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Gilani lambastes India’s double standards

Srinagar, August 08 2013 (PPI-OT): In occupied Kashmir, veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani grilled Indian authorities and media for raising hue and cry over alleged killing of five of its troops and maintaining silence over massacre of civilians in the territory.

Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar renewed call for peaceful demonstrations against the brutal killings of Tahir Ahmad Sofi, Mudasir Kamran, Ubair Mushtaq, Tariq Ahmad Bhat, Abdul Rashid Sheikh, Mohammud Yusuf Sofi, Hajra Begum, Riyaz Ahmad khanday and Altaf Ahmad Wani by Indian forces, Markundal Sumbal episode, desecration of Holy Quran in Gool Ramban, the secret execution of Mohammad Afzal Guru and detention of political prisoners.

He announced to offer Eid prayers at Hazratbal in case the authorities did not interfere in his religious obligation. He said that the killing of innocent people continued unabated and state terrorism was at its peak.

Commenting over uproar in Indian Parliament and rhetoric created by Indian media over the alleged killing of five Indian troops on the Line of Control, he criticized New Delhi’s criminal silence over killing of innocent civilians by Indian army and police in occupied Kashmir.

“I am being denied the right to offer prayers and forcibly confined to my residence,” said Gilani. “This type of lawlessness though being formulated in Delhi, is practiced by Omar Abdullah.”

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