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Thal Limited Achieves Strong Performance in Automobile Accessories Manufacturing

Karachi, Thal Limited (THALL), a leading name in the automobile parts and accessories sector, achieved strong performance in 2023. The company’s today’s rate stood at PKR 290.00, closely aligned with its daily weighted average rate of PKR 290.01. THALL, with a paid-up capital of PKR 405.15 million, reported a solid EPS of PKR 42.97 for the period of January to November 2023. The company, listed in 1967, declared significant distributions in the past three years, including a 160% distribution in 2023. The stock’s high rate this year was PKR 146, indicating robust market confidence.

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Senate Committee Reviews Ministry of Science and Technology Operations: Nominations, Rightsizing, and International Agreements Under Scrutiny

ISLAMABAD: The Senate Standing Committee on Science and Technology convened at the Parliament House under the leadership of Senator Kamil Ali Agha to evaluate various aspects of the Ministry's operations, including rightsizing and alleged irregulariti...

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