                                              8.543          107,578.000    132,699.286     140,639.125
     E012  State Trading Schemes Receipts                                  8.543          107,578.000    132,699.286     140,639.125
           E01201 Federal                                                      -                    -              -               -
           E01202 Provincial                                                   -           73,281.250    110,357.723     104,376.250
           E01203 Others                                                   8.366           34,296.750     22,341.563      36,262.875
           E01212 Provincial                                               0.176                    -              -               -
           E01213 Others                                                   0.001                    -              -               -
           E01275 Others State Trading Schemes Receipts                        -                    -              -               -
E03 DEBT                                                              73,250.000          105,905.514    108,931.154     120,260.509
    E032   FLOATING DEBT                                              73,250.000          105,905.514    108,931.154     120,260.509
           E03202 Cash Credit Accommodation (NC-lI)                   73,250.000          105,905.514    108,931.154     120,260.509
           DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL RECEIPTS                               10,778.637           11,487.514     17,631.017      29,700.000
E03 DEBT                                                              10,778.637           11,487.514     17,631.017      29,700.000
    E033   Foreign Debt (Permanent)                                   10,778.637           11,487.514     17,631.017      29,700.000
           E03302 Foreign Debt (Permanent) received from the Federal  10,778.637           11,487.514     17,631.017      29,700.000
           E03302 Foreign Debt (Permanent) Received from the Federal           -                    -              -               -
TOTAL PROVENCAL CONSOLIDATED FUND                                    690,850.597        1,021,204.453    989,598.278   1,180,214.210
Account No.1                                                         617,592.054          807,720.939    747,967.838     919,314.576
Account No.11                                                         73,258.543          213,483.514    241,630.440     260,899.634

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                               (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                  Accounts       Budget          Revised         Budget
                                                                 2011-2012     Estimates       Estimates       Estimates
                                                                               2012-2013       2012-2013       2013-2014
TOTAL PROVINCIAL CONSOLIDATED FUND                             700,794.160   1,051,382.869    998,441.770    1,210,214.210
1    CURRENT REVENUE EXPENDITURE                               444,299.586     532,859.871    549,762.393      607,569.311
2    CURRENT CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                               109,757.626     268,522.998    281,821.000      312,644.899
i)   CURRENT CAPITAL EXPENDITUREAIC-I                           48,079.885      55,039.484     40,190.560       51,745.265
ii)  CURRENT CAPITAL EXPENDITUREAIC-II                          61,677.741     213,483.514    241,630.440      260,899.634
3    DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE (GROSS)                            146736.948     250.000.000    166.858.377      290.000.000
i)   DEVELOPMENT REVENUE EXPENDITURE                            92,003.151     165,670.838    113,316.699      170,705.637
ii)  DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                            54,733.797      84,329.162     53,541.678      119,294.363

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                  (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                  Accounts         Budget          Revised           Budget
                                                                 2011-2012       Estimates        Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                 2012-2013        2012-2013        2013-2014
01      GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES                                 261,056.077     305,300.357      313,596.848      345,327.434
        011  Executive and Legislative Organs, Financial and     74,149.417      89,819.358       89,168.851       98,911.958
        014  Transfers                                          185,122.256     213,603.039      222,218.626      244,267.098
        015  General Services                                     1,782.804       1,876.093        2,207.504        2,146.486
        019  General Public Services not Elsewhere
             Defined                                                  1.600           1.867            1.867            1.892
03      PUBLIC ORDER AND SAFETY AFFAIRS                          73,782.872      81,864.264       84,208.161       93,718.858
        031  Law Courts                                           7,224.006       9,416.002        8,941.691       10,500.564
        032  Police                                              58,715.779      62,251.774       65,592.065       71,305.410
        033  Fire Protection                                         43.847          51.172           49.710           57.611
        034  Prison Administration and Operation                  4,808.056       5,364.201        5,424.799        5,839.796
        036  Administration of Public Order                       2,991.184       4,781.115        4,199.896        6,015.477
04      ECONOMIC AFFAIRS                                         46,199.785      71,684.904       58,420.570       75,652.940
        041  General Economic, Commercial and Labour Affairs        291.074         471.540          455.034          399.570
        042  Agri.Food, Irrigation, Forestry and Fishing         33,407.705      57,223.896       42,114.266       62,070.197
        043  Fuel and Energy                                         25.414          33.170           31.794           34.708
        044  Mining and Manufacturing                             7,137.316       7,353.455        7,741.706        6,256.096
        045  Construction and Transport                           5,327.933       6,591.480        8,065.164        6,878.627
        047  Other Industries                                        10.343          11.363           12.606           13.742
05      ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION                                       74.368          71.381           89.581          116.730
        053  Pollution Abetment                                      74.368          71.381           89.581          116.730
06           HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AMENITIES                      2,954.743       3,296.079        5,603.578        4,002.789
        061  House Development                                      280.278         414.627          352.857          413.646
        062  Community Development                                  426.458         410.636        2,360.191          586.680
        063  Water Supply                                         2,248.007       2,470.816        2,890.530        3,002.463
07           HEALTH                                              27,154.085      35,656.545       37,637.231       44,629.627
        073  Hospital Services                                   24,581.310      32,819.201       34,481.003       42,902.728
        074  Public Health Services                                 105.134         121.646          120.931          138.726
        076  Health Administration                                2,467.641       2,715.698        3,035.297        1,588.173
08           RECREATIONAL, CULTURE AND RELIGION                   1,359.016       1,478.413        2,297.237        1,334.779
        081  Recreational and Sporting Services                     304.045         180.197          943.590          176.655
        082  Cultural Services                                      318.291         360.573          474.752          311.987
        083  Broadcasting and Publishing                            557.844         718.270          654.866          590.645
        084  Religious Affairs                                      136.154         168.102          172.322          204.085
        086  Admn. Info/. Recreation and Culture                     42.682          51.271           51.707           51.407

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                              (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                  Accounts       Budget          Revised         Budget
                                                                 2011-2012     Estimates       Estimates       Estimates
                                                                               2012-2013       2012-2013       2013-2014
09      EDUCATION AFFAIRS AND SERVICES                          27,705.803     31,307.272      41,150.890      40,596.539
        091 Pre. Primary Education Affairs and Service             726.697        904.286         986.791         991.916
        092 Secondary Education Affairs and Services            11,016.390     10,899.934      18,191.231      14,542.079
        093 Tertiary Education Affairs and Services             13,497.983     15,904.214      17,904.075      20,980.764
        094 Education Services Nondefinable by level               356.214        160.966         180.161         170.413
        095 Subsidiary Services to Education                       267.115        239.435         328.373         238.100
        097 Education Affairs, Services Not Elsewhere
            Defined                                              1,841.404      3,198.437       3,560.259       3,673.267
10      SOCIAL PROTECTION                                        4,012.837      2,200.656       6,758.297       2,189.615
        107  Administration                                      3,640.341      1,724.401       6,233.614       1,607.868
        108  Others                                                372.496        476.255         524.683         581.747
TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE EXPENDITURE (GROSS)                      444,299.586    532,859.871     549,762.393     607,569.311
LESS Subsidies                                                  12,944.902     34,000.000      17,674.912      36,000.000
TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE EXPENDITURE (NET)                        431,354.684    498,859.871     532,087.481     571,569.311

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                           (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts         Budget          Revised           Budget
                                                                          2011-2012       Estimates        Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                          2012-2013        2012-2013        2013-2014
01      General Public Services                                          261,056.077     305,300.357      313,596.848      345,327.434
011     Executive and Legislative Organs, Financial                       74,149.417      89,819.358       89,168.851       98,911.958
        and Fiscal Affairs
0111    Executive and Legislative Organs                                   4,506.801       5,348.441        5,355.721        6,184.151
011101  Parliamentary/LegislativeAffairs                                     980.548       1,168.306          911.598        1,257.591
        General Administration                              PC21010          525.490         623.141          395.315          644.387
        LQ4053  Provincial Assembly                                          324.475         399.618          238.292          469.550
        LQ4062  Law and Parliamentary Affairs Department                      114662         130.870          100.193           83.883
        LQ4502  Human Rights and Minorities Affairs Department                86.353          92.653           56.830           90.954
        General Administration                 (Charged)    PC24010          455.058         545.165          516.283          613.204
        LQ4054  Provincial Assembly            (Charged)                       3.154           5.101            2.365            6.721
        LQ4055  Provincial Assembly Department (Charged)                     451.904         540.064          513.918          606.483
011103  Provincial Executive                                                 698.912         594.020          837.598          554.351
        General Administration (Charged)                    PC24010          188.974         186.968          222.663          209.355
        LQ4056  Governor's House               (Charged)                      14.449          14.367           14.367           14.367
        LQ4057  Governor's Secretariat         (Charged)                      74.487          77.170           99.180           85.817
        LQ4376  Staff and Household            (Charged)                     100.038          95.431          109.116          109.171
        General Administration                              PC21010          509.938         407.052          614.935          344.996
        LQ4058  Chief Minister's Secretariat                                 368.189         259.836          419.861          199.940
        LQ4059  Ministers                                                    141.449         145.716          194.694          145.056
        LQ4778  Chairman Monitoring and Implementation                         0.300           1.500            0.380                -
011104  Administrative Inspection                                            156.695         185.285          177.720          217.719
        General Administration                              PC21010          156.695         185.285          177.720          217.719
        LQ4060  Chief Minister Inspection Team                                47.677          50.414           52.223           55.525
        LQ4061  Provincial Ombudsman                                         109.018         134.871          117.335          150.366
        LQ5037  Provincial Ombudsperson                                                                         8.162           11.828
011105  District Administration                                            2,094.364       2,575.038        2,663.899        3,298.707
        General Administration                              PC21010        2,094.364       2,575.038        2,663.899        3,298.707
        LQ4583  DistrictAdministration                                       389.554         607.814          510.161          700.424
        LQ4584  Sub Divisional Administration                              1,127.199       1,349.202        1,460.593        1,757.174
        LQ4586  Additional Collector                                         577.611         618.022          693.145          841.109
011108  Local Authority Administration and Regulation                        110.194         137.401          124.074          150.466
        General Administration                              PC21010          110.194         137.401          124.074          150.466
        LQ4065  Local Government and Community                               110.194         137.401          124.074          150.466
        Development Department
011110  General Commission and Enquires                                      164.603         177.861          242.353          230.726
        General Administration                              PC21010          157.137         169.475          234.365          221.289
        LQ4092  Public Service Commission                                    157.137         169.475          234.365          221.289
        Miscellaneous                                       PC21031            7.466           8.386            7.988            9.437
        LQ4284  Official Language Committee                                    7.466           8.386            7.988            9.437
011111  Divisional Administration                                            301.485         510.530          398.479          474.591
        General Administration                              PC21010          301.485         510.530          398.479          474.591
        LQ4508  Divisional Administration                                    276.254         462.308          360.722          428.239
        LQ4519  Circuit House                                                 25.231          48.222           37.757           46.352

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                 (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                          Accounts     Budget          Revised       Budget
                                                                         2011-2012    Estimates      Estimates     Estimates
                                                                                      2012-2013      2012-2013     2013-2014
0112    Financial and Fiscal Affairs                                    55,663.717   68,287.036    67,973.186     77,684.005
011204  Administration of Financial Affairs                              3,968.219   10,586.447       336.487        381.505
                General Administration                      PC21010      3,968.219   10,586.447       336.487        381.505
        LQ4066  Finance Department                                       3,960.987   10,568.243       321.568        360.060
        L05293  Provincial Finance Commission                                7.232       18.204        14.919         21.445
011205  Tax Management (Customs, Income Tax, Excise etc.)                  870.644    1,135.388     2,360.110      1,451.046
                Provincial Excise                           PC21003         78.658       57.446        49.144         61.554
        LQ4005  Direction                                                   66.399       38.473        41.395         41.581
        LQ4006  Cost of Manufacturing Opium Tablets                          6.085       11.700                       11.700
        LQ4007  Excise Bureau                                                6.174        7.273         7.749          8.273
                Stamps                                      PC21004        218.482      200.961       206.193        230.449
        LQ4008  Superintendence                                              9.325       11.296        11.674         13.449
        LQ4009  CostofStampsSuppliedfromCentral                            167.808      140.000       147.000        167.000
                Stamps Store
        LQ4010  ChargesfortheSaleofStamps                                   41.349       49.665        47.519         50.000
                Registration                                PC21006         37.531       51.290        48.134         57.793
        LQ4016  Superintendence                                              4.553        4.463         4.800          5.193
        LQ4574  District Charges                                            32.978       46.827        43.334         52.600
                Charges on A/c of Motor Vehicles Act        PC21007        111.236      104.970     1,261.285        110.479
        LQ4017  Registration and Token Tax                                  32.975       65.908       101.001         72.052
        LQ4018  Route Permits of Vehicles                                   78.261       39.062     1,160.284         38.427
                Other Taxes and Duties                      PC21008        136.975      375.709       351.951        429.775
        LQ4021  Cotton Fee                                                   1.450        2.657         2.018          2.973
        LQ4022  Urban Immovable PropertyTax                                 41.821      238.943       211.214        283.355
        LQ4023  Charges in Connection With Tobacco Duties                    0.621        0.623         0.623          0.623
        LQ4024  Charges Under Electricity Act                               10.261            -             -              -
        LQ5320  Charges Under Electricity Act                               82.822      133.486       138.096        142.824
                General Administration                      PC21010        287.762      345.012       443.403        560.996
        LQ4067  Excise and Taxation Department                              32.177       62.080        45.353         47.521
        LQ4099  Board of Revenue                                           249.556      281.103       298.500        311.491
        LQ4768  Member Colonies                                              6.029        1.829         3.649          1.984
        LQ4784  Punjab Revenue Authority                                         -            -        95.901        200.000
011206  Accounting Services                                                486.110      557.366       581.690        611.232
                General Administration                      PC21010        486.110      557.366       581.690        611.232
        LQ4100  Inspectorate of Treasuries                                  11.883       25.371        18.080         28.856
        LQ41O1  Treasuries/District Accounts Offices                       474.227      531.995       563.610        582.376
011207  Auditing Services                                                  184.709      228.635       245.208        261.969
                General Administration                      PC21010        184.709      228.635       245.208        261.969
        LQ4102  Local Fund Audit Department                                184.709      228.635       245.208        261.969
011210  Pension Civil                                                   50,110.261   55,736.200    64,409.390     74,935.253
                Pension                                     PC21028     50,110.261   55,736.200    64,409.390     74,935.253
        LQ4278  Pension                                                 50,110.261   55,736.200    64,409.390     74,935.253
011250  Others                                                              43.774       43.000        40.301         43.000
                Miscellaneous                               PC21031         43.774       43.000        40.301         43.000
        LQ4285  Government Contribution to Group Insurance                  43.774       43.000        40.301         43.000

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                       (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                               Accounts      Budget        Revised        Budget
                                                                              2011-2012     Estimates     Estimates      Estimates
                                                                                            2012-2013     2012-2013      2013-2014
0114    Foreign Debt Management                                                274.155      4,326.707     4,028.515      4,755.918
011402  Interest on Foreign Debt Payable to Federal                            274.155      4,326.707     4,028.515      4,755.918
        Government (Charged)
        Interest on Debt and other Obligations                   PC24044       274.155      4,326.707     4,028.515      4,755.918
        LQ4409  IDA Credit                     (Charged)                       274.155      4,326.707     4,028.515      4,755.918
0115    Domestic Debt Management                                            13,704.744     11,857.174    11,811.429     10,287.884
011501  Interest on Blocked NC                                               2,851.699      1,600.000     1,200.000        100.000
        Interest on Debt and other Obligations                   PC24044     2,851.699      1,600.000     1,200.000        100.000
        LQ4780  Interest on Blocked A/c        (Charged)                     2,851.699      1,600.000     1,200.000        100.000
011502  Investment and Domestic Debt                                        10,853.045     10,257.174    10,611.429     10,187.884
        Interest on Debt and other Obligations                   PC24044    10,853.045     10,257.174    10,611.429     10,187.884
        LQ4400  Interest on Domestic Loans Taken for                         3,834.127      3,292.479     3,292.479      2,804.879
                Development Schemes from Federal
                Government (A)                 (Charged)
        LQ4401  Interest on Domestic Loans Taken for Scrap                   1,431.425      1,319.357     1,319.357      1,211.867
                Tubewells from Federal Government (B)
        LQ4402  Permanent Debt (Market Loans)     (Charged)                          -          0.500         0.500         0.500
        LQ4403  Floating Debt                     (Charged)                    145.265        500.000       100.000       500.000
        LQ4404  Un-Funded Debt                    (Charged)                  4,390.725      4,702.835     5,126.745     5,273.635
        LQ4405  Other Obligations                 (Charged)                          -          0.003         0.002         0.003
        LQ4477  Payment of Interest to Financial Institutions (Charged)      1,038.688        425.000       757.095       371.000
        LQ4539  Payment of Interest to Bank of Punjab   (Charged)               12.815         17.000        15.251        26.000
014     Transfers                                                          185,122.256    213,603.039   222,218.626   244,267.098
0141    Transfers (Inter-Governmental)                                     185,122.256    213,603.039   222,218.626   244,267.098
014102  To District Governments                                            164,426.628    186,783.105   193,955.263   214,800.000
                Miscellaneous                                  PC21031     164,426.628    186,783.105   193,955.263   214,800.000
        LQ4341  District Government                                        164,426.628    186,783.105   193,955.263   214,800.000
014103  To TMAs (Tehsil, Town and Unions)                                   15,099.354     23,000.000    21,773.334    23,000.000
                Miscellaneous                                  PC21031      15,099.354     23,000.000    21,773.334    23,000.000
        LQ4385  Grant-in-Aid toTehsil Municipal                             10,641.338     17,000.000    16,498.444    17,000.000
        LQ4342  Grant -In-Aid to Union Administration                        4,458.016      6,000.000     5,274.890     6,000.000
014106  Cantonment Board                                                     1,354.685      1,200.000     1,195.075     1,200.000
                Miscellaneous                                  PC21031       1,354.685      1,200.000     1,195.075     1,200.000
        LQ4454  Grant-in-Aid to Cantonment Board                             1,354.685      1,200.000     1,195.075     1,200.000
014110  Others                                                               4,241.589      2,619.934     5,294.954     5,267.098
                Irrigation and Land Reclamation                PC21009          27.953         31.549        32.441       187.071
        DQ4003  Grant in Aid to DG Khan (Hill Torrents)                          2.805          2.630         3.545         3.274
        LQ4049  Grant-in-Aid to Engineering Academy                             24.361         28.182        28.180        32.929
        RQ4001  Grant in Aid to Rajanpur (Hill Torrents)                         0.787          0.737         0.716         0.868
        LQ4305  Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Authority                                                                  150.000
                Miscellaneous                                  PC21031       4,213.636      2,588.385     5,262.513     5,080.027
        B04006  Grant to Cholistan Development Authority,                       87.089        114.153        98.819       136.076
        LQ4298  Implementation ofJinnahAbadies                                   4.873          4.759         5.516         5.921
        LQ4363  Guarantee of Annual Income from Post
                Office, Telegraphs and Telephone Lines
        LQ4761  Grant in Aid                                                 3,885.192      2,224.766     4,884.113     4,598.048

