Karachi, March 20, 2018 (PPI-OT): On 1st day of visit, there was meeting with Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industries. The Ambassador of Pakistan and Director General of TDAP discussed with the President of the Chamber Mr. HADEF Abderramane and the Director General of the Chamber Mme BEHLOUL Ouahiba regarding matters of interest of both the countries.
The Director General informed that there is issue of high tariff rates. The President of the chamber suggested that the issue of PTA / FTA should be discussed in the meeting of Joint Ministerial meeting of the two countries. The chamber President also discussed sectors of mutual interest of the two countries. He showed great interest in cooperation in agriculture and machinery related agriculture sector.
After the meeting, there were presentations on relations between the two countries and the potential of trade and investment in the two countries. The media and print media also covered the event and there were questions and answers by the media people. Afterwards, there were B2B meetings and site visits of Pakistani delegation.
For more information, contact:
Information and Communication Division
Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP)
3rd Floor, Block A, Finance and Trade Centre,
P. O. Box No. 1293, Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Karachi 75200, Pakistan
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Tel: +92-21-99206487-90, +92-21-99201526
Fax: +92-21-99206461, +92-21-99201526
Email: tdap@tdap.gov.pk, farooque.memon@tdap.gov.pk
Website: www.tdap.gov.pk