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Govt Announces Protection Measures for Lower-Income Electricity Users

Islamabad: Minister for Energy Sardar Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari has announced government initiatives aimed at protecting lower-income electricity users from potential rate hikes. During a discussion on a private news channel, The minister addressed public concerns and clarified the structure of electricity tariffs.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Minister Leghari highlighted the tariff segmentation designed to support equitable financial impact across different consumer groups. Specifically, customers consuming less than 300 units of electricity will be charged 42 rupees per unit. Those using between 300 and 700 units will pay 54 rupees per unit, while consumption exceeding 700 units will incur a charge of 60 rupees per unit.

The government’s commitment is centered on ensuring that increases in electricity prices do not disproportionately affect those with limited financial resources.

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