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                 (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts       Budget      Revised       Budget
                                                                          2011-2012     Estimates    Estimates     Estimates
                                                                                        2012-2013   2012-2013      2013-2014
        LQ4427   Punjab Economic Research Institute                         24.424       30.880       31.162        35.084
        LQ4428   Punjab Quran Board                                          1.698        9.999        6.720        11.958
        LQ4429   Information Technology Board                              157.863      125.680      171.944       139.478
        LQ4431   Punjab Privatization Board                                 15.728       17.887       15.190        20.330
        LQ4432   SocietyforPreventionofcrueltytoAnimals                     12.211       17.515       17.149        20.014
        LQ4339   Grant to Payable Armed Services Board                       5.000        5.000        5.000         5.000
        LQ4534   Rural Development Project Bahawalpur                       18.958       37.146       26.300        46.162
        LQ5311   Guarantee of Annual Income Rom Post                         0.600        0.600        0.600         0.600
        LQ4320   Grant in Aid to Chief Administrator Muridkay Markaz             -            -            -        61.356
015              General Services                                        1,782.804    1,876.093    2,207.504     2,146.486
0151             Personnel Services                                      1,297.286    1,357.589    1,651.020     1,528.183
015101            Establishment Services General Administration          1,221.023    1,187.704    1,534.551     1,348.681
                 General Administration                     PC21010      1,221.023    1,187.704    1,534.551     1,348.681
        LQ4063   Services and General Administration Deptt.                995.677      999.467    1,294.003     1,081.648
        LQ4090   Director General Protocol                                  50.901       29.890       48.799        33.528
        LQ5994   Public Policy and Change Management Wing                    0.301            -            -             -
                 S and GAD
        LQ4445   Inter Provincial Coordination Wing of S and GAD                 -            -            -             -
        LQ4504   VIP Flight Maintenance and Operation Cell                  69.768       76.653       96.176        82.066
        LQ4507   Aviation Flight (RW)                                      104.376       81.694       95.573        88.455
        LQ4306   Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority                         -            -            -        44.209
        LQ4307   I and C Wing (S and GAD)                                        -            -            -        18.775
015102           Human Resource Management                                  76.263      169.885      116.469       179.502
                 General Administration                     PC21010         76.263      169.885      116.469       179.502
        LQ4383   Management and Professional Development                    45.012      126.151       76.016       129.729
        LQ5992   Punjab Institute of Management and                         31.251       43.734       40.453        49.773
                 Professional Development Institute
0152    Planning Services                                                  222.360      232.083      256.723       271.162
015201  Planning                                                           222.360      232.083      256.723       271.162
                 General Administration                     PC21010        194.113      204.559      225.728       237.369
        LQ4068   Planning and Development Department                       178.049      174.555      208.757       207.347
        LQ4772   Director General Monitoring and Evaluation                 16.064       30.004       16.971        30.022
                 Miscellaneous                              PC21031         28.247       27.524       30.995        33.793
        LQ4286   Planning and Development Department                        28.247       27.524       30.995        33.793
        LW4187   Punjab Devolved Social Services Programme                                                 -
0153    Statistics                                                         122.235      139.864      134.575       166.580
015301  Statistics                                                         122.235      139.864      134.575       166.580
                 Miscellaneous Departments                  PC21023        122.235      139.864      134.575       166.580
        LQ4238   Bureau of Statistics                                      122.235      139.864      134.575       166.580
0154    Other General Services                                             140.923      146.557      165.186       180.561
015403  Centralized Printing And Publishing                                139.418      146.557      165.186       180.561
                 Stationery and Printing                    PC21029        139.418      146.557      165.186       180.561
        B04005   Govt. Press, Bahawalpur                                    20.904       21.481       24.336        24.726
        LQ4279   Controller Printing and Stationery                          6.944        7.721        8.148         8.439
        LQ4280   Purchase of Stationery Stores                              31.644       50.000       44.400        70.000
        LQ4281   Purchase of Plain Paper used with Stamps                    5.114        5.687        6.011         6.005
        LQ4282   Government Press Lahore                                    74.812       61.668       82.291        71.391

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                    (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                            Accounts       Budget        Revised       Budget
                                                                           2011-2012      Estimates     Estimates    Estimates
                                                                                          2012-2013     2012-2013    2013-2014
015406  Information Technology                                               1.505            -             -             -
                General Administration                      PC21010          1.505            -             -             -
        LQ4070  Information Technology Department                            1.505            -             -             -
019     Gen.Public Services Not Elsewhere Defined                            1.600        1.867         1.867         1.892
0191    Gen.Public Services Not Elsewhere Defined                            1.600        1.867         1.867         1.892
019120  Others                                                               1.600        1.867         1.867         1.892
                Privy Purses                                PC24045          1.600        1.600         1.600         1.600
        LQ4319  Maintenance Allowance to Ex-Rulers (Charged)                 1.600        1.600         1.600         1.600
                Miscellaneous                               PC21031              -        0.267         0.267         0.292
        DQ4007  Miscellaneous Expenditure on Tribes in                           -        0.200         0.200         0.225
        RQ4066  Miscellaneous Expenditure on Tribes in                           -        0.067         0.067         0.067
        Public Order And Safety Affairs                                 73,782.872   81,864.264    84,208.161    93,718.858
        Law Courts                                                       7,224.006    9,416.002     8,941.691    10,500.564
        Law Courts                                                       7,224.006    9,416.002     8,941.691    10,500.564
031101  Courts/Justice                                                   6,659.321    8,664.533     8,249.490     9,686.337
                General Administration                      PC21010         41.845       48.553        56.794        57.262
        LQ4091  Punjab Service Tribunal                                     41.845       48.553        56.794        57.262
                Administration of Justice     (Charged)     PC24011      1,653.322    1,889.974     2,064.169     2,161.528
        LQ4112  High Court                    (Charged)                  1,653.322    1,889.974     2,064.169     2,161.528
                Administration of Justice                   PC21011      4,873.165    6,624.508     6,021.655     7,356.018
        LQ4111  High Court                                                  11.053        0.805        15.570         5.805
        L04114  Session Courts                                           1,603.838    1,745.553     2,255.826     2,035.824
        LQ4115  Civil Courts                                             3,159.583    4,771.661     3,624.856     5,196.405
        L04116  Special Courts                                              79.448       81.206       102.746        90.133
        LQ4117  Courts of Small Causes                                      19.243       25.283        22.657        27.851
                Miscellaneous Departments                   PC21023         90.989      101.498       106.872       111.529
        LQ4226  Labour Courts                                               63.951       68.826        75.355        77.930
        LQ4475  Labour Appellate Tribunal Lahore                            27.038       32.672        31.517        33.599
031102  Attorneys / Legal Services                          PC21011        531.311      693.309       647.291       754.040
        LQ5467  Solicitor's Department                                      25.069       29.711        25.498        32.168
        LQ5468  Mufassil Establishment                                     261.327      358.146       324.088       412.786
        LQ5469  Advocate General                                           244.915      305.452       297.705       309.086
031103  Punjab Judicial Academy                             PC21011         32.291       56.948        43.753        58.965
        LQ4472  Punjab Judicial Academy                                     32.291       56.948        43.753        58.965
031120  Others                                                               1.083        1.212         1.157         1.222
                Administration of Justice                   PC21011          1.083        1.212         1.157         1.222
        LQ411O  Administrative-General and Official Trustee                  1.083        1.212         1.157         1.222
032     Police                                                          58,715.779   62,251.774    65,592.065    71,305.410
0321    Police                                                          58,715.779   62,251.774    65,592.065    71,305.410
032102  Provincial Police                                               52,697.437   55,063.320    58,793.163    63,693.972
                Police                                      PC21013     52,697.437   55,063.320    58,793.163    63,693.972
        LQ4125  Direction                                                1,504.501      799.235     2,224.795       849.011
        LQ4126  Superintendence                                            233.087      248.660       260.380       289.119
        LQ4127  District Police                                         48,080.869   50,025.478    53,098.919    58,276.960
        LQ4129  Special Branch                                            1,641260    1,978.496     1,898.645     2,162.770
        LW4120  Elite Police Force                                         421.211      649.122       425.697       588.354
        LQ4590  Counter Terrorism Department                               816.509    1,362.329       884.727     1,527.758

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                      (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                              Accounts     Budget          Revised       Budget
                                                                            2011-2012     Estimates       Estimates     Estimates
                                                                                          2012-2013       2012-2013     2013-2014
032103   Local Police                                                        257.686       345.311         293.885       381.214
                 Police                                       PC21013        257.686       345.311         293.885       381.214
         DQ4005  Border Military Police (D.G. Khan)                          114.786       132.421         130.844       164.527
         D04006  Baluch Levy, D.G. Khan                                       65.045       142.220          77.775       134.830
         RQ4002  Border Military Police (Rajanpur)                            77.855        70.670          85.266        81.857
032108   Economic Crime Investigation                                        483.825       742.969         636.219       790.077
                 General Administration                       PC21010        483.825       742.969         636.219       790.077
         LQ4093  Anti-corruption Establishment                               427.655       686.654         567.488       726.357
         LQ4094  Special Judges Anti-Corruption Courts                        56.170        56.315          68.731        63.720
032111   Training                                                          1,230.498     1,786.748       1,473.681     1,775.596
                 Police                                       PC21013      1,230.498     1,786.748       1,473.681     1,775.596
         LQ4136  Police Training Institutes                                1,230.498     1,786.748       1,473.681     1,775.596
032113   Other Civil Armed Forces                                          3,384.243     3,590.157       3,700.713     3,938.562
                 Police                                       PC21013      3,384.243     3,590.157       3,700.713     3,938.562
         LQ4131  Punjab Constabulary                                       3,384.243     3,590.157       3,700.713     3,938.562
032150   Others                                                              662.090       723.269         694.404       725.989
                 Police                                       PC21013        662.090       723.269         694.404       725.989
         LQ4133  Police Supplied to Public Deptts. Private                   214.875       229.929         242.629       238.614
                 Bodies and Persons
         LQ4134  Qaumi Razakar Organization                                   367348       438.340         394.676       447.375
         LQ4135  Works                                                        79.867        55.000          57.099        40.000
033      Fire Protection                                                      43.847        51.172          49.710        57.611
0331     Fire Protection                                                      43.847        51.172          49.710        57.611
033101   Administration                                                       40.469        46.314          46.067        52.412
                 Civil Defence                                PC21032         40.469        46.314          46.067        52.412
         LQ4301  Administration                                               40.469        46.314          46.067        52.412
033102   Operations                                                            3.378         4.858           3.643         5.199
                 Civil Defence                                PC21032          3.378         4.858           3.643         5.199
         LQ4302  Medical Establishment                                         3.378         4.858           3.643         5.199
034      Prison Administration and Operation                               4,808.056     5,364.201       5,424.799     5,839.796
0341     Prison Administration and Operation                               4,808.056     5,364.201       5,424.799     5,839.796
034101   Jails and Convict Settlement                                      4,736.036     5,280.656       5,339.404     5,746.794
                 Jails                                        PC21012      4,736.036     5,280.656       5,339.404     5,746.794
         LQ4118  Direction                                                    62.268        67.098          89.531        79.074
         LQ4119  CentralJails                                              2,266.998     2,611.547       2,580.527     2,730.455
         LQ4120  District Jails                                            2,296.009     2,463.169       2,557.714     2,790.097
         LQ4121  Lock Ups                                                     42.341        61.276          37.960        65.363
         LQ4122  Jails (manufactures) Central Jails                           62.497        70.725          67.165        74.892
         LQ4123  District Jails                                                 0.423         1.241           0.383         1.313
         LQ4124  Works                                                         5.500         5.600           6.124         5.600
034120   Other Places of Detention and Correction                             72.020        83.545          85.395        93.002
                 General Administration                       PC21010         71.902        83.345          85.195        92.802
         LQ4103  Reclamation and Probation Department                         71.902        83.345          85.195        92.802
                 Miscellaneous                                PC21031          0.118         0.200           0.200         0.200
         LQ4287  State Prisoners and Detenues                                  0.118         0.200           0.200         0.200

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                       (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts         Budget       Revised         Budget
                                                                          2011-2012       Estimates     Estimates      Estimates
                                                                                          2012-2013     2012-2013      2013-2014
036     Administration of Public Order                                    2,991.184       4,781.115     4,199.896      6,015.477
0361    Administration                                                    2,991.184       4,781.115     4,199.896      6,015.477
036101  Secretariat/Administration                                        2,991.184       4,781.115     4,199.896      6,015.477
                General Administration                        PC21010     1,194.155       2,231.573     1,837.567      2,870.564
        LQ4064  Home Department                                             199.855         185.873       265.284        171.631
        LQ4095  Crisis Management and Control Centre                          2.711           6.164         2.868          6.892
        LQ4096  District Public Safety Commission                             4.490          80.874         6.304         80.874
        LQ4097  Forensic Science Laboratory Punjab                           12.657          19.493       206.489        665.521
        LQ5276  Public Prosecution Department                                40.186          87.019        41.316         87.991
        LQ5283  Prosecutor General                                          740.377       1,471.909     1,076.685      1,379.557
        LQ5362  Child Protection Bureau                                     129.487         270.930       129.857        367.615
        LQ4506  Special Intelligence Agency
        LQ4457  Directorate of Monitoring                                    57.667          86.009        99.528         88.886
        LQ4456  DG (Inspection)                                               6.725          23.302         9.236         21.597
                Miscellaneous                                  PC21031    1,797.029       2,549.542     2,362.329      3,144.913
        LQ4509  Rescue 1122 (Punjab Emergency Service)                    1,797.029       2,549.542     2,362.329      3,144.913
04      Economic Affairs                                                 46,199.785      71,684.904    58,420.570     75,652.940
041     Gen. Economic, Commercial and Labour Affairs                        291.074         471.540       455.034        399.570
0411    General Economic Affairs                                            164.502         202.522       192.127        236.755
041102  Anthropological, Archaeological and Other                           164.502         202.522       192.127        236.755
                Miscellaneous Departments                      PC21023      164.502         202.522       192.127        236.755
        LQ4239  Archaeological                                               34.319          41.790        40.081         51.003
        LQ4358  Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens                             37.957          43.865        45.325         53.157
        LQ4544  Archaeological (Devolved Offices)                            92.226         116.867       106.721        132.595
0412    Commercial Affairs                                                   18.187         138.491       133.468         16.017
041212  Trade Marks, Patents and Copyrights                                   9.457          13.491         8.468         16.017
                Misc. Department                               PC21023        9.457          13.491         8.468         16.017
        LQ4225  Weights and Measures Trade Marks and                          9.457          13.491         8.468         16.017
                Patent Rights
041214  Administration                                         PC21010            -               -             -              -
        LQ4767  Commerce and Investment Department                                -               -             -              -
041214  Administration                                         PC21022        8.730         125.000       125.000
        LQ4518  Pak China Bureau                                              8.730               -             -              -
        LQ4533  Punjab Board of Investment and Trade                                        125.000       125.000
0413    General Labour Affairs                                              108.385         130.527       129.439        146.798
041305  Industrial Safety (Inspection of Boilers, Explosives, etc.)           9.702          11.174        11.895         13.613
                Industries                                     PC21022        9.702          11.174        11.895         13.613
        LQ4220  lnspectorateofBoilers                                         9.702          11.174        11.895         13.613
041308  Wage Regulation                                                       6.178           6.499         6.502          7.460
                Miscellaneous Department                       PC21023        6.178           6.499         6.502          7.460
        LQ4229  Minimum Wages Board                                           6.178           6.499         6.502          7.460
041310  Administration                                                       92.505         112.854       111.042        125.725
                General Administration                         PC21010       27.909          25.079        26.538         27.375
        LQ4075  Labour and Human Resource Department                         27.909          25.079        26.538         27.375
                Miscellaneous Department                       PC21023       64.596          87.775        84.504         98.350
        LQ4228  Directorate of Labour Welfare                                64.596          87.775        84.504         98.350

