Islamabad Chamber of Small Traders asks government to take urgent steps to improve power distribution system which is a threat to the economy

Islamabad, July 10, 2016 (PPI-OT):Islamabad Chamber of Small Traders on Sunday asked government to take urgent steps to improve power distribution system which is a threat to the economy. While lauding the efforts of the government to increase power production, it demanded equal attention to the infirm electricity transmission and distribution (T and D) network.

The fragile T and D network is hampering provision of available electricity, limiting distribution of energy generated by new and old power plants and can leave plans to import electricity from Iran and central Asia frustrated, said Patron Islamabad Chamber of Small Traders Shahid Rasheed Butt.

He said that T and D network is mainstay of the power system but has been ignored since decades which has resulted in wastage of electricity worth Rs 180 billion per annum. Shahid Rasheed Butt said that the government needs to lure local and foreign investors to modernise T and D network which requires increased incentives.

He said that unannounced load shedding is direct result of shortcomings in the T and D network for which masses continue to pay the price. Butt said that the transmission policy of 1995 could not attract investors but it has been improved through amendments. Power production has been improved by 78 percent in the last 12 years while T and D network with over 14,000 km of lines has witnessed a growth of 49 percent only, he informed.

NTDC should immediately start upgrading infrastructure lest it compromise ability of coal, LNG, wind, solar and other power projects, he warned. T and D network is a major bottleneck in properly linking power projects with national grid and distributing electricity among consumers which must be improved.

For more information, contact:
Jahangir Akhtar
Secretary General
Islamabad Chamber of Small Traders and Small Industry
Office No, 9 Block E, Super Market, Islamabad
Cell: 0344-5111174

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