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Pakistan Accuses Occupation Forces of Using Fake News to Undermine Freedom Struggles

Pakistan has accused states, including those occupying Kashmir and Palestine, of using fake news and disinformation to suppress the fundamental freedoms of people under foreign occupation. This claim was made by Ambassador Munir Akram during his address to the United Nations Committee on Information, which oversees the work of the UN Department of Global Communications. According to Kashmir Media Service, Ambassador Akram, while speaking at the committee’s 46th session chaired by Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN, Ambassador Usman Jadoon, highlighted the misuse of digital media to spread disinformation and Islamophobia. He underscored that such tactics are aimed at delegitimizing freedom struggles and portraying the victims of aggression as perpetrators. Pakistan has been active at the UN in pushing for measures to combat disinformation, including initiating a resolution on information integrity on digital platforms, which was unanimously adopted last year. Ambassador Akram called for t
he development of an inter-governmentally formulated code of conduct to ensure information integrity, which would address the misuse of AI and digital surveillance in spreading false information. The ongoing situation in both Kashmir and Palestine was cited as instances where disinformation has been strategically used to justify foreign occupation and to stifle the voices advocating for self-determination and freedom.

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