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                          (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts         Budget          Revised        Budget
                                                                          2011-2012       Estimates        Estimates      Estimates
                                                                                          2012-2013        2012-2013      2013-2014
042     Agri, Food, Irrigation, Forestry and Fishing                      33,407.705     57,223.896       42,114.266      62,070.197
0421    Agriculture                                                        8,880.172     11,508.985       11,028.230      13,009.890
042101  Administration/Land Commission                                       208.636        260.707          242.854         299.197
                General Administration                         PC21010       181.038        226.858          213.098         261.695
        LQ4081  Agriculture Department                                        59.719         79.123           68.879          85.066
        LQ4082  Food Department                                               33.993         39.406           42.169          43.913
        LQ4083  Livestock and Dairy Development Department                    27.959         29.318           32.612          35.871
        LQ4084  Forestry Wildlife Fisheries and Tourism Department            32.457         37.311           35.211          41.496
        LQ4085  Cooperative Department                                        15.414         16.873           20.625          19.038
        LW4065  Cane Commissioner Punjab                                      11.496         24.827           13.602          36.311
                Agriculture                                    PC21018        27.598         33.849           29.756          37.502
        LQ4191  Planning and Evaluation Cell                                  25.519         31.363           27.290          34.963
        LQ5306  Punjab Agricultural Supply Corporation(PAD and SC)             2.079          2.486            2.466           2.539
042102  Land Management (Land Record and Colonization)                     2,221.002      2,959.825        2,832.163       3,522.482
                Land Revenue                                   PC21002     2,221.002      2,959.825        2,832.163       3,522.482
        LQ4002  Superintendence                                                2.833          3.899            2.766           4.412
        LQ4003  Land Record-Superintendence                                   22.988         82.362           37.115         168.076
        LQ4004  Consolidation of Land Holdings Superintendence                 6.511          8.162            8.220           9.235
        LQ4573  Consolidation of Land Holding District                       176.712        333.271          237.872         384.830
        LQ4576  Forest Reserve and Grazing Land                                1.558          9.345            6.677          11.027
        LQ4577  Land Reclamation and Protection                               26.708          6.283            4.581           7.600
        LQ4578  Survey Settlement and Record Operation                         5.375              -                -               -
        LQ4579  Colonization                                                 139.740        258.413          253.592         289.487
        LQ4581  Land Record-District Charges                               1,838.577      2,258.090        2,281.340       2,647.815
042103  Agricultural Research and Extension Services                       3,632.127      4,354.273        4,537.305       4,809.061
                Agriculture                                    PC21018     3,632.127      4,354.273        4,537.305       4,809.061
        LQ4192  Subordinate and Expert Staff                                  93.213        134.243          115.311         143.179
        LQ4357  Lumpsum Provision for Punjab Agriculture                       5.515         38.600                -          15.000
                Marketing Company (PAMCO)
        LQ4193  Extension Services Extension                                 397.348        309.671          314.763         352.703
        LQ4194  Extension Services Floriculture                               84.571         88.981          102.324         109.802
        LQ4195  Extension Services Research                                1,333.520      1,541.771        1,645.053       1,817.244
        LQ4196  On Farm Water Management Programme                            74.404         78.671           83.849          84.569
        LQ4197  Agricultural Engineering Soil Conservation and             1,490.798      1,770.483        1,674.233       1,862.405
                Boring Operations
        LQ4198  Grant to Research Coordination Board Lahore                   32.193        206.506          185.741         212.361
        LQ4199  Works                                                          3.437          3.500            3.500           3.500
        LQ4200  Lumpsum Provision for Incentives                               2.414         30.000           30.000          30.000
        VQ4001  RADECVehari                                                   13.390         17.758           18.602          19.886
        LQ4765  Establishment of WTO Cell in Agriculture Deptt                 2.996          5.572            4.039           6.323
        LQ4529  Water Courses (Punjab Component)                              30.336         26.468           24.793          29.927
        LQ4530  Water Courses (Regional Offices)                              33.383         44.493           39.653          48.707
        LQ4781  Soil Survey of Punjab                                         34.609         57.556           55.519          73.455
        LQ4902  Punjab Seed Corporation                                            -              -          239.925               -
042104  Plants Protection and Locust Control                   PC21018       244.690        409.058          325.479         503.613
                Agriculture                                                  244.690        409.058          325.479         503.613
        MP4006  Plant Protection and Locust Control                          244.690        409.058          325.479         503.613
042106  Animal Husbandry                                                   2,011.686      2,900.598        2,462.715       3,148.013
                Veterinary                                     PC21020     2,011.686      2,900.598        2,462.715       3,148.013
        LQ4204  Direction - Extension                                         85.991         91.627           93.765          94.467
        LQ4205  Direction - Research                                          10.894         12.567           10.677          13.233
        LQ4206  Direction-Planning and Evaluation Cell                        14.232         17.564           18.782          17.068
        LQ4207  Superintendence                                               97.634        111.367          152.870         165.079
        LQ4208  Veterinary Education and Research                             99.204        112.064          110.241         120.160

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                              (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                               Accounts       Budget           Revised       Budget
                                                                              2011-2012      Estimates        Estimates     Estimates
                                                                                             2012-2013        2012-2013     2013-2014
        LQ4209    Provincial Schemes (Research)                                 86.555         98.295          91.316        115.933
        LQ4210    Mufassil Veterinary, Hospitals and Dispensaries                0.100          0.100           0.100          0.105
        LQ4211    Field Control and Diseases - Extension                        19.865         25.880          22.044         29.469
        LQ4212    Field Control and Diseases - Research                         12.137         17.101          13.761         17.241
        LQ4213    Breeding Operations-Govt. Farms (Research)                   180.165        207.520         201.838        232.678
        LQ4214    Breeding Operations-Govt .Farms (Extension)                  385.132        490.147         475.372        540.904
        LQ4215    Provincial Schemes (Farms)                                     5.663          6.046           6.381          6.811
        LQ4392    Breeding Operation Govt- Farms (DLF)                        318.949        362.626         403.732        399.539
        LQ4393    Provincial Scheme (Extension)                                 18.025         20.361          20.745         22.415
        MP4091    Directorate of Small Ruminant Multan                         148.899        194.483         177.768        191.665
        RA4134   Directorate of Poultry Research Institute                     171.535        195.788         204.523        223.124
        LQ4447    Lumpsum Provision for transfer to District                         -        500.000               -        500.000
                  Government for Treatment of Livestock
        LQ4516    Provincial Schemes - Director B.l                            113.769        125.002         138.287        140.270
        LQ4521    University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,                207.624        270.000         280.971        270.000
        JG4121    Directorate of RCCSC Jhang                                    35.313         42.060          39.542         47.852
042107  CO-Operation                                                           133.091        142.702         146.150        156.013
                  Co-operation                                 PC21021         133.091        142.702         146.150        156.013
        LQ4216    Direction                                                     47.197         51.359          53.130         54.455
        LQ4217    Superintendence                                               51.266         52.805          56.015         59.809
        FQ4003    Co-operative Training College Faisalabad                      28.718         31.802          29.795         34.369
        BO4004    Co-operative Training Institute, Bahawalpur                    5.910          6.736           7.210          7.380
042113  Information and Statistics                                             428.940        481.822         481.564        571.511
                  Agriculture                                  PC21018         428.940        481.822         481.564        571.511
        LQ5299    Agriculture Census/Statistics                                428.940        481.822         481.564        571.511
0422    Irrigation                                                           8,732.379      8,718.297      10,114.858      9,552.284
042201  Administration                                                         637.653        646.977         714.061        732.847
                  General Administration                       PC21010          87.990         96.605         100.689        106.866
        LQ4086    Irrigation and Power Department                               87.990         96.605         100.689        106.866
                  Irrigation and Land Reclamation                PC21009       549.663        550.372         613.372        625.981
        LQ4025    Chief Engineers                                              225.870        221.653         252.895        257.776
        LQ4026    Chief Engineer (Water Treaty Implementation Cell)             28.194         22.677          21.950         24.114
        LQ4027    Chief Engineer (Planning and Review)                          48.232         48.560          54.075         54.870
        LQ4028    Superintending Engineers                                     247.367        257.482         284.452        289.221
042202  Irrigation Dams                                                        118.187        122.412         145.358        139.562
                  Irrigation and Land Reclamation                PC21009       118.187        122.412         145.358        139.562
        LQ4038    Irrigation Dams                                              118.187        122.412         145.358        139.562
042203  Canals Irrigation                                                    6,285.363      6,187.830       7,079.709      6,832.581
                  Irrigation and Land Reclamation                PC21009     6,285.363      6,187.830       7,079.709      6,832.581
        LQ4029    Canal Irrigation (Executive)                               5,066.029      4,939.872       5,677.655      5,430.501
        LQ4030    Chashma Right Bank Canal (Exe.)                                8.654         10.640           9.132         11.630
        LQ4039    Canal Irrigation (SR)                                      1,164.633      1,168.058       1,332.006      1,318.357
        LQ4764    Greater Thai Canal                                             6.495         14.888           8.405         15.586
        LQ5309    Chasma Right Bank Irrigation Project Taunsa                    1.901          6.498           2.382          8.030

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                            (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                                Accounts      Budget         Revised         Budget
                                                                               2011-2012     Estimates      Estimates       Estimates
                                                                                             2012-2013      2012-2013       2013-2014
        L05310   Programme Monitoring and Implementation Unit                    37.651         47.874        50.129         48.477
042204  Tubewells                                                             1,000.656      1,082.413     1,249.886      1,100.221
                 Irrigation and Land Reclamation                    PC21009   1,000.656      1,082.413     1,249.886      1,100.221
        LQ4040   Tubewells                                                    1,000.656      1,082.413     1,249.886      1,100.221
042205  Equipment and Machinery Workshops                                       395.192        387.754       437.592        436.046
                 Irrigation and Land Reclamation                    PC21009     395.192        387.754       437.592        436.046
        LQ4031   Excavator and Store Division                                   227.515        219.645       253.780        259.781
        LQ4032   Moghalpura Irrigation Workshop                                 119.516        118.109       130.898        117.499
        L04033   Bhalwal Irrigation Workshop                                     48.161         50.000        52.914         58.766
042206  Irrigation, Research and Design                                         130.475        131.411       148.892        151.527
                 Irrigation and Land Reclamation                    PC21009     130.475        131.411       148.892        151.527
        LQ4041   Research Institute                                             113.238        112.838       129.577        130.806
        LQ4042   Director Design                                                 17.237         18.573        19.315         20.721
042250  Others                                                                  164.853        159.500       339.360        159.500
                 Irrigation and Land Reclamation                    PC21009     164.853        159.500       339.360        159.500
        LQ5945   Suspense                                                       164.853        159.500       339.360        159.500
0423    Land Reclamation                                                        231.157        217.728       241.949        252.095
042301  Administration                                                           65.597         69.648        65.618         73.133
                 Irrigation and Land Reclamation                    PC21009      65.597         69.648        65.618         73.133
        LQ4047   Director Land Reclamation                                       65.597         69.648        65.618         73.133
042302  Water Logging and Salinity Control                                      165.560        148.080       176.331        178.962
                 Irrigation and Land Reclamation                    PC21009     165.560        148.080       176.331        178.962
        LQ4048   Water Logging and Salinity Control                             165.560        148.080       176.331        178.962
0424    Forestry                                                              2,150.302      2,282.262     2,464.507      2,613.748
042401  Preservation of Wildlife and Control of Hunting                         415.720        459.398       512.156        536.282
                 Miscellaneous Departments                          PC21023     415.720        459.398       512.156        536.282
        LQ4242   Preservation of Wildlife and Control of Hunting                415.720        459.398       512.156        536.282
042402  Forestry                                                              1,734.582      1,822.864     1,952.351      2,077.466
                 Forestry                                           PC21005   1,734.582      1,822.864     1,952.351      2,077.466
        LQ4011  Direction                                                        48.568         48.943        53.774         59.687
        LQ4013   Regional and Field Establishment                             1,297.546      1,384.169     1,489.585      1,624.627
        LQ4014   Conservancy and Works                                          388.468        389.752       408.992        393.152
0425    Fishing                                                                 383.345        396.869       457.196        468.632
042501  Administration                                                          383.345        396.869       457.196        468.632
                 Fisheries                                          PC21019     383.345        396.869       457.196        468.632
        LQ4203   Fisheries                                                      383.345        396.869       457.196        468.632
0426    Food                                                                 13,030.350     34,099.755    17,807.526     36,173.548
042601  Administration                                                           85.448         99.755       132.614        173.548
                 General Administration                             PC21010      72.883         99.755        91.899        109.935
        LQ4071   Communication and Works Department                              72.883         99.755        91.899        109.935
                 Miscellaneous                                      PC21031      12.565              -        40.715         63.613
        L04619   Punjab Food Authority                                           12.565              -        40.715         63.613

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                          (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                             Accounts         Budget        Revised        Budget
                                                                            2011-2012       Estimates      Estimates      Estimates
                                                                                            2012-2013      2012-2013      2013-2014
042602   Subsidy                                                           12,944.902      34,000.000     17,674.912     36,000.000
         Subsidy                                              PC21030      12,944.902      34,000.000     17,674.912     36,000.000
         LQ4283 Wheat                                                      12,578.366      34,000.000     17,674.912     36,000.000
                Subsidy on Wheat                                                    -      27,500.000     14,021.011     30,000.000
                Subsidy on Public Transport                                         -       1,000.000        248.277      3,000.000
                Ramzan Package                                                      -       4,000.000      2,871.000      3,000.000
                Green Tractor Subsidy Scheme                                        -               -          0.200              -
                Yellow Cab Scheme                                                   -       1,500.000        534.424              -
         LQ4571 Subsidies To Transport Department                             357.376               -              -              -
         LQ5122 Green Tractor Subsidy                                           9.160               -              -              -
043      Fuel and Energy                                                       25.414          33.170         31.794         34.708
0437     Others                                                                25.414          33.170         31.794         34.708
043701   Energy Department                                                     25.414          33.170         31.794         34.708
                General Administration                        PC21010          25.414          33.170         31.794         34.708
         LQ4905 Energy Department                                              25.414          33.170         31.794         34.708
044      Mining and Manufacturing                                           7,137.316       7,353.455      7,741.706      6,256.096
0441     Manufacturing                                                      6,794.355       6,935.030      7,345.185      5,805.358
044101   Support For Industrial Development                                 5,741.301       6,025.868      6,353.189      4,664.853
                Industries                                    PC21022       5,741.301       6,025.868      6,353.189      4,664.853
         LQ4219 GrantinAidtolEVTA                                           5,741.301       6,025.868      6,353.189      4,664.853
044105   Administration                                                       616.599         331.977        424.411        459.774
                General Administration                        PC21010         234.971         255.278        351.829        373.176
         LQ4087 Industries Department                                          74.939          77.623        166.722        183.009
         LQ4382 Mines and Minerals Department                                  22.790          22.617         26.779         25.205
         LQ4106 Punjab Prices and Supply Board                                  5.179           8.264          6.613          8.645
         LQ5277 Punjab Consumer Protection Council                             22.729          27.341         25.627         29.873
         LQ5279 District Consumer Courts                                       76.812          80.106         87.795         84.908
         LQ4776 District Consumer Protection Council                           32.522          39.327         38.293         41.536
                Industries                                    PC21022         166.477          76.699         72.582         86.598
         LQ4218 Headquarters Establishment                                    166.477          76.699         72.582         86.598
                Miscellaneous                                 PC21031         215.151               -              -              -
         LQ5303 Mines and Minerals Department                                 215.151               -              -              -
044120   Others                                                               436.455         577.185        567.585        680.731
                Opium                                         PC21001           3.981           5.457          5.557          6.603
         LQ4001 Opium Factory                                                   3.981           5.457          5.557          6.603
                Agriculture                                   PC21018          23.533          21.818         20.670         24.766
         B04003 Karkhana AIlat-e-Zaree Bahawalpur                              23.533          21.818         20.670         24.766
                Industries                                    PC21022         408.941         549.910        541.358        649.362
         LQ4224 Grant-in-aid to Punjab Small Industries                       407.200         537.291        538.727        640.680
                Corporation (PSIC)
         LQ4779 Sasti Roti Authority                                            1.741          12.619          2.631          8.682
0442     Mining                                                               342.961         418.425        396.521        450.738
044201   Mining of Mineral Resources                                          342.961         418.425        396.521        450.738
         Other than Mineral Fuel
                Industries                                    PC21022         342.961         418.425        396.521        450.738
         LQ4221 Headquarters Establishment                                     60.346          62.344         66.608         73.932
         LQ4223 Inspectorate of Mines                                         112.141         133.953        132.385        153.884
         LQ4331 Mines Labour Welfare Commissionerate                          105.045         153.775        122.028        145.499
         LW4008 Regional Establishment                                         65.429          68.353         75.500         77.423

