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VoV team apprises Indian HR activists of rights abuses in IOK

Srinagar, February 15, 2014 (PPI-OT): A delegation of Voice of Victims (VoV), a human rights forum in occupied Kashmir, met several human rights and social activists in Indian state of Maharashtra and apprised them of the rights abuses in the occupied territory.

The delegation headed by the VoV Executive Director, Abdul Qadeer Dar, met several human rights activists of the state including Professor Mahinder Wday, Professor Ishfaq Shakakor, Professor Satish Nikum, Professor Dr Mikum Baraday, Professor Arthi Baraday, Professor Farida Khan, Professor Villa Chouhan and Dr Rahul Wag.

At Maharashtra University, addressing a seminar on Kashmir situation, organized by the human rights groups of the state, Abdul Qadeer said that on each passing day Indian forces continued to violate the human rights with immunity through black laws like Armed Forces Special Powers Act and Public Safety Act.

He said that during past 24 year, Killings, custodial killings, massacres, rape and molestation, enforced disappearances etc. were perpetrated by Indian forces and despite passages of years not a single trooper was punished.

Mentioning Pathribal fake encounter, Kunanposhpora mass rape, Shopian double rape and murder case and the inhuman massacres, the VoV Executive Director told the gathering that the Kashmiri people had lost their faith in Indian judiciary. He said that thousands of youth had been put behind the bars under fake cases and inside jails they were being treated inhumanly.

He appealed to the human rights activists and civil society members of India to help the Kashmiri people on humanitarian grounds and raise their voice against the human rights violations that took place in Kashmir so that justice could be delivered to the victim families.

Abdul Qadeer also met Borderless World Foundation and interacted with its founder members, Lukesh Shouday, Jiternder Dayw, Padmaker and Sundeep Deore.

For more information, contact:
Kashmir Media Service
Phone: 92-51-4435548, 4435549
Fax: 92-51-4861736

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