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Mushal asks people around world to raise voice for IOK people

Islamabad, January 01, 2020 (PPI-OT): Mushal Malik, wife of the illegally detained Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Muhammad Yasin Malik, while terming the year 2019 as the deadliest year for the oppressed people of occupied Kashmir prayed that the year 2020 might prove as the year of hope, peace, dignity and respect for the people of the territory.

In her Twitter message on the advent of year 2020, Mushal Malik while greeting her listeners and the entire world happy new year hoped that 2020 might be the year of voice for the worst victims of the 2019, which was the darkest chapter in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. In the year 2019, she added, the fascist and extremist regime in India scrapped the Articles 370 and 35A depriving the people of Jammu and Kashmir of all rights including the right to property, right to live, right to breath and right to eat.

“People of Kashmir are still under siege for the past 149 days. For 19 week after August 5, no Friday prayers were allowed at Srinagar’s Jamia Masjid, no religious gatherings and Eid [Milad] or Muharram processions were allowed. All schools and colleges are empty as people can’t move. There is curfew everywhere,” she said. She added that her husband Muhammad Yasin Malik, who is a top leader of the freedom movement, is in a death cell [in Tihar jail], and all other leaders have also been arrested.

In her message, Mushal Malik urged people around the world to raise their voice for the humanity and for the oppressed people if they believe in equality, dignity and respect and want peace in the world ‘as this [South Asia] is the deadliest place with nuclear-ticking time bomb’.

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