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                             (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                              Accounts        Budget          Revised         Budget
                                                                             2011-2012       Estimates       Estimates       Estimates
                                                                                             2012-2013       2012-2013       2013-2014
045     Construction and Transport                                           5,327.933       6,591.480       8,065.164       6,878.627
0452    Road Transport                                                       3,450.343       3,358.294       4,851.746       3,480.678
045201  Administration                                                         285.864         208.360         250.923         244.503
                General Administration                         PC21010         101.654          26.904          42.235          29.541
        LQ4088  Transport Department                                           101.654          26.904          42.235          29.541
                Communications                                 PC21025         184.210         181.456         208.688         214.962
        LW4001  Chief Engineers                                                 95.605          84.515          91.626          92.583
        LW4002  Superintending Engineer                                         88.605          96.941         117.062         122.379
045202  Highways, Roads and Bridges                                          3,050.192       3,024.197       3,342.429       3,092.869
                Communications                                 PC21025       3,050.192       3,024.197       3,342.429       3,092.869
        LQ4263  Executive Engineer                                           1,086.730         979.178       1,172.675       1,038.830
        LQ4264  Maintenance and Repair                                       1,912.515       1,981.566       1,977.566       1,981.566
        LQ4265  Tools and Plants                                                 8.267          12.000          12.000          12.000
        LQ5298  Director Planning and Design                                    42.680          51.453          54.920          60.473
        LQ4628  Lahore Ring Road Authority                                           -               -         125.268               -
045205  Grants, Loans, Subsidies for Construction and Operation                      -               -       1,126.000               -
        of Road Transport System
                Miscellaneous                                  PC21031               -               -       1,126.000               -
        LQ4785  Punjab Metrobus Authority                                            -               -       1,126.000               -
045220  Others                                                                 114.287         125.737         132.394         143.306
                Communications                                 PC21025         114.287         125.737         132.394         143.306
        LW4003  DirectorateofBridges                                            14.866          18.864          18.113          21.129
        LW4004  Land Acquisition and Control Officers                           50.306          58.988          59.154          67.459
        LW4005  Superintending Engineer/Project Cell                            11.058          12.972          12.698          13.448
        LW4006  Road Research and Material Testing Institute                    31.499          26.745          33.350          32.561
        LW4007  Sub-Project Management Unit                                      6.558           8.168           9.079           8.709
0457    Construction (Works)                                                 1,877.590       3,233.186       3,213.418       3,397.949
045701  Administration                                                         163.350         207.464         202.378         220.949
                Civil Works                                    PC21024         163.350         207.464         202.378         220.949
        LQ4351  Chief Engineers Works and Research                              54.512          80.156          66.012          66.631
        LQ4352  Director Planning and Design                                    16.719          19.995          20.133          22.984
        LQ4354  Superintending Engineers                                        92.119         107.313         116.233         131.334
045702  Buildings And Structures                                             1,547.959       2,816.506       2,819.741       2,944.724
                Civil Works                     (Charged)      PC24024          73.973          74.000          74.000          74.000
        LQ4250  Maintenance and Repair          (Charged)                       73.973          74.000          74.000          74.000
                Civil Works                                    PC21024       1,473.986       2,742.506       2,745.741       2,870.724
        LQ4249  Executive Engineer                                             858.962         880.256         995.077       1,008.474
        LQ4254  Maintenance of Buildings of H and PP Deptt.                      3.265               -               -               -
        LQ4256  Tools and Plants                                                 1.391           2.250           2.250           2.250
        LQ4251  Maintenance and Repairs                                        610.368       1,860.000       1,748.414       1,860.000
045720  Others                                                                 166.281         209.216         191.299         232.276
                Civil Works                                    PC21024         166.281         209.216         191.299         232.276
        LQ4258  ChiefArchitect                                                 133.664         174.062         151.962         195.823
        LQ4395  Director Building Research Station                              32.617          35.154          39.337          36.453
047     Other Industries                                                        10.343          11.363          12.606          13.742
0472    Subsidies                                                               10.343          11.363          12.606          13.742
047202  Tourism                                                                 10.343          11.363          12.606          13.742
                Miscellaneous Departments                      PC21023          10.343          11.363          12.606          13.742
        LQ5302  Department of Tourist Services                                     10.343          11.363          12.606          13.742

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                        (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                              Accounts       Budget        Revised       Budget
                                                                             2011-2012      Estimates     Estimates     Estimates
                                                                                            2012-2013     2012-2013     2013-2014
05      Environment Protection                                                 74.368        71.381         89.581       116.730
053     Pollution Abatement                                                    74.368        71.381         89.581       116.730
0531    Pollution Abatement                                                    74.368        71.381         89.581       116.730
053101  Environment Protection                                                 74.368        71.381         89.581       116.730
                Public Health                                 PC21017          74.368        71.381         89.581       116.730
        LQ4186  Environmental Protection Agency                                74.368        71.381         89.581       116.730
06      Housing and Community Amenities                                     2,954.743     3,296.079      5,603.578     4,002.789
061     Housing Development                                                   280.278       414.627        352.857       413.646
0611    Housing Development                                                   280.278       414.627        352.857       413.646
061101  Administration                                                         70.578        91.715        102.847       106.833
                General Administration                        PC21010          70.578        91.715        102.847       106.833
        L04076  HUD and PHE Department                                         53.315        59.966         63.165        71.021
        LQ4077  Environment Protection Deptt                                   17.263        31.749         39.682        35.812
                Housing and Physical Planning                 PC21026          61.054       127.029         70.015        87.989
        LQ4275  Head Quarter Establishment                                     61.054       127.029         70.015        87.989
061102  Low Cost Housing                                                      148.646       195.883        179.995       218.824
        Housing and Physical Planning Department              PC21026         148.646       195.883        179.995       218.824
        LQ4762  Field Formations                                              148.646       195.883        179.995       218.824
062     Community Development                                                 426.458       410.636      2,360.191       586.680
0621    Urban Development                                                     100.000             -      2,002.716             -
062103  Urban Development                                                           -             -      2,000.000             -
        Housing and Physical Planning Department              PC21026               -             -      2,000.000             -
        LQ4462  D.C. LDA Lahore                                                     -             -      2,000.000             -
062120  Others                                                                100.000             -          2.716             -
        Housing and Physical Planning Department              PC21026         100.000             -          2.716             -
        LQ4538  Punjab Land Development Company                               100.000             -          2.716             -
0622    Rural Development                                                     326.458       410.636        357.475       586.680
062202  Rural Works Programme                                                 326.458       410.636        357.475       586.680
        Miscellaneous                                         PC21031         326.458       410.636        357.475       586.680
        LQ4288  Provincial Directorate                                         60.761        83.958         67.421        90.891
        LQ4289  District Staff                                                232.059       293.231        248.048       318.486
        LQ4291  Directorate of Katchi Abadis                                   26.751        28.720         39.883        35.695
        MP4092  Southern Punjab Basic Urban Services Project                    6.817         4.727          2.123             -
        LQ4290  Punjab Local Councils Election Authority                        0.070             -              -             -
        LQ4309  Walled City of Lahore Authority                                     -             -              -       141.608
063     Water Supply                                                        2,248.007     2,470.816      2,890.530     3,002.463
0631    Water Supply                                                        2,248.007     2,470.816      2,890.530     3,002.463
063101  Administration                                                        767.094       923.787      1,007.808     1,215.138
                Public Health                                 PC21017         767.094       923.787      1,007.808     1,215.138
        LQ4201  Chief Engineer (North Zone)                                   406.151       498.237        536.571       712.602
        L04202  Chief Engineer (South Zone)                                   360.943       425.550        471.237       502.536
063103  GRANTS, LOANS and SUBSIDIES                                         1,480.913     1,547.025      1,882.722     1,787.321
                Public Health                                 PC21017       1,480.913     1,547.025      1,882.722     1,787.321
        LQ4340  DG Parks and 1-lorticultureAuthority                        1,189.041     1,334.976      1,596.176     1,575.272
        LQ4901  MD PHA Faisalabad                                             192.058       212.049        212.049       212.049
        LQ4903  MD PHA Multan                                                  50.000             -         44.497             -
        LQ4904  MD PHA Rawalpindi                                              49.814             -         30.000             -
063120  Others                                                                      -         0.004              -         0.004
                Public Health                                 PC21017               -         0.004              -         0.004
        LQ4512  Superintendence Engineer                                            -         0.002              -         0.002
        LQ4513  Executive Engineer                                                  -         0.002              -         0.002

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                              (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                                 Accounts         Budget        Revised         Budget
                                                                               2011-2012       Estimates       Estimates       Estimates
                                                                                               2012-2013       2012-2013       2013-2014
07      Health                                                                 27,154.085     35,656.545      37,637.231      44,629.627
073     Hospital Services                                                      24,581.310     32,819.201      34,481.003      42,902.728
0731    General  Hospitals Services                                            24,196.559     32,346.236      34,022.288      42,341.139
073101  General  Hospitals Services                                            24,196.559     32,346.236      34,022.288      42,341.139
                 Health                                           PC21016      24,196.559     32,346.236      34,022.288      42,341.139
        L04166   Model Chest Clinic                                                 5.986          7.633           8.569           9.184
        RA4004   Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Samli                                    68.923         82.117          85.631          96.088
        LQ4167   Dental Hospital                                                  130.239        128.930         145.112         154.546
        LQ4168   Pediatric Hospital/institute Lahore, Nursing                   1,281.666      1,541.777       1,580.063       1,849.143
        LQ4169   Other Hospitals and Dispensaries Mufassil                        305.862        387.311         369.765          62.194
                 Hospitals and Dispensaries
        L04171   Lahore General Hospital Lahore/PGMI                            1,667.379      1,822.867       1,975.542       2,220.185
        LQ4172   Jinnah Hospital/AIMC                                           2,028.071      2,293.137       2,365.402       2,720.728
        LQ4173   Punjab Institute of Cardiology                                 1,210.675      1,401.480       1,531.043       1,622.934
        BO4002   B.V. Hospital/QAMC                                             1,831.667      2,200.704       2,642.076       3,172.094
        RR4001   Sh.Zayed Hospital, R. Y. Khan                                    969.602      1,287.534       1,330.147       1,486.314
        RA4005   DHQ / RGH / Holy Family Hospital / RMC                         2,268.263      2,817.872       3,159.832       3,159.059
        LQ4175   Ganga Ram Hospital I Fatima Jinnah Medical                     1,386.853      1,655.375       1,652.558       1,921.047
        MP4005   Nishtar Hospital/Nishtar Medical College                       1,793.778      2,402.165       2,445.841       2,615.562
        MP4009   Multam Institute of Cardiology                                   497.158        613.219         600.986         756.136
        MP4O1O   Children Complex, Multan                                         328.610        374.795         392.265         415.594
        FQ4001   DHQ Hospital / Allied Hospital Punjab                          2,228.543      2,570.773       2,744.663       2,927.315
                 Medical College
        L04176   Services Hospital / SIMS                                       2,069.234      2,331.064       2,585.441       2,519.229
        LQ4179   Punjab Rural Support Programme                                    22.800         67.000               -          67.000
        F04551   Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology                               496.891        656.737         637.295         738.004
        LQ5879   Mayo Hospital, Lahore                                          2,197.900      2,289.079       2,786.237       3,090.869
        LQ5882   Lady Willington Hospital, Lahore                                 388.368        468.818         462.780         538.513
        LQ5883   Lady Aitcheson Hospital, Lahore                                  185.202        230.225         248.176         278.109
        LQ4469   Lumspum Provision for Kidney Centers in                                -        300.000               -         300.000
                 Public Sector Hospitals
        LQ4458   Provision of free medicines to DHQ and THQ                       384.404        500.000               -         500.000
        LQ4471   Nishtar Institute of Dentistry, Multan                           126.914        161.007         168.541         194.309
        LQ4012   Gujranwala Medical College                                        38.573        569.711         597.229         760.120
        LQ4035   Sialkot Medical College                                           52.306        490.866         544.392         865.335
        LQ4046   Sahiwal Medical College                                           36.163        496.067         437.953         604.182
        LQ4543   D G Khan Medical College                                               -        425.296         428.249         591.005
        LQ4618   Kot Khawaja Saeed Hospital, Lahore                               124.904        388.391         433.797         453.586
        LQ4623   Lumpsum Provision for Implication for                                  -        600.000               -               -
                 Paramedic Service Structure
        LQ4624   Lumpsum Provision for creation of posts in                             -        500.000               -         500.000
                 Health Sector due to completion of
        LQ4626   Strengthening of Health Management                                     -          1.000               -               -
                 Information System in Punjab
        L05304   Government Said Mitha Hospital                                    35.554        155.177         172.262         180.423
        LQ4292   Shaikh Zayed Postgraduate Medical Institute,                           -              -         919.900       1,341.306
        L04308   Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology, Rawalpindi                         -              -               -       1,660.383
        LQ4589   Nawaz Sharif Hospital Yakki Gate                                       -              -               -         380.938
        LQ4627   Shahdara Hospital, Lahore                                              -              -         242.448         387.441
        LQ4931   Lumpsum Provision to meet emergent needs                               -              -               -         500.000
                 for epidemics
        LQ5305   Punjab Health Care Commission                                          -              -         270.195         538.638
        LW4096   Punjab Institute of Preventive Ophthalmology                      34.071        128.109          57.898         163.626

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                     (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts      Budget         Revised       Budget
                                                                          2011-2012     Estimates      Estimates     Estimates
                                                                                        2012-2013      2012-2013     2013-2014
0732    Special Hospital Services                                          384.751       472.965        458.715       561.589
073201  Special Hospital Services (Mental Hospital)                        384.751       472.965        458.715       561.589
                Health                                      PC21016        384.751       472.965        458.715       561.589
        LQ4181  Mental Hospital                                            384.151       472.965        458.715       561.589
074     Public Health Services                                             105.134       121.646        120.931       138.726
0741    Public Health Services                                             105.134       121.646        120.931       138.726
074104  Chemical Examiner and Laboratories                                  60.978        75.976         72.750        88.641
                Health                                      PC21016         60.978        75.976         72.750        88.641
        LQ4183  Bacteriological Laboratory                                   7.893         9.291         10.844        10.628
        LQ4184  Food Laboratory                                             15.344        22.274         19.702        25.126
        LQ4185  Drug Laboratories                                           36.557        39.658         40.639        47.229
        LQ4542  Chief Chemical Examiner Laboratory Punjab,                   1.184         4.753          1.565         5.658
074107  Population Welfare Measures                                         44.156        45.670         48.181        50.085
                General Administration                      PC21010         44.156        45.670         48.181        50.085
        LQ5364  Population Welfare Department                               29.247        31.780         33.356        34.618
        LQ4575  DirectorateofP and P                                        14.909        13.890         14.825        15.467
076     Health Administration                                            2,467.641     2,715.698      3,035.297     1,588.173
0761    Administration                                                   2,467.641     2,715.698      3,035.297     1,588.173
076101  Administration                                                   2,467.641     2,715.698      3,035.297     1,588.173
                General Administration                      PC21010        151.664       187.162        190.630       202.058
        LQ4074  Health Department                                          130.306       153.805        160.871       166.349
        LQ4105  Drug Courts                                                 21.358        33.357         29.759        35.709
                Health                                      PC21016      2,315.977     2,528.536      2,844.667     1,386.115
        LQ4160  Directorate of Nursing Services, Punjab                     14.050        16.765         18.746        19.330
        LQ4161  Superintendence                                            760.195       322.614      1,552.512       246.038
        LQ4162  Grant-in-aid                                             1,196.366     1,773.290        871.796       210.756
        LQ4163  Provincial Blood Transfusion                               313.559       370.910        278.303       410.020
        LQ4164  Central Medical Equipment Repair Workshop                    7.331         7.884          8.078         8.513
                at Lahore
        MP4004  Central Medical Equipment Repair Workshop                    5.546         7.789          6.510         8.324
                at Multan
        SQ4001  Central Medical Equipment Repair Workshop                    5.731         7.169          7.106         8.287
                at Sargodha
        LQ4165  Audit Cell                                                  10.631        13.069         12.710        15.343
        LQ4622  Punjab Institute of Preventive Ophthalmology                 2.568         9.046          6.269         9.504
        LQ4786  DHQ Teaching Hospital, Sargodha                                                          82.637       450.000
        Recreational, Culture and Religion                               1,359.016     1,478.413      2,297.237     1,334.779
        Recreational and Sporting Services                                 304.045       180.197        943.590       176.655
        Recreational and Sporting Services                                 304.045       180.197        943.590       176.655
081103  Zoo and other Entertainments Services                               22.134        23.623         26.039        24.779
                Miscellaneous Departments                   PC21023         22.134        23.623         26.039        24.779
        LQ4240  Zoo and Other Entertainment Places                          21.660        22.846         25.345        23.946
        B04055  Zoological Garderi/Bahawalpur Museum                         0.474         0.777          0.694         0.833
081105  Administration                                                     281.911       156.574        917.551       151.876
                General Administration                      PC21010        281.911       156.574        917.551       151.876
        LQ4152  Grants to Punjab Sports Board                              191.083        41.960        760.560        40.000
        LQ4153  Directorate General Sports                                  72.756        73.228         84.575        81.307
        LQ5142  Youth Affairs Sports Archeology                             18.072        41.386         72.416        30.569

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                       (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                             Accounts      Budget         Revised        Budget
                                                                            2011-2012     Estimates      Estimates      Estimates
                                                                                          2012-2013      2012-2013     2013-2014
082     Cultural Services                                                    318.291       360.573        474.752       311.987
0821    Cultural Services                                                    318.291       360.573        474.752       311.987
082105  Promotion Of Cultural Activities                                     246.809       282.589        395.911       225.234
                 Miscellaneous Departments                    PC21023        246.809       282.589        395.911       225.234
        LQ4241   Promotion of Cultural Activities                            132.695       124.791        233.128        27.527
        LQ4522   Lahore Arts Council Lahore                                   38.726        48.634         48.634        58.568
        LQ4523   Punjab Council of Arts Lahore                                55.585        80.307         90.453        99.633
        LQ4524   Punjab Folk Arts and Crafts Complex Lahore                        -         2.600              -         4.920
        LQ4525   Punjab Institute of Language Arts and Cult                   19.803        26.257         23.696        34.586
082120  Others                                                                71.482        77.984         78.841        86.753
                 Public Health                                PC21017         70.445        76.984         77.841        86.753
        LQ4541   Project Director Bagh-e-Jinnah PHA                           70.445        76.984         77.841        86.753
                 Agriculture                                  PC21018          1.037         1.000          1.000             -
        LQ4189   Government Gardens Floriculture                               1.037         1.000          1.000             -
083     Broadcasting and Publishing                                          557.844       718.270        654.866       590.645
0831    Broadcasting and Publishing                                          557.844       718.270        654.866       590.645
083103  Publicity                                                            111.492       123.920        127.537       133.063
                 Agriculture                                  PC21018        110.625       122.399        126.443       131.500
        LQ4188   Agriculture Information Bureau                              110.625       122.399        126.443       131.500
                 Miscellaneous Departments                    PC21023          0.867         1.521          1.094         1.563
        LQ4236   Compulsory Screening of Films                                 0.867         1.521          1.094         1.563
083104  Public Relations                                                     446.352       594.350        527.329       457.582
                 Miscellaneous Departments                    PC21023        446.352       594.350        527.329       457.582
        LQ4237   Public Relations                                            446.352       574.350        527.329       457.582
        LQ5367   Lumpsum Provision of Block Allocation for                         -        20.000              -             -
                 Pay and Allowances
084     Religious Affairs                                                    136.154       168.102        172.322       204.085
0841    Religious Affairs                                                    136.154       168.102        172.322       204.085
084103  Auqaf                                                                 26.838        31.581         36.027        33.963
                 General Administration                       PC21010         26.838        31.581         36.027        33.963
        LQ4080   Auqaf Department                                             26.838        31.581         36.027        33.963
084105  Religious and Other Charitable Institutions                          109.316       136.521        136.295       170.122
                 Miscellaneous                                PC21031        109.316       136.521        136.295       170.122
        LQ4299   Headquarters Establishment (Zakat)                           18.969        23.987         23.825        34.019
        LQ4300   District Establishment (Zakat)                               90.347       112.534        112.470       136.103
086     Admin. of Info., Recreation and Culture                               42.682        51.271         51.707        51.407
0861    Admin. of Info., Recreation and Culture                               42.682        51.271         51.707        51.407
086101  Administration                                                        42.682        51.271         51.707        51.407
                 General Administration                       PC21010         42.682        51.271         51.707        51.407
        LQ4069   Information Culture and Youth Affairs Dept.                  42.682        51.271         51.707        51.407
09      Education Affairs and Services                                    27,705.803    31,307.272     41,150.890    40,596.539
091     Pre. and Primary Education Affair Services                           726.697       904.286        986.791       991.916
0911    Pre. and Primary Education Affair Services                           726.697       904.286        986.791       991.916
091103  Administration                                                        42.568        44.281         51.636        51.112
                 School Education                             PC21015         42.568        44.281         51.636        51.112
        LQ4478   Direction (Elementary Education)                             42.568        44.281         51.636        51.112

