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Tehreek-e-Muzahamat pays rich tributes to IOK martyrs

Srinagar, June 30, 2019 (PPI-OT): In occupied Kashmir, Tehreek-e-Muzahamat has paid rich tributes to the martyrs of Budgam, Bijbihara, Tral and other Kashmiri martyrs saying that youth are sacrificing their precious lives for the cause of Islam and freedom. Tehreek-e-Muzahamat Chairman Bilal Ahmed Sidiqui in a statement issued in Srinagar said, “Amid tough times they are fighting with high moral, steadfastness and determination which indeed is a golden chapter in our national resistance history.”

“We ought to honour, respect and protect these sacrifices against all internal and external conspiracies,” he added. In the meantime, he said, we should restrain from any such act which in turn could harm the sanity and dignity of our sacred movement and help our enemies to fulfill their nefarious designs. Bilal Ahmed Sidiqui extended heartfelt condolences and sympathies with the bereaved families of the martyrs.

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