Breaking News

Commerce Minister Jam Kamal Khan Spearheads Strategic Planning for Economic Growth

Islamabad, Federal Minister for Commerce, Jam Kamal Khan, led a strategic planning session on Wednesday, focusing on refining the government’s future direction within the commerce ministry. The session, which involved an in-depth in-house presentation, was dedicated to evaluating development areas and strategizing for upcoming initiatives. This exercise underscores the government’s dedication to boosting commerce and trade as pivotal engines for Pakistan’s economic prosperity.

According to Press Information Department, Minister Khan’s leadership in this review session spotlighted the critical role of strategic planning and collaborative efforts in seizing new opportunities and tackling existing challenges. The ministry’s concerted review aimed at aligning its actions with overarching objectives, preparing to convey its strategic proposals and findings to the Prime Minister.

Expressing optimism about the potential impact of these strategies, Minister Khan indicated that the upcoming presentation to the Prime Minister would highlight the government’s proactive approach to enhancing the nation’s commerce and trade landscape. This initiative reflects a significant stride towards reinforcing Pakistan’s economic framework and promoting sustainable growth and development.

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