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                         (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                               Accounts      Budget         Revised        Budget
                                                                              2011-2012     Estimates      Estimates      Estimates
                                                                                            2012-2013      2012-2013      2013-2014
091120  Others                                                                 684.129       860.005        935.155        940.804
                School Education                                PC21015        684.129       860.005        935.155        940.804
        LQ4480  Elementary Teachers Training College                           684.129       860.005        935.155        940.804
092     Secondary Education Affairs and Services                            11,016.390    10,899.934     18,191.231     14,542.079
0921    Secondary Education Affairs and Services                            11,016.390    10,899.934     18,191.231     14,542.079
092102  Administration                                                       3,679.260     7,137.787      5,572.116     10,454.494
                School Education                                PC21015      3,679.260     7,137.787      5,572.116     10,454.494
        LQ4479  Direction (Secondary Education)                                 40.615        43.702         44.418         49.712
        LQ4481  Programme Management and Implementation                      2,421.015     7,094.085      4,317.668     10,404.782
        LQ5366  Grant in Aid to School Councils in the Punjab                1,217.630             -      1,210.030              -
092120  Others                                                               7,337.130     3,762.147     12,619.115      4,087.585
                Higher Education                                PC21015      7,337.130     3,762.147     12,619.115      4,087.585
        AQ4002  Cadet College Hassanabdal                                       71.660        71.680         72.980         40.000
        B04008  Sadiq Public High School Bahawalpur                             20.000        70.000         70.000         20.000
        LQ4483  Punjab Examination Commission                                  473.522       647.531        507.531        667.023
        LQ4487  Government Central Model School                                 76.243        67.562         67.307         70.146
        LQ4492  Punjab Education Assessment System (PEAS)                       10.427        29.115         21.085         31.147
        LQ4493  Chief Minister's Monitoring Force                              178.041       357.629        239.287        402.381
        LQ4494  Miscellaneous Grants School Education                        4,753.230        34.500      8,496.223         74.109
        LQ4496  In Service Teachers Training                                 1,702.784     2,426.701      3,035.871      2,645.455
        LQ4497  Lawrence College Ghora Gall Murree                              10.596        10.596         10.596         10.596
        LQ4620  National Museum of Science and Technology                       19.072        22.173         23.002         29.492
        LQ4621  National Education Equipment Center                             21.555        24.660         27.022         28.897
        LQ4463  Punjab Curriculum Authority Lahore                                   -             -         48.211         68.339
093     Tertiary Education Affairs and Services                             13,497.983    15,904.214     17,904.075     20,980.764
0931    Tertiary Education Affairs and Services                             13,497.983    15,904.214     17,904.075     20,980.764
093101  General Universities / Colleges / Insts.                            10,961.784    12,921.362     14,297.562     15,630.480
                Higher Education                                PC21015     10,961.784    12,921.362     14,297.562     15,630.480
        LQ4145  Arts Colleges                                               10,961.784    12,921.362     14,297.562     15,630.480
093102  Professional/Technical Universities/Colleges/Institutes              1,369.827     1,635.451      1,636.685      3,933.800
                School Education                                PC21015        119.610       113.523        213.736      2,152.187
        LQ4146  Professional Colleges                                          119.610       113.523        139.856        131.315
        LQ4304  Commerce Colleges                                                    -            -          73.880      2,020.872
                Health                                          PC21016      1,117.714     1,383.328      1,273.840      1,621.177
        LQ4154  Medical Schools                                                 36.092        40.388         40.721         44.787
        LQ4155  College of Nursing, Punjab                                      31.794        41.599         47.304         53.555
        LQ4156  College of Community Medicines Lahore                          151.646       229.951        187.566        265.225
        LQ4157  De-Montmorency College of Dentistry                             75.790        93.958         90.250        133.685
        LQ4158  Provincial Health Development Centre                            17.851        26.032         21.959         29.748
        LQ4394  School of Allied Health Sciences Children,                       5.857        17.306         13.186         21.329
        LQ4505  University of Health Sciences, Lahore                           29.486             -         20.000              -
        LQ5242  Public Health Nursing School in Punjab                         205.665       246.443        236.236        287.152
        LQ5878  School Nursing at Mayo Hospital, Lahore                         58.667        69.605         68.517         74.824
        LW4113  King Edward Medical University Lahore                          504.866       618.046        548.101        710.872

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                    (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                            Accounts     Budget        Revised       Budget
                                                                           2011-2012    Estimates     Estimates     Estimates
                                                                                        2012-2013     2012-2013     2013-2014
                Agriculture                                  PC21018        132.503      138.600       149.109       160.436
         RA4006 UniversityofARiDAgriculture                                  41.367       43.079        44.777        50.241
         LQ4190 Agriculture Training Institute                               89.136       95.521       104.199       110.195
         LQ4777 University of Agriculture Faisalabad                          2.000            -         0.133             - 
093103   Administration                                                     448.868      548.891       538.876       562.008
                General Administration                       PC21010        199.778      249.019       228.976       256.148
         LQ4073 Literacy Department                                          20.889       25.942        26.619        27.311
         LQ4766 Monitoring and Evaluation Cell                                8.163        9.271        10.452        11.257
         LQ4448 Higher Education Department                                  86.859      114.541        95.883       113.268
         LQ4451 School Education Department                                  83.867       99.265        96.022       104.312
                School Education                             PC21015        249.090      299.872       309.900       305.860
         LQ4140 Direction (Colleges)                                         53.880       88.241        63.235        66.247
         L04144 Education Management Information System                       0.472            -             -             -
         LQ5308 Inspection (Colleges)                                       194.738      211.631       246.665       239.613
093120   Others                                                             717.504      798.510     1,430.952       854.476
                Higher Education                             PC21015        717.504      798.510     1,430.952       854.476
         FQ4004 Government College University Faisalabad                     58.481       60.800        64.000        45.048
         GU4003 University of Gujrat                                         65.400       58.616        58.616        65.650
         LQ4482 Government College University, Lahore                        52.524       17.643        58.398        11.717
         L04484 School of Mathematical Sciences, Government                       -            -             -             -
         LQ4485 LahoreCollegeforWomen University Lahore                     106.813      121.880       138.944       137.389
         LQ4486 University of Education, Lahore                             167.845      181.690       182.190       201.256
         LQ4488 Queen Mary College, Lahore                                   49.157      128.561       131.280       144.405
         LQ4489 Kinnaird College for Women Lahore                            67.213       65.240        93.223        49.316
         LQ4490 Government Fatima Jinnah College for                         64.640       71.650        72.699        90.879
                Women Chuna Mandi Lahore
         LQ4495 Miscellaneous Grants Higher Education                             -       10.000             -        10.000
         LQ4498 Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi                     9.348            -        44.250             -
         LQ4499 Government Degree College Kahuta                             14.275        8.000         8.000         8.000
         LQ4500 University of Sargodha                                       61.808       74.430        76.339        80.541
         LQ5151 Information Technology University Lahore                          -            -       503.013        10.275
094      Education Services not definable by Level                          356.214      160.966       180.161       170.413
0941     Education Services not definable by Level                          356.214      160.966       180.161       170.413
094101   School For Handicapped / Retarded Persons                          356.214      160.966       180.161       170.413
                General Administration                       PC21010         17.804       25.826        24.229        33.311
         LQ4378 Special Education Department                                 17.804       25.826        24.229        33.311
                                                                                  -       25.826             -             -
                Education                                    PC21015        338.410      135.140       155.932       137.102
         LQ4148 Directorate of Special Education                            338.410      135.140       155.932       137.102
095      Subsidiary Services to Education                                   267.115      239.435       328.373       238.100
0951     Subsidiary Services to Education                                   267.115      239.435       328.373       238.100
095101   Archives Library and Museums                                       267.115      239.435       328.373       238.100
                General Administration                       PC21010              -            -             -       101.567
         LQ4051 Archives and Libraries                                            -            -             -       101.567
                Museum                                       PC21014         60.706       65.759        77.509        86.228
         LQ4527 Bahawalpur Museum Bahawalpur                                 13.363       13.079        16.770        21.248
         LQ4528 Lahore Museum                                                47.343       49.497        57.556        61.478
         LQ4625 Laylipur Museum Faisalabad                                        -        3.183         3.183         3.502

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                    (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts         Budget        Revised      Budget
                                                                          2011-2012       Estimates      Estimates    Estimates
                                                                                          2012-2013      2012-2013    2013-2014
                School Education                              PC21015      206.409         173.676        250.864      50.305
         L04149 Libraries                                                   68.760          75.707         81.959           -
         LQ4418 Children Library Complex, Lahore                            26.029          36.943         42.555      50.305
         LQ4424 Quaid-e-Azam Library, Lahore                                31.892          51.026         59.350           -
         LQ4572 Establishment of Library/ Resource Center at                79.728          10.000         67.000           -
097      Education Affairs, Services not elsewhere classified            1,841.404       3,198.437      3,560.259   3,673.267
0971     Education Affairs, Services not elsewhere classified            1,841.404       3,198.437      3,560.259   3,673.267
097120   Others                                                          1,841.404       3,198.437      3,560.259   3,673.267
                Education                                     PC21015    1,826.001       3,179.377      3,539.955   3,650.540
         LQ5318 Miscellaneous Grants                                             -               -              -           -
         LQ4591 Government Emerson College, Multan                         148.907         168.021        192.973     189.796
         L04592 Government Postgraduate College (W)                        131.162         183.040        207.365     198.426
                Kutchery Road, Multan
         LQ4593 Government Postgraduate College (W)                         79.924          87.733         96.916      91.327
         LQ4594 Government College (W) Madina Town,                        152.242         162.369        183.814     190.112
         LQ4595 Government College(W)Gulberg, Lahore                        20.405          96.212        105.805     112.313
         LQ4596 Government Postgraduate College (W)                         69.392          97.288        102.788     109.817
         LQ4597 Government Postgraduate College (W)                         26.659         81 .336         95.253      94.132
         LQ4598 Government Postgraduate College (W)                         35.521         176.608        196.601     202.429
                Samnabad Lahore
         LQ4599 Government Postgraduate College (W)                        101.926         164.404        166.884     185.859
                S.Town, Rawalpindi
         LQ4600 Government College (W) DG Khan                              42.490          60.302         63.352      67.369
         LQ4601 Government Postgraduate Islamia College                     35.265         183.828        204.317     206.435
                (W) Cooper Road, Lahore
         LQ4602 Government Postgraduate (W) S.Town                          85.447          95.327         93.458     106.089
         LQ4603 Government College of Science, Wahdat                       46.583         176.422        205.087     213.730
                Colony, Lahore
         LQ4604 Government M.A.O. College, Lahore                           34.501         156.084        166.498     179.909
         LQ4605 Government Postgraduate College Sahiwal                     60.188         150.084        149.767     174.154
         LQ4606 Government Ambala Muslim College                            48.253          66.476         73.036      78.730
         LQ4607 Government Postgraduate Gordon College,                     53.422          89.593         90.728     108.042
         LQ4608 Government Postgraduate College DG Khan                     82.451         127.321        145.312     148.862
         LQ4609 Government Postgraduate College Chakwal                     34.665          84.930         84.758      80.288
         LQ4610 Government Postgraduate College Jhelum                      26.436          36.036         45.567      51.066
         LQ4611 Government Sadiq Egerton College,                          103.836         140.217        160.312     158.724
         LQ4612 Government Saddique Degree College (G)                      70.229          96.752        117.005     111.922
         LQ4613 Government Postgraduate College                             80.111          92.558         94.087     105.573
                Samnabad Faisalabad
         LQ4614 Government Murray College Sialkot                           81.620          86.427         95.488     103.825
         LQ4615 Government College (B) S.Town, Gujranwala                  134.754         149.023        161.878     171.107
         LQ4617 Islamia College Civil Line Lahore                           39.612         170.986        240.906     210.504

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                          (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                          Accounts        Budget           Revised           Budget
                                                                        2011-2012        Estimates        Estimates         Estimates
                                                                                         2012-2013        2012-2013         2013-2014
               Miscellaneous                              PC21031          15.403          19.060           20.304           22.727
        GU4001 Training Institute Lalamusa                                 15.403          19.060           20.304           22.727
10      Social Protection                                               4,012.837       2,200.656        6,758.297        2,189.615
107     Administration                                                  3,640.341       1,724.401        6,233.614        1,607.868
1071    Administration                                                  3,640.341       1,724.401        6,233.614        1,607.868
107101  Relief Measures                                                 1,869.229         287.487        3,878.953           57.457
                Relief                                     PC21027      1,869.229         287.487        3,878.953           57.457
        LQ4277  Relief Measures                                          1869.229         287.487        3,878.953           57.457
107102  Rehabilitation and Resettlement                                    23.633          26.014           25.646           30.100
                Miscellaneous                              PC21031         23.633          26.014           25.646           30.100
        LQ4297  Settlement and Rehabilitation Organization                 23.633          26.014           25.646           30.100
107104  Administration                                                     57.150          52.199           49.733           58.867
                Miscellaneous                              PC21031         57.150          52.199           49.733           58.867
        LQ4295  Directorate of Social Welfare Women                        45.841          52.199           49.733           58.867
                Development and Bait-ul-Maal
        LW4189  Directorate of Women Development Punjab                    11.309               -                -                -
107105  Flood Control and Drainage                                      1,690.329       1,358.701        2,279.282        1,461.444
                Irrigation and Land Reclamation            PC21009      1,690.329       1,358.701        2,279.282        1,461.444
        L04043  Chief Engineer (Flood Cell)                                17.091          16.497           19.167           19.408
        LQ4044  DirectorE-lydrology                                        11.711          11.266           12.315           13.065
        LQ4045  Drainage                                                1,661.527       1,330.938        2,247.800        1,428.971
108     Others                                                            372.496         476.255          524.683          581.747
1081    Others                                                            372.496         476.255          524.683          581.747
108101  Social Welfare Measures                                           372.496         476.255          524.683          581.747
                General Administration                     PC21010         39.736          53.845           59.887           62.830
        LQ4078  Social Welfare Women Dev. and Bait-ul-Mal                  19.380          19.931           21.412           21.793
        LQ4079  Zakat and Ushr Department                                  19.390          20.121           20.862           22.735
        LQ5035  Women Development Punjab                                    0.966          13.793           17.613           18.302
                Miscellaneous                              PC21031        332.760         422.410          464.796          518.917
        LQ4296  Social Services and Community Dev.                        322.030         380.564          420.528          471.734
        L04434  Punjab Social Services Board, Lahore                       10.730          11.953           15.625           18.782
        LQ5036  D.C. Women Development Punjab                                   -          29.893           28.643           28.401
        TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE EXPENDITURE (Gross)                     444,299.586     532,859.871      549,762.393      607,569.311
                                               Charged                 16,351.826      18,881.588       18,718.659       18,101.489
                                               Voted                  427,947.760     513,978.283      531,043.734      589,465.822
                                               Subsidies              (12,944.902)    (34,000.000)     (17,674.912)     (36,000.000)
        TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE EXPENDITURE (NET)                       431,354.684     498,859.871      532,087.481      571,569.311
                                               Charged                 16,351.826      18,881.588       18,718.659       18,103.489
                                               Voted                  427,947.760     513,978.283      531,043.734      589,465.822
        TOTAL GENERAL REVENUE RECEIPTS                                606,234.406     780,674.805      719,778.024      871,953.317
        Net Revenue Account                                           161,934.820     247,814.934      170,015.631      264,384.006

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                     (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts         Budget        Revised      Budget
                                                                          2011-2012       Estimates      Estimates    Estimates
                                                                                          2012-2013      2012-2013    2013-2014
        Debt Servicing                                                    31,091.797     35,465.281     30,738.325    32,934.750
011404  Repayment of Principal Foreign Debt Payable to                    14,788.395     12,473.336     12,646.780    17,296.840
        Federal Government
        LQ4410   Part-I USAid Local Currency Loans           PC16048               -              -              -             -
        LQ4411   Other Foreign Exchange Loans                             14,788.395     12,373.336     12,600.419    17,196.840
        LQ4587   Payment on A/C of Exchange Rate                                   -         100.00         46.361       100.000
                 Deterioration                  (Charged)
011503  Repayment of Principal Domestic Debt - Permanent                           -          0.434          0.035         0.434
        LQ4437   Loans Bearing Interest Compensation Bonds   PC16046               -          0.434          0.035         0.434
011505  Domestic Debt Payable to Federal Government                       16,303.402     22,991.511     18,091.510    15,637.476
        LQ4399   Cash Development Loan                       PC16048       3,715.650      3,340.647      3,340.647     3,368.826
        LQ4406   Cash Development Loan (SCARP Tubewells)                     774.188        750.836        750.836       791.555
        LQ4473   Principal Repayment of Loan SBP (Charged)                10,604.189     12,725.028     12,725.027     5,302.095
        LQ4476   Repayment of Loans to Financial Institution(Charged)      1,209.375      6,175.000      1,275.000     6,175.000
014202  Transfer to Non Financial Institutions (Loans)                     9,964.983     10,947.368      9,425.428    10,530.348
                 Loans to Non-Financial Institutions         PC12043       9,964.983     10,947.368      9,425.428    10,530.348
014203  Government Servants                                                        -        100.000              -       100.000
        LQ4391   Provincial Government Civil                 PC13035               -        100.000              -       100.000
014203  Investment                                                         7,000.000      8,500.000              -     8,147.592
        LQ4461   Investment                                  PC13050       7,000.000      8,500.000              -     8,147.592
0414    State Trading. (Ac.1)                                                 23.105         26.835         26.807        32.575
041403  Medical Stores                                                        23.105         26.835         26.807        32.575
        LQ4390   Medical Store Depot                         PC13034          23.105         26.835          26807        32.575
TOTAL   CURRENT CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (A/c-II)                              61,677.741    213,483.514    241,630.440   260,899.634
0414    State Trading: (Wheat) (Ac-II)
041401  Food                                                               5,550.541    146,374.794    136,521.720   148,581.069
        LQ4387   Directorate of Food            (Charged)    PC16033      23,180.103     30,195.000     20,233.310    22,028.000
        LQ4388   Directorate of Food (Voted)                 PC13033     (18,400.037)   115,405.988    115,403.011   125,654.052
        LQ4389   District Establishment                      PC13033         770.475        773.806        885.399       899.017
011504  Repayment of Principal Domestic Debt - Floating                   56,127.200     67,108.720    105,108.720   112,318.565
        LQ4435   Cash Credit Accommodation Advance from      PC16047      56,127.200     67,108.720    105,108.720   112,318.565
                 Commercial bank (A/C II)
        Account No. I                                                     48,079.885     55,039.484     40,190.560     51,745.265
        Account No. II                                                    61,677.741    213,483.514    241,630.440    260,899.634
        Total Receipts (Capital)                                             579.011     15,558.620     10,558.797     17,661.259
        Surplus / Deficit (Current Capital A/C - I)                      (47,500.874)   (39,480.864)   (29,631.763)   (34,084.006)

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                    (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                        Accounts       Budget         Revised          Budget
                                                                       2011-2012      Estimates      Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                      2012-2013      2012-2013        2013-2014
Current Expenditure - SUMMARY
Grant    Description
P021001  Opium                                                            3.981           5.457          5.557           6.603
PC21002  Land Revenue                                                 2,221.002       2,959.825      2,832.163       3,522.482
PC21003  Provincial Excise                                               78.658          57.446         49.144          61.554
PC21004  Stamps                                                         218.482         200.961        206.193         230.449
P021005  Forests                                                      1,734.582       1,822.864      1,952.351       2,077.466
PC21006  Registration                                                    37.531          51.290         48.134          57.793
P021007  Charges on Account of Motor Vehicles Acts                      111.236         104.970      1,261.285         110.479
PC21008  Other Taxes and Duties                                         136.975         375.709        351.951         429.775
P021009  Irrigation and Land Reclamation                             10,593.828      10,229.670     12,567.841      11,346.028
PC24044  Interest on Debt and Other Obligations (Charged)            13,978.899      16,183.881     15,839.944      15,043.802
         General Administration                                      14,317.772      23,382.415     13,965.161      15,560.047
PC24010                                   (Charged)                     644.032         732.133        738.946         822.559
P021010                                   (Voted)                    13,673.740      22,650.282     13,226.215      14,737.488
         Administration of Justice                                    7,091.172       9,265.951      8,778.025      10,331.773
PC24011                                   (Charged)                   1,653.322       1,889.974      2,064.169       2,161.528
PC21011                                   (Voted)                     5,437.850       7,375.977      6,713.856       8,170.245
P021012  Jails and Convict Settlements                                4,736.036       5,280.656      5,339.404       5,746.794
PC21013  Police                                                      58,231.954      61,508.805     64,955.846      70,515.333
P021014  Museums                                                         60.706          65.759         77.509          86.228
PC21015  Education                                                   26,161.895      29,425.680     39,376.923      38,314.945
P021016  Health Services                                             28,075.979      36,807.041     38,672.260      45,998.661
PC21017  Public Health                                                2,392.820       2,619.181      3,057.952       3,205.946
P021018  Agriculture                                                  4,601.053       5,562.819      5,671.326       6,238.389
PC21019  Fisheries                                                      383.345         396.869        457.196         468.632
P021020  Veterinary                                                   2,011.686       2,900.598      2,462.715       3,148.013
PC21021  Co-operation                                                   133.091         142.702        146.150         156.013
P021022  Industries                                                   6,678.112       7,207.076      7,500.545       5,865.164
PC21023  Miscellaneous Departments                                    1,600.182       1,924.493      2,008.183       1,895.873
         Civil Works                                                  1,877.590       3,233.186      3,213.418       3,397.949
PC24024                                   (Charged)                      73.973          74.000         74.000          74.000
PC21024                                   (Voted)                     1,803.617       3,159.186      3,139.418       3,323.949
PC21025  Communications                                               3,348.689       3,331.390      3,683.511       3,451.137

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                 (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                     Accounts       Budget          Revised        Budget
                                                    2011-2012      Estimates       Estimates      Estimates
                                                                   2012-2013       2012-2013      2013-2014
PC21026  Housing and Physical Planning               309.700        322.912        2,252.726        306.813
PC21027  Relief                                    1,869.229        287.487        3,878.953         57.457
PC24045  Privy Purses               (Charged)          1.600          1.600            1.600          1.600
PC21028  Pension                                  50,110.261     55,736.200       64,409.390     74,935.253
PC21029  Stationery and Printing                     139.418        146.557          165.186        180.561
PC21030  Subsidy                                  12,944.902     34,000.000       17,674.912     36,000.000
PC21031  Miscellaneous                           188,063.373    217,267.249      226,849.229    248,762.688
         Provincial                                7,182.706      6,284.144        9,925.557      9,762.688
         Local Govts                             180,880.667    210,983.105      216,923.672    239,000.000
         Distt.Govts                             164,426.628    186,783.105      193,955.263    214,800.000
         TMAs                                     10,641.338     17,000.000       16,498.444     17,000.000
         UAs                                       4,458.016      6,000.000        5,274.890      6,000.000
         Cantonment                                1,354.685      1,200.000        1,195.075      1,20.0000
PC21032  Civil Defence                                43.847         51.172           49.710         57.611
TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE EXPENDITURE                444,299.586    532,859.871      549,762.393    607,569.311
Charged                                           16,351.826     18,881.588       18,718.659     18,103.489
Voted                                            427,947.760    513,978.283      531,043.734    589,465.822

ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE                                                                                   (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                                           Accounts         Budget       Revised       Budget
                                                                          2011-2012       Estimates     Estimates     Estimates
                                                                                          2012-2013     2012-2013     2013-2014
Current Capital Expenditure - SUMMARY
Grant    Description
PC12043  Loans to Municipalities /Autonomous Bodies etc                  9,964.983       10,947.368     9,425.428     10,530.348
         State Trading in Food Grain and Sugar                           5,550.541      146,374.794   136,521.720    148,581.069
PC16033                                (Charged)                        23,180.103       30,195.000    20,233.310     22,028.000
PC13033                                (Voted)                         (17,629.562)     116,179.794   116,288.410    126,553.069
PC13034  State Trading in Medical Stores and Coal                           23.105           26.835        26.807         32.575
PC13035  Loans to Government Servants                                                       100.000             -        100.000
PC13050  Investment                                                      7,000.000        8,500.000             -      8,147.592
PC16046  Permanent Debt (Discharged) (Charged)                                   -            0.434         0.035          0.434
PC16047  Floating Debt (Discharged)   (Charged) (AC-II)                 56,127.200       67,108.720   105,108.720    112,318.565
PC16048  Repayment of Loans from the Federal                            31,091.797       35,464.847    30,738.290     32,934.316
         Government                   (Charged)
TOTAL CURRENT CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                      109,757.626      268,522.998   281,821.000    312,644.899
                                       Charged                         110,399.100      132,769.001   156,080.355    167,281.315
                                       Voted                              (641.474)     135,753.997   125,740.645    145,363.584
                                       Account No. I                    48,079.885       55,039.484    40,190.560     51,745.265
                                       Account No. II                   61,677.741      213,483.514   241,630.440    260,899.634

ESTIMATES OF DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE                                                              (Rs. in million)
Function   Description                                      Accounts       Budget          Revised        Budget
                                                            2011-2012      Estimates       Estimates      Estimates
                                                                           2012-2013       2012-2013      2013-2014
           TOTAL DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE                  146,736.948     250,000.000     166,858.377    290,000.000
           DEVELOPMENT REVENUE EXPENDITURE                 92,003.151     165,670.838     113,316.699    170,705.637
           DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                 54,733.797      84,329.162      53,541.678    119,294.363
           PC22036-Development                             92,003.151     165,670.838      113,316699    170,705.637
           PC12037-Irrigation Works                         6,634.274      19,830.000      12,754.191     34,976.500
           PC12038-Agricultural Improvement and Research       93.814          39.038          36.725        181.140
           PC12040-Town Development                           222.125       1,500.000         460.054        500.000
           PC12041-Roads and Bridges                       35,196.408      32,045.000      26,192.916     32,991.000
           PC12042-Government Buildings                    12,587.176      30,915.124      14,097.792     50,645.723

                                                                                                          ( million)
Function  Description                                              Accounts      Budget         Revised        Budget
                                                                  2011-2012      Estimates      Estimates      Estimates
                                                                                 2012-2013      2012-2013      2013-2014
01       GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICE                                  22,367.959     48,929.068     27,539.073      40,537.694
011      Executive and Legislative Organs, Financial and            180.698        969.540        937.610       4,405.000
         Fiscal Affairs (Including Debt Servicing)
014      Transfers                                               20,734.312     41,822.528     25,060.809      31,112.694
015      General Services                                         1,452.949      6,137.000      1,540.654       5,020.000
03       PUBLIC ORDER andSAFETYAFFAIRS                            1,205.980      2,256.895        915.315       1,344.500
031      LawCourts                                                   22.174          1.129              -               -
032      Police                                                           -             -           6.703               -
036      Administration of Public Order                           1,183.806     2,255.766         908.612       1,344.500
04       ECONOMIC AFFAIRS                                        58,009.999   108,426.480      57,855.783     151,608.897
041      General Economic, Commercial and Labor Affairs              38.099        99.000          43.672          40.000
042      Agri.Food, Irrigation, Forestry and Fishing             6,169.429    20,790.906      10,948.276      30,125.174
043      Fuel and Energy                                            246.366    10,000.000       4,710.251      20,431.000
044      Mining and Manufacturing                                 1,692.845     7,246.450       1,681.199      10,692.000
045      Construction and Transport                              49,816.479    70,110.124      40,374.827      89,996.723
047      Other Industries                                            46.781       180.000          97.558         324.000
05       ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION                                      66.469       350.000          43.795         164.000
055      Administration of Environment Protection                    66.469       350.000          43.795         164.000
06       HOUSING and COMMUNITY AMENITIES                         31,852.617    31,006.000      53,703.013      36,105.000
061      Housing Development                                        222.125     1,500.000         460.054         500.000
062      Community Development                                   21,992.443    19,620.000      47,241.447      19,737.000
063      Water Supply                                             9,638.049     9,886.000       6,001.512      15,868.000
07       HEALTH                                                  11,463.522    22,455.851      16,870.393      23,000.843
073      Hospital Services                                        9,127.066    19,455.851      14,561.221      20,500.843
074      Public Health Services                                   2,336.456     3,000.000       2,309.172       2,500.000
08       RECREATION, CULTURE AND RELIGION                           242.442     1,170.775       1,399.178       2,322.931
081      Recreational and Sporting Services                          32.327       939.171       1,270.118       2,265.500
082      Cultural Services                                          111.005        84.604          18.210          37.431
084      Religious Affairs                                           99.110       147.000         110.850          20.000
086      Administration of Information Recreation Culture
09       EDUCATION AFFAIRS and SERVICES                          19,109.454    33,058.971       7,091.786      32,107.371
091      Pre-Primary and Primary Education Affairs and              442.741       615.000          67.272       1,605.000
092      Secondary Education Affairs and Services.               11,363.035    23,355.000       1,600.073      25,968.035
093      Tertiary Education Affairs and Services.                 7,236.503     8,639.876       5,424.410       4,298.706
094      Education Services not Definable by Level                   65.784       449.095           0.031         235.630
095      Subsidiary Services to Education                             1.391             -               -               -
097      Education Affairs and Services not elsewhere                     -             -               -               -
                                                                                                                    (Rs. in million)
Function   Description                                                     Accounts         Budget          Revised        Budget
                                                                          2011-2012       Estimates        Estimates       Estimates
                                                                                          2012-2013        2012-2013       2013-2014
10         SOCIAL PROTECTION                                              2,418.506       2,345.960        1,440.041       2,808.764
107        Administration (Relief Measures)                               2,198.385       1,423.960        1,227.592       1,913.961
108        Others                                                           220.121         922.000          212.449         894.803
           TOTAL                                                        146,736.948     250,000.000      166,858.377     290,000.000
           DEVELOPMENT REVENUE EXPENDITURE                               92,003.151     165,670.838      113,316.699     170,705.637
           PC22036-Development                                           92,003.151     165,670.838      113,316.699     170,705.637
011101     Human Rights and Minority Affairs                                 12.058          20.000            8.000          15.000
011204     Agriculture (Chief Executive of PARB)                            137.998               -                -               -
011205     Board of Revenue                                                  30.642         949.540          929.610       4,390.000
014102     District Governments                                          18,629.123       9,391.200       21,171.718      9,391 .200
014102     District/TMA Development Programme                                     -               -        2,000.000               -
014102     Special Programme/Initiatives                                          -               -        7,050.000               -
014102     District Package / District Development Programm                       -      21,400.000                -       4,950.000
014103     TMAs                                                           2,081.603       2,608.800        2,918.693       2,608.800
014105     DERA Loan                                                          5.350               -                -               -
014110     Regional Planning                                                      -       2,200.000          650.000       2,000.000
014110     Cholistan Development Authority                                        -       3,338.000          178.385         946.000
014110     Mines and Mineral                                                 18.236         264.528           68.613         182.694
014110     Southern Punjab                                                2,620.000          73.400        1,984.000               -
015101     Services and General Administration Deptt.                         0.182       1,500.000            2.061               -
015102     MPDD                                                                   -               -                -           3.000
015201     Planning and Development                                       1,303.695       2,059.000          179.174       3,790.000
015201     Punjab Information Technology Board                              149.072       2,478.000        1,239.961         777.000
015201     Agency for Barani Area Development (RP)                          100.000         119.458          450.000               -
015420     Others                                                                 -               -                -               -
031101     Courts/Justice                                                    22.174           1.129                -               -
032102     Provincial Police                                                      -               -            6.703               -
036101     Home Department                                                        -         183.866          183.866               -
036101     Emergency Services                                             1,183.806       2,071.900          724.746       1,344.500
041214     Commerce and Investment                                                -               -                -               -
041310     Labour Human Resources                                            38.099          99.000           43.672          40.000
042103     Agriculture                                                      765.134       6,874.367        2,696.691       4,899.981
042106     Livestock                                                        366.072       2,540.000          186.406       2,679.000
042202     Irrigation Dams                                                        -               -                -               -
042203     Canal Irrigation                                                 196.371       1,370.000          294.042         298.500
042204     Tubewells                                                          1.000               -                -               -
042401     Preservation of Wildlife and Control                              48.086         159.461           14.237          51.975
042402     Forestry                                                         331.567         475.000          305.325         390.000
042501     Fisheries                                                         58.289         224.000           22.828          30.078
042650     Food                                                              56.810               -           39.175           5.000
043502     Electricity Hydal                                                      -               -                -               -

                                                                                                                  (Rs. in million)
Function   Description                                                     Accounts      Budget         Revised           Budget
                                                                          2011-2012      Estimates      Estimates        Estimates
                                                                                         2012-2013      2012-2013        2013-2014
043701     Energy                                                           22.877        50.000         410.817         7,557.000
043801     Administration                                                   23.318             -               -                 -
044101     TEVTA                                                         1,479.069     1,500.000       1,453.075         1,500.000
044120     Punjab Small Industry Corporation.                            5,561.450       208.782       6,049.582                 -
044120     Printing and Stationery                                         188.067         5.000           5.000            10.418
044120     Commerce and Investment                                         180.000        14.342       3,132.000                 -
044201     Mines and Mineral                                                25.709             -               -                 -
045201     Transport                                                        22.752     6,150.000          75.700         6,360.000
045202     Roads                                                         2,010.143     1,000.000           8.419                 -
047202     Tourism                                                          46.781       180.000          97.558           324.000
055101     Environment Protection Planning                                  66.469       350.000          43.795           164.000
062103     Physical Housing and Planning (Urban Dev.)                   10,242.424    18,710.000      28,385.870        17,822.000
062202     Rural Works Programme (LG and CD)                            11,750.019       910.000      18,855.577         1,915.000
063101     Administration                                                    4.092             -               -                 -
063102     Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage                           9,633.957     9,886.000       6,001.512        15,868.000
073101     General Hospital Services                                     9,102.625    19,455.851      14,561.221        20,500.843
073301     Mother and Child Health                                          24.441             -               -                 -
074107     Population Welfare Measures                                   2,240.800     3,000.000       2,309.172         2,500.000
074120     Others (Other Health Facilities and Preventive                   95.656             -               -                 -
081105     Sports                                                                -       617.000          29.376           520.000
081105     Archeology                                                       32.327       322.171         240.742           245.500
081105     Administration (Punjab Youth Internship                               -             -       1,000.000         1,500.000
082105     Information and Culture                                         111.005        84.604          18.210            37.431
084103     Religious Affairs and Aquaf                                      99.110       147.000         110.850            20.000
086101     Information Technology                                                -             -               -                 -
091102     Primary                                                         404.762             -               -                 -
091103     Literacy                                                         37.979       615.000          67.272         1,605.000
092101     Secondary Education                                          10,050.356    23,355.000       1,600.073        25,968.035
092102     Administration                                                1,312.679             -               -                 -
093101     General Universities / Colleges / Institutes                  7,236.320     8,639.876       5,424.410         4,298.706
          (Higher Education/Literacy)
093102     Professional / Technical Universities / Colleges /                0.183             -               -                 -
094101     Special Education                                                65.784       449.095           0.031           235.630
095101     Archives Library and Museums                                      1.391             -               -                 - 
095120     Others                                                                -             -               -                 -
097120     Others                                                                -             -               -                 -
107104     Women Development                                                     -       653.000         125.682         1,400.961
107106     Dera Programme Local Government                                  16.568             -               -                 -
108101     Social Welfare Measures                                          84.783       372.000           5.449           154.803
108104     Zakat and Ushr                                                  135.338       550.000         207.000           740.000

                                                                                                          (Rs. in million)
Function     Description                                         Accounts      Budget           Revised         Budget
                                                                2011-2012      Estimates        Estimates       Estimates
                                                                               2012-2013        2012-2013       2013-2014
DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                54,733.797     84,329.162       53,541.678       119,294.363
            PC12037-Irrigation Works                            6,634.274     19,830.000       12,754.191        34,976.500
042202      Irrigation Dams                                       865.560        719.000        1,035.617         1,756.000
042203      Canal Irrigation                                    3,346.731      8,338.040        6,158.603        19,815.500
042204      Tubewells                                              39.995         52.000          158.627            18.000
043502      Electricity -Hydal                                    200.171      9,950.000        4,299.434        12,874.000
107105      Flood Control and Drainage                          2,181.817        770.960        1,101.910           513.000
            PCI 2038-Agricultural Imp. and Research                93.814         39.038           36.725           181.140
042103      Agriculture Research and Extension Services            93.814         39.038           36.725           181.140
            PC-12040-Town Development                             222.125      1,500.000          460.054           500.000
061102      Low Cost Housing                                      222.125      1,500.000          460.054           500.000
            PC-12041-Roads and Bridges                         35,196.408     32,045.000       26,192.916        32,991.000
045202      Highways Roads and Bridges                         35,196.408     32,045.000       26,192.916        32,991.000
            PC21042-Public Buildings                           12,587.176     30,915.124       14,097.792        50,645.723
            School Education                                            -        145.000          116.612            31.965
            Higher Education                                            -      5,010.124        2,744.752         4,871.294
            Special Education                                           -        250.905                -           904.370
            Literacy                                                    -        300.000                -                 -
            Sports and Youth Affairs                                    -      1,683.000          320.447         1,955.000
            Health                                                      -      7,544.149        5,072.482         5,499.157
            Social Protection                                           -        125.000           93.548           796.236
            Regional Planning                                           -      7,242.000                -        10,700.000
            PUBLIC BUILDINGS                                            -              -                -                 -
            Police                                                      -        492.048          770.127           994.478
            Jails                                                       -        504.063        1,914.174         1,098.880
            Home                                                        -         60.000           35.406           203.000
            Judiciary                                                   -      1,498.871        1,256.589         1,715.000
            S and GAD                                                   -        297.102          183.475           309.609
            Board of Revenue                                            -        101.200           24.200           255.000
            Provincial Assembly                                         -         11.908           31.908            55.533
            Law and Parliamentary Affairs                               -         50.000                -           100.000
            Communications and Works                                    -         14.876            5.739           101.000
            MPDD                                                        -              -                -             3.000
            Governor Secretariat                                        -          2.397            7.649             0.500
            Finance                                                     -              -                -                 -
            Labour                                                      -              -            4.726                 -
            Urban Development                                           -        250.000                -                 -
            Agriculture                                                 -        126.595          180.904           148.879
            Wildlife                                                    -        190.539          141.673            84.025

                                                                                             (Rs. in million)
Function  Description                                Accounts       Budget         Revised           Budget
                                                     2011-2012      Estimates      Estimates        Estimates
                                                                    2012-2013      2012-2013        2013-2014
          Fisheries                                      -            26.000         42.117          127.922
          Food                                           -           200.000        115.000          105.000
          Livestock                                      -           110.000         27.053          765.000
          Industries, Commerce and Investment            -             3.550          2.050           10.000
          Mines and Minerals                             -            35.472         30.971          238.306
          Labour and HR Development                      -             1.000          0.550            2.000
          Transport                                      -            50.000              -                -
          Emergency Services                             -           528.100        141.122          307.500
          Tourism                                        -           120.000          0.732           10.000
          LG and CD                                      -                 -              -        2,000.000
          Information, Culture and Youth Affairs         -           115.396        104.126           68.569
          Archeology                                     -            27.829         15.329           48.500
          Auqafand Religious Affairs                     -            38.000        161.984           16.000
          Human Rights and Minority Affairs              -           200.000              -          200.000
          Planning and Development                       -         2,560.000         22.000        4,900.000
          Special Programme I Packages                   -                 -      1,000.000         3,020000
          District Development Packages                  -                 -              -        9,000.000
          ACCESS TO JUSTICE PROGRAM                      -                 -              -                -
          Judiciary (AJP)                                -                 -         88.596                -
          Jails (AJP)                                    -                 -        441.751                -
GROSS TOTAL DEVELOPMENT EXP.                   146,736.948       250,000.000    166,858.377      290,000.000

ESTIMATES OF PUBLIC ACCOUNT                                                      (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                        Accounts        Budget           Revised           Budget
                                      2011-2012       Estimates        Estimates        Estimates
                                                      2012-2013        2012-2013        2013-2014
F ASSETS - CREDITS                  605,859.408        (49.834)        (561.930)        (561.930)
F ASSETS - DEBITS                  (600,791.829)             -                -                -
  ASSETS - NET                    1,206,651.237         49.834          561.930          561.930
G  LIABILITIES - CREDITS           (478,474.692)   (88,191.799)    (387,803.839)    (318,292.369)
G  LIABILITIES - DEBIT              463,056.662     88,420.049      388,365.769      318,854.299
   LIABILITIES - NET               (941,531.354)      (228.250)        (561.930)       (561 .930)
   NET PUBLIC ACCOUNT               265,119.883        178.416            0.000            0.000

ESTIMATES OF PUBLIC ACCOUNT                                                                            (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                               Accounts        Budget           Revised          Budget
                                                              2011-2012       Estimates        Estimates        Estimates
                                                                              2012-2013        2012-2013        2013-2014
F01    CASH AND BANK BALANCES                               606,422.608           -                -                -
F011   Balances with SBP                                    582,776.164           -                -                -
       F01101 Non Food Account                              519,869.594           -                -                -
       F01102 Food Account                                   62,908.190           -                -                -
       F01104 DistrictAccount                                         -           -                -                -
       F01110 Receipt Clearing Account (Food Account)                 -           -                -                -
       F01114 Receipt Clearing Account (Non Food                  1.620           -                -                -
F012          Other Accounts                                          -           -                -                -
       F01204 State Bank Deposits Food Account                        -           -                -                -
       F01205 State Bank Deposit - Non-Food Accounts                  -           -                -                -
             (Blocked)                                                -           -                -                -
F015          Civil Department Balances                               -           -                -                -
       F1502  Public Works                                            -           -                -                -
       F01503 Forest                                                  -           -                -                -
F016                                                         23,646.444           -                -                -
       F01602 Non Food Account                                5,269.220           -                -                -
       FO1603 Receipt Cler NC (Food AIC)NBP                   5,337.650           -                -                -
       F01604 Receipt Cler NC (Non Food NC) NBP              13,039.574           -                -                -
F02           RECEIVABLE                                       (563.444)    (49.834)       (561 .930)        (561.930)
       F021   Loans and Advances                               (563.444)    (49.834)       (561 .930)        (561.930)
       F02113 Account with Government Servant                  (407.235)          -         (431.930)        (431.930)
       F02119 OB Advances (Civil)                               (10.142)    (49.834)         (15.000)         (15.000)
       F02148 Forest Advances                                   (146.067)          -         (115.000)        (115.000)
F05           OTHER ASSETS                                        0.244           -                -                -
       F051   Other Assets                                        0.244           -                -                -
       F05102 Down Payment                                        0.244           -                -                -
              TOTAL ASSETS                                  605,859.408     (49.834)        (561.930)        (561.930)
GO1           CURRENT LIABILITIES                          (218,232.489) (5,691.306)    (249,425.000)    (255,425.000)
       GO11   Cheque Clearing Account                      (225,878.296) (5,691.306)    (249,425.000)    (255,425.000)
       G01101 Non Food Account                                        -           -                -                -
       G01112 Ch. Pay. Cler A/C (Food A/C) SBP               (2,482.436) (3,500.000)      (3,000.000)      (3,000.000)
       G01113 Treasury Pay Clearing Account (Non-                    -           -                -                -
       GO1120 Bank Charges Clearing A/C (Fertilizer)                 -           -                -                -
       GO1125 Bank Charges Clearing NC                               -           -                -                -
             (Government Deposit A/C)
       G01131 Bank Interest Clearing NC (NAT                         -           -                -                -
       G01132 Cheque Payment Clearing Account (Non                    -           -                -                -
              Food Account) SBP                             (96,981.790) (2,191.306)      (98,000000)     (98,000.000)
       G01133 Tr. Pay Cler. NC (Non Food NC). S BP               (6.816)          -                -                -
       G01142 Cheque Pay Clearing Account (Food               (1 54.140)          -         (425.000)        (425.000)
       G01143 Tr. Pay Cler. NC (Food. NC) NBP                         -           -                -               -

ESTIMATES OF PUBLIC ACCOUNT                                                                          (Rs. in million)
Head of Account                                          Accounts        Budget           Revised           Budget
                                                        2011-2012       Estimates        Estimates        Estimates
                                                                        2012-2013        2012-2013        2013-2014
G01147  Cheque Pay Clearance Account (Non             (62,726.232)             -        (68,000.000)     (69,000.000)
        Food Account) NBP
G01148  Tr.Pay Cler.NC (Non Food NC). NBP               3,285.613              -                  -                -
G01151  Bank Interest Clearning NC (Non Food
001161  Rcet.Susp. NC (Non Food NC) SBP                         -              -                  -                -
G0166   Pay.Susp. NC(Non Food NC) NBP
001188  Receipts Suspense (PR Special                           -              -                  -                -
        Account) SBP
G01189  Ch. Pay. Cler. NC (District Account)                    -              -                  -                -
GO1190  Special Drawing Account Cheques               (66,812.495)             -        (80,000.000)     (85,000.000)
G01191  Assignment Accounts Cheques                             -              -                  -                -
G012    Others                                          7,645.807              -                  -                -
G01201  Outstanding Commitments                         7,645.807              -                  -                -
        TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                   (21,8,232.489)    (5,691.306)      (249,425.000)    (255,425.000)
G05     CONTROL ACCOUNT                               (95,357.951)             -                  -                -
G051    Miscellaneous                                 (95,357.951)             -                  -                -
G05104  HR Document Splitting Account                      (0.026)             -                  -                -
G05105  Wages Clearing Account                        (95,066.340)             -                  -                -
G05106  Inter Provincial Settlement Account                (1.687)             -                  -                -
G05107  Adjusting Account between Federal and              42.305              -                  -                -
        Provincial Governments
GO5110  State Bank Suspense                               (53.961)             -                  -                -
G05111  District Accounts Suspense                         (7.582)             -                  -                -
G05112  Letter of Credit Suspense                         (25.503)             -                  -                -
G05115  Adjusting Account between Provincial and          245.157              -                  -                -
        District Governments
G06     TRUST ACCOUNT-FUND                            (16,952.596)    (4,400.000)        (9,257.324)      (9,894.500)
G061    Provident Fund                                (12,325.049)    (4,400.000)        (8,436.000)      (9,065.000)
G06103  General Provident Fund (Civil)                (12,199.809)    (4,275.000)        (8,376.000)      (9,000.000)
G06106  General Provident Fund (Forest)                  (125.240)      (125.000)           (60.000)         (65.000)
G062    Benevolent Fund                                (2,863.394)             -                  -                -
G06201  Punjab Benevolent Fund                             (0.221)             -                  -                -
G06204  Federal Government Employees Benevolent             0.002              -                  -                -
        Fund (Telegraph)
G06214  Federal Government Employees Benevolent        (2,802.544)             -                  -                -
G06215  District Government Employees Benevolent           57.585              -                  -                -
G06217  Government Employees Benevolent Fund               (3.042)             -                  -                -
G063    Welfare Fund                                     (828.410)
G06304  Workers Welfare Fund                               (0.001)             -                  -                -
G06305  Mines Labour Housing General Welfare Fund        (270.249)             -                  -                -
G06309  Punjab Police Welfare Fund                       (558.160)             -                  -                -
G064    Insurance Fund                                   (935.743)                         (821.324)        (829.500)
G06403  Federal Government Employees Group                  0.065              -                  -                -
        Insurance Fund (Food Wing)
G06408 Provincial Government Employees Group               (920.772)              -          (805.000)         (812.000)
Insurance Fund
G06409 Provincial Government Employees Group                      -               -                 -                 -
Insurance Fund (Civil)
G06411 District Government Employees Insurance              (13.874)                          (16.324)          (17.500)
G06413 Group Insurance Fund for Govt Employees               (0.931)                                -                 -
G06414 Insurance Fund of Employees of Punjab                 `0.101               -                 -                 -
G10 TRUST ACCOUNTS-OTHERS                               (83,024.479)    (10,180.643)      (55,423.225)      (18,195.474)
G101 Account of Other Departments                        (8,911.992)              -        (7,661.309)       (8,070.830)
G10105 Pakistan Public Works Department Cheques              (0.070)                                -                 -
G10109 Deposit of Industries Department                      (0.001)              -                 -                 -
G10111 Food Department Deposit                              (95.710)                                -                 -
G10113 PWD Deposits                                      (6,731.586)              -        (5,791.615)       (6,100.000)
G10123 Transfer between Forest Offices                       (0.548)              -                 -                 -
G10125 Transfer between PW Offices                            (0.119)              -                 -                 -
G10131 Forest Cheques                                    (2,083.958)              -        (1,869.694)       (1,970.830)
G10132 GSP Cheques                                                                                  -                 -
G10136 Reserve Fund for Punjab Irrigation and
Drainage Authority                                                -               -                 -                 -
G10137 Pre-Audit Cheque Civil NCI
G10138 Pre-Audit Civil Cheques (ACCOUNT 4)
G10139 Pre-Audit Cheques- Civil (Others) (Blocked)                                -                 -                 -
G103 Other Deposits and Reserves                            (101.361)
G10304 Zakat Collection Account                            (101.361)              -                 -                 -
G104 Other Remittances                                  (74,011.126)    (10,180.643)      (47,761.916)      (10,124.644)
G10402 Forest Remittances                                 (1,184.116)     (1,198.150)       (1,198.150)       (1,198.150)
G10407 PWD Remittances                                       (0.965)         (1.158)                -                 -
G10408 Remittance into Treasuries                        (3,758.894)     (1,245.419)       (3,074.766)       (3,074.766)
G10409 Works Audit Suspense                                  75.847      (2,144.189)         (259.000)         (260.000)
G10418 Exchange Account between Civil and                    (0.126)              -                 -                 -
Pakistan Post
G10419 Exchange Account between Civil and                    (0.311)              -                 -                 - 
Defence (in Navy)
G10425 Cheques                                          (67,960.082)     (4,745.572)      (42,432.000)       (4,745.572)
G10429 Internal Cheques (Public Works)                   (1,182.479)       (846.156)         (798.000)         (846.156)
G11 SPECIAL DEPOSIT - INVESTMENTS                       (62,206.353)    (67,840.722)      (72,325.141)      (33,318.346)
G111 Investment Deposit Accounts                                                                             (1,973.705)
G11128 Punjab General Provident Investment Fund                   -               -                 -        (1,973.705)
0112 Others Deposits Account                            (62,206.353)    (67,840.722)      (72,325.141)      (31,344.641)
G11211 Deposits of Cotton Cess Fund                          (0.002)              -                 -                 -
G11 212 Deposits of Sugar Cane Development Cess          (1,020.526)     (1,233.899)       (1,167.000)       (1,233.898)
G11215 Revenue Deposits                                  (1,262.249)        399.946         2,053.842         2,053.842
G11216 Civil and Criminal Courts Deposits                   (50.943)        (60.866)                -                 -
G11217 Personal Deposits                                (37,048.005)    (36,203.622)      (45,861.000)      (38,515.168)
G11218 Forest Deposit                                      (199.165)       (197.832)         (200.000)         (200.000)
G11220 Deposits in connection with Elections                 (0.004)              -                 -                 -
G11226 Deposit/and in favour of the Chief Settlement        (27.862)        (28.062)          (15.000)          (15.000)
G11238 Security Deposit of Supply Cell                     (121.413)       (142.098)         (350.000)         (350.000)
G11240 Security Deposit of Cashiers etc                      (0.384)              -                 -                 -
G11252 Dep. NC Punj R. Estate Age                            (0.240)              -                 -                 -
G11 264 Assignment Account (ADB)                         (2,838.180)     (1,039.553)       (8,679.081)       (8,679.081)
G11 265 Assignment Account (Civil)                      (17,925.003)    (27,634.687)      (15,585.992)       18,308.000
G11271 Secuirty Deposits Ex-Local Fund Officer (Ex-           0.161               -                 -                 -
G11275 Deposit Account for the Production of               (111.436)       (100.744)          (80.000)         (101.325)
Balanced Feed
G11277 Contribution Govt. Servant Housing                  (435.989)       (484.837)       (1,228.035)       (1,303.101)
G11278 Deposit for Number Plats and Smart                (1,165.113)     (1,114.468)       (1,212.875)       (1,308.910)
Registration Cards
G11290 Securities Deposits from Contractors /                     -               -                 -                 -
G12 SPECIAL DEPOSIT FUND                                 (2,700.824)        (79.128)       (1,373.149)       (1,459.049)
0121 Relief Fund                                            (30.481)              -                 -                 -
G12101 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund                 (0.002)              -                 -                 -
G12113 Governor's Relief Fund                                (0.005)              -                 -                 -
G12138 Chief Minister's Flood Relief Fund Khyber             (0.024)              -                 -                 -
G12139 Punjab Chief Minister's Fund for Flood                (0.398)              -                 -                 -
G12140 Prime Minister's Flood Relief Fund -2010              (0.005)              -                 -                 - 
G12147 Punjab Chief Minister's Rain/Flood Affected          (30.047)              -                 -                 -
People 2011
G124 Development Fund                                        (0.093)              -                 -                 -
G12403 Deprecition Reserve Fund Government
Presses                                                      (0.050)              -                 -                 -
G12417 Forestry Development Fund                             (0.043)              -                 -                 -
G127 Others Funds                                        (2,670.250)        (79.128)       (1,373.149)       (1,459.049)
G12713 Income Tax deduction from Salaries                (1,342.384)        (79.128)         (725.621)         (800.315)
G12714 Income Tax deduction from Contractors/Supp          (825.791)              -          (597.000)         (608.206)
G12717 District Fund                                        (38.136)              -                 -                 -
G12718 Municipal Fund                                        (0.652)              -                 -                 -
G12720 Punjab Market Committee Fund                        (306.167)              -           (50.528)          (50.528)
G12741 Fed. Civil Servants subscription to services           0.001               -                 -                 -
G12746 HR Development Fund                                   (0.005)              -                 -                 -
G12747 National Commission Fund                              (0.001)              -                 -                 - 
G12770 Funds for Hayatabad Medical Complex                   (0.001)              -                 -                 -
G12773 Funds for Ayub Teaching Hospital                      (0.006)              -                 -                 -
G12774 National Disaster Management Fund                     (0.537)              -                 -                 -
G12777 Sales Tax deduction at Source under Sales
Tax Special Procedure (Withholding) Rules,                 (156.562)              -                 -                 -
G12779 Funds for Kideny Disease Hayatabad                    (0.007)              -                 -                 -
G128 Pension Fun
G12801 Punjab Pension Fund
Total Deposits and Reserves                            (260,242.203)    (82,500.493)     (138,378.839)      (62,867.369)
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                      (478,474.692)    (88,191.799)     (387,803.839)     (318,292.369)
G13 SPECIAL DEPOSIT GRANT                                         -               -                 -                 -
G131 Grant in Aid                                                 -               -                 -                 -
G13101 Cash Aid Received from Food Foundation                     -               -                 -                 -
TOTAL SPECIAL DEPOSIT GRANT                                       -               -                 -                 -
H01 EQUITIES                                                      -               -                 -                 -
H011 Equities                                                     -               -                 -                 -
H01101 Residual Equity                                            -               -                 -                 -
TOTAL EQUITIEIS                                                   -               -                 -                 -
Total Public Account Credit                             127,384.716     (88,241.633)     (388,365.769)     (318,854.299)
TOTAL PROVINCIAL RECEIPTS                               563,465.881   1,109,446.086     1,377,964.047     1,499,068.509
ACCOUNT NO.I                                            490,207.338     895,962.572     1,136,333.607     1,238,168.875
ACCOUNT NO.II                                            73,258.543     213,483.514       241,630.440       260,899.634
OPENING BALANCE                                                   -      30,356.832         8,843.492        30,000.000
ACCOUNT NO.I                                                      -      30,356.832         8,843.492        30,000.000
ACCOUNT NO.II                                                     -               -                 -                 -
GRAND TOTAL                                             563,465.881   1,139,802.918     1,386,807.539     1,529,068.509
F01 CASH AND BANK BALANCES                             (600,951.392)              -                 -                 -
F011 Balances with SBP                                 (593,503.429)              -                 -                 -
F01101 Non Food Account                                (534,246.988)              -                 -                 -
F01102 Food Account                                     (59,258.070)              -                 -                 -
F01103 Railways Account                                           -               -                 -                 -
F01104 District Account                                       0.009               -                 -                 -
F01110 Receipt Clearing Account (Food Account)                    -               -                 -                 -
F01114  Receipt Clearing Account (Non Food                    1.620               -                 -                 -
F012 Other Accounts                                               -               -                 -                 -
F01204 State Bank Deposits Food Account                           -               -                 -                 -
F01205 State Bank Deposit - Non-Food Accounts                     -               -                 -                 -
F014 Cash Balance                                             1.900               -                 -                 -
F01403 Petty Cash                                             1.900               -                 -                 -
F015 Civil Department Balances                                    -               -                 -                 -
F01501 Civil                                                      -               -                 -                 -
F01503 Forest                                                     -               -                 -                 -
F016 Balances with NBP                                   (7,449.863)              -                 -                 -
F01601 Food Account                                      (2,112.606)              -                 -                 -
F01602 Non Food Account                                           -               -                 -                 -
F01603 Receipt Cler A/C (Food A/C)NBP                    (2,867.671)              -                 -                 -
F01604 Receipt Cler A/C (Non Food A/C) NBP               (2,469.586)              -                 -                 -
F02 RECEIVABLES                                             159.876               -                 -                 -
F021 Loans and Advances                                     159.876               -                 -                 -
F02101 Permanent Advances (Civil)                                 -               -                 -                 -
F02113 Account with Government Servants                       0.375               -                 -                 -
F02119 OB Advances (Civil)                                   12.651               -                 -                 -
F02139 OB Advances (Forest)                                   0.046               -                 -                 -
F02148 Forest Advances                                      146.804               -                 -                 -
F05 OTHER ASSETS                                             (0.313)              -                 -                 -
F051 Other Assets                                            (0.313)              -                 -                 -
F5102 Down Payment                                           (0.313)              -                 -                 -
TOTAL ASSETS                                           (600,791.829)              -                 -                 -
G G01 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities                   201,050.663      65,778.619       239,113.505       239,868.200
G011 Cheque Clearing Account                            208,686.899      65,778.619       239,113.505       239,868.200
G01101 Non Food Account                                           -               -                 -                 -
G01112 Ch. Pay. Cler. A/C (Food A/C) SBP                  2,482.728               -                 -                 -
G01132 Ch. Pay. Cler. A/C (Non Food A/C) SBP             95,920.648      33,533.640        96,593.901        97,348.596
G01133 Tr. Pay Cler. A/C (Non Food A/C). SBP               (113.866)              -                 -                 -
G01142 (Food Account) NBP                                   (15.699)              -                 -                 -
G01147 Food Account) NBP                                 59,161.573      32,244.980        66,633.785        66,633.785
G01148 Cheque Pay Clearing Account (Non-Food
Account) NBP                                            (16,398.339)              -                 -                 -
G01151 Bank Interest Clearning Account (Non
Food) NBP                                                         -               -                 -                 -
G01161 Rcet. Susp. A/C (Non Food A/C) SBP                         -               -                 -                 -
G01166 Pay. Susp. A/C(Non Food A/C) NBP                           -               -                 -                 -

G01188 Rect. Susp. (PR Special Account) SBP                       -               -                 -                 -
G01189 Ch. Pay. Cler. A/C (District Account) NBP                  -               -                 -                 -
G01190 Outstanding Commitments                           67,649.854               -        75,885.819        75,885.819
G01191 Assignment Account Cheque                                  -               -                 -                 -
G012 Others                                              (7,636.236)              -                 -                 -
G01201 Outstanding Commitments                           (7,636.236)              -                 -                 -
G04 Other Liabilities                                             -               -                 -                 -
G041 Other Liabilities                                            -               -                 -                 -
G04101 Pension Fund Liability                                     -               -                 -                 -
G05 Control Account                                      94,874.769               -                 -                 -
G051 Miscellaneous                                       94,874.769               -                 -                 -
G05103 Suspense Account                                           -               -                 -                 -
G05104 HR Document Splitting Account                              -               -                 -                 -
G05105 Wages Clearing Account                            95,544.913               -                 -                 -
G05106 Inter Provincial Settlement Account                  186.587               -                 -                 -
G05107 Adjusting Account between Federal and
Provincial Governments                                     (857.015)              -                 -                 -
G05110 State Bank Suspense                                  (56.986)              -                 -                 -
G05111 District Accounts Suspense                            38.140               -                 -                 -
G05112 Letter of Credit Suspense                             25.503               -                 -                 -
G05115 Adjusting Account between Provincial and              (6.373)              -                 -                 -
District Governments
G06 Trust Account Fund                                   10,635.912       4,400.000        11,688.517        11,921.025
G061 Provident Fund                                       6,832.554       4,400.000         7,703.000         7,915.000
G06101 Indian Civil Service Fund (Civil)                          -               -                 -                 -
G06103 General Provident Fund (Civil)                     6,764.429       4,400.000         7,703.000         7,915.000
G06104 General Provident Fund (Foreign Affair)                    -               -                 -                 -
G06106 General Provident Fund (Forest)                       68.125               -                 -                 -
G062 Benevolent Fund                                      2,354.993               -         3,051.025         3,051.025
G06214 Provincial Govt. Employees Benevolent Fund         2,352.866               -         3,051.025         3,051.025
G06215 District Government Employees Benevolent
Fund                                                              -               -                 -                 -
G06217 Government Employees Benevolent Fund
Working                                                       2.127               -                 -                 -
G063 Welfare Fund                                           510.129               -                 -                 -
G06309 Punjab Police Welfare Fund                           510.129               -                 -                 -
G064 Insurance Fund                                         938.236               -           934.492           955.000
G06408 Provincial Government Employees Group
Insurance Fund                                              937.404               -           934.492           955.000
G06413 Group Insurance Fund for Govt Employees                0.832               -                 -                 -
G10 TRUST ACCOUNTS-OTHERS                                81,925.035      16,867.543        53,166.531        53,166.530
G101 Account of Other Departments                        10,503.317       8,222.404        10,704.848        10,704.848
G10105 Pakistan Public Works Department Cheques               0.070               -                 -                 -
G10109 Deposits of Industries Department                      1.525               -                 -                 -
G10111 Food Department Deposits                              61.079          57.607            96.848            96.848
G10113 Pak PWD Deposits                                   8,354.467       6,326.046         8,758.000         8,758.000
G10123 Transfer between Forest Offices                        0.566               -                 -                 -
G10131 Forest Cheques                                     2,085.610       1,838.750         1,850.000         1,850.000
G10136 Reserve Fund for Punjab Irrigation and
Drainage Authority
G10137 Pre-Audit Cheque Civil A/C I
G10138 Pre-Audit Cheques Civil A/C IV
G10139 Pre-Audit Cheques- Civil (Others) (Blocked)
G103 Other Deposits and Reserves                             80.332               -                 -                 -
G10304 Zakat Collection Account                              80.332               -                 -                 -
G104 Other Remittance                                    71,341.386       8,645.139        42,461.683        42,461.682
G10402 Forest Remittances                                 1,216.209         436.320         1,015.388         1,015.388
G10407 PWD Remittances                                        0.009               -                 -                 -
G10408 Remittance into Treasuries                           586.332               -                 -                 -
G10409 WorksAuditSuspense                                 1,773.261       4,400.000        10,508.102        10,508.102
G10413 Sales Tax Remittances
G10418 Exchange Account between Civil and Pak                 0.039               -                 -                 -
G10419 Exchange Account between Civil and Defence             0.123               -                 -                 -
G10425 Cheques                                           67,518.804        3808.819        30,938.193        30,938.192
G10429 Internal Cheques (Public Works)                      246.609               -                 -                 -
G11 SPECIAL DEPOSIT - INVESTMENTS                        71,775.148       1,373.887        84,397.216         9,098.544
G111 Investment Deposit Accounts                                  -       1,373.887         1,373.887         3,347.592
G11128 Punjab General Provident Investment Fund                   -       1,373.887         1,373.887         3,347.592
G112 Others Deposits Account                             71,775.148               -        83,023.329         5,750.952
G11212 Deposits of Sugar Cane Dev. Cess Fund                696.019
G11215 Revenue Deposits                                   9,430.210               -         7,794.113         5,750.952
G11217 Personal Deposits                                 34,945.994               -        40,829.119
G11218 Forest Deposits                                      146.052
G11227 Unclaimed Deposits                                     0.087               -                 -                 -
G11230 Special Remittances Deposits                                               -                 -                 -
G11238 Security Deposit of Supply Cell                      135.345
G11264 Assignment account (ADB)                           8,280.502               -        19,828.000                 -
G11265 Assignment Account (Civil)                        16,458.651                        13,153.222                 -
G11271 Security Deposit Ex-Local Council Fund                                     -                 -                 -
Officers (Ex-MCL and E)
G11275 Deposits account Govt. Livestock Farms                99.039               -                 -                 -
(Balanced Feed)
G11277 Contribution GHSF                                    362.360
G11278 Deposit for number plats and Smart Reg. Cards      1,220.889               -         1,418.875                 -
G12 Special Deposit Fund                                  2,795.135               -                 -         4,800.000
G121 Relief Funds                                            26.180               -                 -                 -
G12130 President Relief Fund (Earthquake)                     0.632               -                 -                 -
G12139 Punjab Chief Minister's Fund for Flood                 0.018               -                 -                 -
G12147 Punjab Chief Minister's Relief Fund                   25.530               -                 -                 -
Rain/Flood affected people
G124 Development Fund                                         0.019               -                 -                 -
G12417 Forestry Development Fund                              0.019               -                 -                 -
G127 Other Funds                                          2,768.936               -                 -                 -
G12713 Income Tax Deduction from Salaries                 1,344.339               -                 -                 -
G12714 Income Tax Deduction from Contractor/                719.670               -                 -                 -
G12717 District Funds                                         8.885               -                 -                 -
G12718 Municipal Funds                                        0.199               -                 -                 -
G12720 Punjab Market Committee Fund                         596.880               -                 -                 -
G12777 Adv. pmt of tax u/s 53 of the Ord.              98.963               -                 -                 -
G128 Pension Fun                                                  -               -                 -         4,800.000
G12801 Punjab Pension Fund                                        -               -                 -         4,800.000
TOTAL LIABILITY                                         463,056.662      88,420.049       388,365.769       318,854.299
H01 EQUITIES                                                406.897               -                 -                 -
H011 Equities                                               406.897               -                 -                 -
H01101 Residual Equity                                      406.897               -                 -                 -
TOTAL EQUITIEIS                                             406.897               -                 -                 -
Total Public Account Expenditure                       (137,328.270)     88,420.049       388,365.769       318,854.299
NET PUBLIC ACCOUNT (P)                                   (9,943.554)        178.416             0.000             0.000
Total Provincial Disbursement                           563,465.890   1,139,802.918     1,386,807.539     1,529,068.509
Account No. I                                           501,788.149     926,319.404     1,145,177.099     1,268,168.875
Account No. II                                           61,677.741     213,483.514       241,630.440       260,899.634
Opening Balance                                                   -               -                 -                 -
Account No. I                                                     -               -                 -                 -
Account No. II                                                    -               -                 -                 -
GRAND TOTAL                                             563,465.890   1,139,802.918     1,386,807.539     1,529,068.509
General Revenue Receipts                                606,234.406     780,674.805       719,778.024       871,953.317
Current Revenue Expenditure                             444,299.586     532,859.871       549,762.393       607,569.311
Net Revenue Account                                     161,934.820     247,814.934       170,015.631       264,384.006
CAPITAL ACCOUNT (ACCOUNT NO.I)                    
General Capital Receipts                                    579.011      15,558.620        10,558.797        17,661.259
General Capital Expenditure                              48,079.885      55,039.484        40,190.560        51,745.265
Surplus / Deficit (Capital)                             (47,500.874)    (39,480.864)      (29,631.763)      (34,084.006)
PUBLIC ACCOUNT                    
Credit                                                  127,384.716     (88,241.633)     (388,365.769)     (318,854.299)
Disbursement                                           (137,328.270)     88,420.049       388,365.769       318,854.299
Net Public Account                                       (9,943.554)        178.416             0.000             0.000
ADP Resources                    
Net Revenue Account                                     161,934.820     247,814.934       170,015.631       264,384.006
Net Capital Account                                     (47,500.874)    (39,480.864)      (29,631.763)      (34,084.006)
Net Public Account                                       (9,943.554)        178.416             0.000             0.000
Development Revenue Grants                                        -               -                 -                 -
Foreign Assistance for Projects                          10,778.637      11,487.514        17,631.017        29,700.000
Operational Shortfall                                             -      30,000.000         8,843.492        30,000.000
TOTAL RESOURCES                                         115,269.029     250,000.000       166,858.377       290,000.000
ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAME                             115,269.029     250,000.000       166,858.377       290,000.000
Surplus / Deficit                                                 -               -                 -                 -

For more information, contact:
Secretary Finance Department
Finance Department
Government of the Punjab
Telephone: +92 42 99210086, +92 42 99211082
Fax: +92 42 99213195

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